Diverse Fruits And Seeds Of The Mid-Eocene Kishenehn Formation, Northwestern Montana, Usa, And Their Implications For Biogeography Author Smith, MacKenzie A. Author Greenwalt, Dale E. Author Manchester, Steven R. text Fossil Imprint 2023 2023-11-07 79 1 37 88 http://dx.doi.org/10.37520/fi.2023.004 journal article 10.37520/fi.2023.004 2533-4069 10481035 Quadrasubulaflora kishenehnensis sp. nov. Text-fig. 12b–e P l a n t F o s s i l N a m e s R e g i s t r y. PFN003033 (for new species). E t y m o l o g y. The specific epithet is for the for the Kishenehn Formation. M a t e r i a l. USNM PAL 624649, 625447, 622695, 622402, 623987, 624154. H o l o t y p e. USNM PAL 625447, National Museum of Natural History, District of Columbia , USA , Text-fig. 12c . Ty p e h o r i z o n a n d t y p e l o c a l i t y. Spring Site in the Kishenehn Formation, ca. 44 Ma. O t h e r l o c a l i t i e s. Dakin, Dishbow Creek and Spring Sites. S p e c i f i c d i a g n o s i s. Flower square in cross section, elliptical in longitudinal section; pedicel slightly curved; awl-shaped and apices point outward with concave calyx lamina curving up to connect corners; hair-like projections protruding from near the axis. S i z e. Flower 1.5–2.2 mm diagonal cross section, each side 1.0– 1.5 mm long, 2.9–5.1 mm tall; pedicel 0.2–0.3 tall, basal corners of flower protrude outward 0.3–0.4 mm wide; hair like projections 0.5–0.8 mm long. D e s c r i p t i o n. Hair-like projections are in the same plane as the corners of the flower. R e m a r k s. Possible affinities for this structure are flowers or fruits in tribe Saniculeae and tribe Scandiceae subtribe Scandicinae in Apiaceae because of their shape, size and projections. PAL 722210 “KF1”. Scale bar 2 mm . g: USNM PAL 624877 KF2. Scale bar 1mm . h: USNM PAL 624832 KF3. Scale bar 2 mm . i: USNM PAL 768303 KF4. Scale bar 1 mm . j: USNM PAL 625629 KF4. Scale bar 3 mm . k: USNM PAL 624455 KF5. Scale bar 3 mm . l: USNM PAL 609598 KF6 seed. Scale bar 1 mm . m: USNM PAL 722298 KF7. Scale bar 1 mm . n: USNM PAL 625631 KF7. Scale bar 1 mm . o: USNM PAL 625736 KF8. Scale bar 2 mm . p: USNM PAL 625551 KF9 Scale bar 1 mm . q: USNM PAL 621685 KF9. Scale bar 1 mm . r: USNM PAL 620311 KF9. Scale bar 1 mm . s: USNM PAL 626216 KF9. Scale bar 1 mm . t: USNM PAL 625608 KF9. Scale bar 1mm .