pp 705 - 708 in: Order out of Chaos Author Jarvis, Charlie text 2007 The Linnean Society of London London Order out of Chaos: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types 705 708 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.250878 3d40e7ba-9d2d-42e2-ba46-6bca50fa8731 250878 Orchis coriophora Linnaeus , Species Plantarum 2: 940. 1753. “Habitat in Europae australioris pascuis.” RCN: 6811. Lectotype ( Baumann & al. in Mitteilungsbl. Arbeitskr. Heim. Orchid. B a d en - W ü rttem b erg 21: 514, Abb. 33. 1989): [icon] Tragorchis minor & verior, sive Coriosmites, vel Coriophora , flore instar cim iciu m m Plantin, Pi. Stirp. Icon.: 177. 1581. Current name: Orchis coriophora L. (Orchidaceae) . Note: Enayet Hossain & El-Gadi (in Jafri & El-Gadi, Fl. Libya 119: 25. 1985) indicated 1054.18 (LINN) as type. However, the material lacks a Species Plantarum number ( i . e . “6 ) and was a post- 1753 addition to the collection, and is not original material for the name.