Three new species of Aprusia (Araneae: Oonopidae) from Sri Lanka with a phylogenetic analysis of the genus Author Ranasinghe, U. G. S. L. Author Benjamin, Suresh P. text Journal of Natural History 2018 2018-03-27 52 11 - 12 713 738 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2018.1444803 1464-5262 4747000 40352A9B-F455-4F41-B293-FF57BACA2997 Aprusia vankhedei n. sp. ( Figures 5–7 ) Type material Holotype . 1 ♂ ( IFS _Oon_100): Sri Lanka : Kandy District , Udawattakele FR , 07°17ʹ57ʺN 80°38ʹ29ʺE , 580 m , 21 August 2012 , leg. S. P. Benjamin , litter. Deposited in ZFMK . Figure 5. Aprusia vankhedei n. sp . male from Udawattakele FR. (a) carapace, dorsal view; (b) sternum, ventral view; (c) carapace, lateral view; (d) carapace, posterior view; (e) abdomen dorsal view; (f) abdomen, ventral view. Scale bars = 0.2 mm. Paratypes . 1 ♂ ( IFS _Oon_101) and 6 ♀ ( IFS _Oon_102–107): same locality and data as holotype . Deposited in ZFMK . Other material examined. 1 ♂ ( IFS _ Oon _ 276) and 16 ♀ (169–181, 278–279, 301), 29 December 2011 , 24 April 2015 , N . Athukorala et al .; 8 June 2015 , Ranasinghe et al . All same locality as holotype . 1♀ ( IFS _ Oon _024): Sri Lanka , Dunumadalawa FR , 07°17ʹ00ʺN 80°37ʹ49ʺE , 600 m , 22 April 2010 , S . P. Benjamin and S. Batuwita. Deposited in ZFMK . Diagnosis Males resemble A. kerala in having a pale-coloured, stout bulb, a tiny conical projection and a sinuous embolus but differ in lacking a conductor, and having a membranous connection just below the embolus ( Figure 7 (b)). Females can be recognized by having a thick, sclerotized, procurved anterior margin of the postepigastric scutum and two semicircular sclerotized ridges lying close to the lateral apodemes ( Figures 6 (b), 7(d)). Figure 6. Aprusia vankhedei n. sp . female from Udawattakele FR. (a) habitus, dorsal view; (b) same, ventral view. The arrow in (b) points to the thick, procurved, sclerotized ridge of the postepigastric scutum. Scale bar = 0.5 mm (a, b). Description Male. Body length: 1.92. Cephalothorax as in Figure 5 (a), pars cephalica only slightly elevated ( Figure 5 (c)), surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica smooth, sides reticulate. Eyes; all eyes circular; ALE largest, PME subequal, ALE separated by less than their radius, ALE-PLE separated by less than ALE radius, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE-PME separate less than PME radius. Sternum longer than wide ( Figure 5 (b)), without radial furrows between coxae I–II, II–III, III–IV, surface smooth, with small hairs, continuous margin (see arrow in Figure 5 (b)), anterior margin concave, posterior margin extending posteriorly of coxae IV, distance between coxae I–II, II–III approximately equal, but distance between coxae III–IV greater than them. Figure 7. Aprusia vankhedei n. sp . from Udawattakele FR. Male: (a) left palp, prolateral view; (b) details of the distal part of the bulb. Female: (c) epigastric region, ventral view; (d) epigastric region, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ar, anterior receptaculum; cp, conical projection; em, embolus; lap, lateral apodemes; ss, semicircular ridges. Scale bars = 0.2 mm (a), 0.05 mm (b), 0.1 mm (c, d). Abdomen as in Figure 5 (e). Dorsal scutum sclerotized, pale orange, without colour pattern, covering about 3/4 of abdomen, more than 1/2 to most of abdomen width ( Figure 5 (e)), not fused to epigastric scutum. Postepigastric scutum sclerotized, pale orange, almost rectangular, covering about 3/4 of abdominal length, fused to epigastric scutum ( Figure 5 (f)). Two light brown patches located above the spinnerets ( Figure 5 (f)). Legs; strong spines on leg I and II present, leg I: femur, pv0–0–1–1–1–1; tibia, v2–2–2–2– 0; metatarsus v2–2–0; leg II: femur, pv0–0–0–1–1; tibia v2–2–2–2–0; metatarsus, v2–2–0 claw like setae present on legs III and IV. Genitalia. Sperm pore large, circular, situated at level of anterior spiracles ( Figure 5 (f)). Palp not strongly sclerotized femur two times as patella. Cymbium pale orange, completely fused with bulb, no seam visible, with distal patch of setae, distal part with a tiny conical projection ( Figure 7 (a)). Bulb stout, slightly tapering apically with small ventral concavity ( Figure 7 (a)), Embolus pale, slightly sinuous with membranous connection just below the embolus ( Figure 7 (b)). Conductor absent. Female. Body length: 2.10. As in male except as noted. Palp claws and spines absent, tarsus smooth. Posterior spiracles connected by groove. Dorsal scutum covering 1/4 of abdomen ( Figure 6 (a)). Postepigastric scutum only around epigastric furrow, not fused to epigastric scutum ( Figure 6 (b)). Genitalia. Ventral view: anterior margin of postepigastric scutum with a thick, procurved, sclerotized ridge (see arrow in Figure 6 (b)); a bracket-shaped, sclerotized, semicircular ridge on either side of the procurved ridge. Dorsal view: long anterior receptaculum, with a narrow lumen and a slightly widened tip, bracket-shaped, semicircular sclerotized ridge on either side of the procurved ridge, posteriorly directed lateral apodemes; apparently without posterior receptaculum ( Figure 7 (c), 7(d)). Etymology Named for Dr Ganesh Vankhede ( 17 August 1951 to 1 July 2016 ), friend, professor of zoology and former president of the Indian Society of Arachnology. Distribution Udawattakele FR, Dunumadalawa FR ( Figure 11 )