The genus Paravelia Breddin, 1898 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae) in Brazil, with descriptions of eight new species Author Rodrigues, Higor D. D. Author Moreira, Felipe F. F. Author Nieser, Nico Author Chen, Ping Ping Author Melo, Alan L. Author Dias-Silva, Karina Author Giehl, Nubia F. S. text Zootaxa 2014 3784 1 1 47 journal article 36880 10.11646/zootaxa.3784.1.1 e2f7dc5c-3b6a-4a6d-9a27-25dc6e6625f0 1175-5326 285781 BF2D8D88-FADF-4CB4-8311-A523214A1292 Paravelia williamsi Hungerford, 1930 ( Figs 19 C–D, 20G) Velia williamsi Hungerford, 1930a : 25 . [Original description] Paravelia williamsi : Polhemus 1976 , 513. [New combination; checklist] Paravelia williamsi : Heckman 2011 , 229. [Identification key] Macropterous male. BL 5.80; HL 0.70; HW 1.20; ANT I 0.80, ANT II 0.70, ANT III 0.75, ANT IV 0.92; EYE 0.26; PL 2.05; PW 2.00; FORELEG: FEM 1.35, TIB 1.30, TAR I 0.10, TAR II 0.20, TAR III 0.36; MIDLEG: FEM 1.65, TIB 1.75, TAR I 0.11, TAR II 0.56, TAR III 0.46; HINDLEG: FEM 2.00, TIB 2.25, TAR I 0.12, TAR II 0.56, TAR III 0.46. Diagnosis. General body color brownish; acetabula, coxae, trochanters, and basal half of tibiae yellowish; remainder of legs brown. Forewing with a basal white macula starting from humeral angle and ending adjacent to posterior margin of pronotum; at apex a big oval white macula ( Fig. 19 C). Abdominal sternites centrally flattened in males and slightly flattened in females. Male with a pair of distinct projections on posterior margin of sternite VII ( Fig. 19 D) and proctiger with anterior elevation. Paramere elongated, slightly curved centrally, with a small notch on dorsal surface near base, and rounded apex ( Fig. 20 G). Discussion. The species was described only from the macropterous form in both sexes. Until now it was known only from the type-locality in Guyana , being herein recorded for the first time from Brazil . The only specimen examined was collected on a temporary pool in the middle of a trail in a “terra-firme” forest. Males of this species have projections on abdominal sternite VII (19D), and differ from other species with such structures by the maculae pattern of the forewings ( Fig. 19 C). Considering these other species, the apical macula can be smaller ( P. nieseri ), elongated ( P. basalis ), rounded ( P. confusa ), or oval in P. williamsi and P. truxali . However, the last two species can be easily differentiated by the coloration and shape of the posterior angle of pronotum, being orange and acuminated in P. truxali , and brownish and rounded in P. williamsi . Material examined. Brazil , Amazonas : 1 macropterous male ( INPA ), Manaus, Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve, pool in trail of Igarapé Acará, 0 5.III.2012 , (U.G. Neiss) [first record from Brazil ].