Taxonomic revision of the genus Glaucocharis Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Crambinae) from China, with descriptions of nine new species
Li, Weichun
Li, Houhun
journal article
Glaucocharis scrotiformis
sp. n.
Figs. 9
3, Mêdog (29°13ʹN, 95°18ʹE), Tibet,
1100 m
, leg. Xinpu Wang and Huaijun Xue, genitalia slide No. LWC07392.
: 1 3, 4 ƤƤ, same data as
; 1 Ƥ, Beibeng, Mêdog, Tibet,
780 m
, leg. Xinpu Wang and Huaijun Xue (
This species can be distinguished from its congeners by the unique characters in the genitalia. The valva is triangular, the costa bears a triangular protuberance at middle, the phallus consists of several long spinelike cornuti and many small spinelike cornuti arranged in U shape; the ductus bursae is sclerotized, and the corpus bursae is elongate baggy, about three times as long as ductus bursae in the female genitalia.
Adult (
Fig. 9
). Forewing length 4.5–5.0 mm. Frons and vertex white. Labial palpus yellowish white mixed with pale brown on outer side, third segment pale brown distally; white on inner side, third segment pale brown distally. Maxillary palpus pale brown, white distally. Antenna with dorsal surface yellowish white, ventral surface pale brown ciliated white. Patagium yellowish white mixed with pale brown. Tegula pale brown mixed with white, posterior margin with long white scales. Thorax white. Forewing sparsely covered with pale brown, mixed with pale yellow scales on basal area, densely covered with pale brown scales on anterior half between antemedian and postmedian lines; antemedian line orange yellow, with small angle outwards near costa, then oblique inwards, incurved at posterior one fourth; reniform stigmata double, black, small and rounded, anterior one connected with antemedian line; postmedian line pale yellow, lined with pale brown on inner side and with white on outer side, angled outwards at anterior one fourth, then dentate, parallell with termen, posterior one fourth S-shaped; subterminal line pale brown, anterior one fourth connected with postmedian line, posterior three fourths parallel with postmedian line; apex orange yellow, with small triangular white apical mark, edged with black on outer side; termen orange yellow, with three black marginal spots; fringe pale brown, blackish brown basally. Hindwing grayish white; fringe white, pale brown subbasally. Abdomen with two basal segments white, remaining segments pale brown except yellowish white on posterior margin.
FIGURES 20–22.
Female genitalia of
spp. 20.
G. brevis
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC07234; 21.
G. paulispinata
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC06347; 22.
G. siciformis
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC07138 (scales: 0.5 mm).
FIGURES 23–25.
Female genitalia of
spp. 23.
G. tridentata
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC06354; 24.
G. biconvexa
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC07139; 25.
G. scrotiformis
sp. n.
, paratype, genitalia slide No. LWC08266 (scales: 0.5 mm).
Male genitalia (
Fig. 18
). Uncus slender, downcurved, tapering to pointed apex. Gnathos broad, nearly as long as uncus, armed with tiny dentations on distal one third, blunt apically. Valva triangular, broad basally, narrowed to bluntly rounded apex. Costa with a triangular protuberance at middle, its dorsal margin well-sclerotized and produced to a small spine. Juxta ovate. Phallus straight, slightly longer than valva; cornuti consisting of several large spines and many small spines arranged in U shape.
Female genitalia (
Fig. 25
). Papilla analis narrow triangular, about half length of apophysis posterioris. Tergite eight about half as long as apophysis anterioris. Ductus bursae short, well-sclerotized, with longitudinal pleats and two protuberances, one protuberance thumb-like, another nearly semicircular. Ductus seminalis arising from between ductus bursae and corpus bursae. Corpus bursae elongate baggy, about three times as long as ductus bursae, anteriorly broadened; signum absent.
The specific name is derived from the Latin
= baggy, in reference to the shape of the corpus bursae in the female genitalia.