Bombardier beetles of the genus Pheropsophus Solier 1833 (Carabidae: Brachininae: Brachinini) from Indian subcontinent Author Venugopal, Akhil S. Author Thomas, Sabu K. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-17 4608 1 65 89 journal article 21232 10.11646/zootaxa.4608.1.3 c4d067fa-4c56-4248-8084-caf4dd1eea21 1175-5326 3993611 3540218C-34FA-4D91-925A-3E89C6C3A7C1 Pheropsophus catoirei ( DEJEAN, 1825 ) ( Fig. 1 E ) Brachinus catoirei Dejean, 1825: 301 ; Putzeys, 1875: 45 ; Bates, 1891a: 10 (suppl.); 1892b: 391; Arrow, 1901: 202 ; Andrewes, 1924a: 55 ; 1930: 271 ; Mani, 1955: 486 ; Jedlička, 1963: 529 ; Saha and Halder, 2000: 34 ; Hrdlička, 2017: 479 ; Ullah et al. , 2017: 179 . Specimens examined (n=1) : Holotype (by monotypy), labelled “ catoirei . in Bengalia, G.J. Arrow vidit 1901, ‘ Ex. Musaeo Chaudoir’ ”; type in MNHN Description. Length: 10.0–18.0 mm; TW: 6.8 mm Colour: Head, pronotum, reddish brown without spots; elytra black; apex of antennae and legs pale red; eyes greyish; legs with coxa, trochanter, tibia and femur light reddish yellow; apex of the femur dark brown; 1 st tarsomere reddish yellow in middle with dark reddish brown margins; rest dark reddish brown; claws brownish black; venter brownish black with underside of head reddish yellow including the mouth parts and palpi; prosternum brownish black with a reddish yellow patch in the middle; metasternum brownish black. Head: Small, narrow Pronotum: Convex, broader anteriorly, narrowed posteriorly; apical and basal margins straight; lateral bead faint; disc scarcely punctuate; deep median furrow. Elytra: Elongated, narrow; subparallel; median transverse bands narrow, with few serrations along edges; apex wider with narrow yellow apical band extending anteriorly along the striations. Venter: Abdomen pubescent, covered with brownish yellow hairs. Geographical distribution. INDIA : Bengal ( Dejean 1825 ); Arunachal Pradesh ( Hrdlička 2017 ); Sikkim ( Hrdlička 2017 ); Meghalaya : Garo ( Saha and Halder 2000 ); Assam ; Himachal Pradesh : Bajaura (Kangra distr.) (An- drewes 1924a). Kulu (Naggar and Mandi). Nalagar. Spiti (Gharry) ( Andrewes 1924a ); Uttar Pradesh : Dahora ( Andrewes 1924a ); Kashmir: Balta ( Andrewes 1930 ); Andaman Is ( Andrewes 1924a ); BANGLADESH : Dhaka ( Arrow 1901 ); IRAN ( Hrdlička 2017 ); AFGHANISTAN ( Hrdlička 2017 ); PAKISTAN : Sind and the Khyber Pass ( Ullah et al. 2017 ); SRI LANKA ( Andrewes 1930 ); MYANMAR ( Andrewes 1930 ); NEPAL ( Hrdlička 2017 ); BHUTAN ( Hrdlička 2017 ). Remarks. Morphologically similar to P. hilaris . Differs by elongated body; absence of spots on pronotum and presence of larger elytral humeral spots.