Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. Author Smith, F. text Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 1857 2 42 88 journal article 2588 D09C3FFA-7EB5-4A2D-A55E-A3229619A2A2 2 . Myrmica pellucida . M. fusco-testacea; antennis pedibusque pallide testaceis, abdomine pellucido. Worker, Length 1 1/4 line. Head and thorax dark fusco-testaceous; antennae and legs pale testaceous, nearly white; the divisions of the thorax distinctly marked, that between the meso- and meta-thorax rather deeply impressed; the abdomen of a transparent pale testaceous colour; the metathorax not spined. Hab. Singapore. Mr. Wallace, on a ticket attached to specimens of this insect, says, " House-ant: transparent abdomen: very active, but not destructive."