Soricidae Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Don E. Wilson text 2018 2018-07-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8 Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos 332 551 book chapter 978-84-16728-08-4 6870843 439. Nyika Mouse Shrew Myosorex gnoskei French: Musaraigne de Gnoske / German: Gnoske-Mausspitzmaus / Spanish: Musarana ratén de Nyika Other common names: Nyika Burrowing Shrew Taxonomy. Myosorex gnoskei Kerbis Peterhans et al., 2008 , 200 m north of the Chilinda Guest House within Nyika National Park , Malawi ( 10° 34’37”S , 33° 48’30”E , 2285 m ).” This species is monotypic. Distribution. Nyika National Park, N Malaw. Descriptive notes. Head-body 75 mm, tail 41 mm, ear 9 mm, hindfoot 14 mm; weight 8 g (one specimen). The Nyika Mouse Shrew is a relatively small species of mouse shrew. Dorsum dark grayish brown with a yellowish tinge; ventral pelage is grayish yellow. Feet are dark, and have short claws. Tail is moderate in length (52% of head-body length), thin, and noticeably bicolored, dark brown above, blond below. Skull is long, with a slender rostrum and a narrow braincase. M” is very long and heavily built. There are four unicuspids. Habitat. Recorded from shrub thickets and bracken fern along a shallow stream at about 2285 m in elevation. Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. No information. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Endangered on The IUCN Red List. The Nyika Mouse Shrew is only known from one specimen at the type locality. Bibliography. Engelbrektsson (2016e), Kerbis Peterhans, Hutterer et al. (2008).