Revision of the Neotropical subgenera Coelioxys (Platycoelioxys) Mitchell and C. (Rhinocoelioxys) Mitchell (Hymenoptera; Megachilidae) with the description of one new species Author Filho, Léo Correia Da Rocha Author Packer, Laurence text Zootaxa 2015 3941 2 151 203 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3941.2.1 87440be5-a5dc-45e0-89f5-d0cbb513178c 1175-5326 243416 EADB0C53-EE0E-45CF-8E21-59143C5EC389 Coelioxys ( Platycoelioxys ) alatiformis Friese ( Figs 19 A–I, 20A–D, 21) Coelioxys alatiformis Friese, 1921 : 458 . Coelioxys pachyceps Friese, 1921 : 474 . syn . nov . Coelioxys spatuliventer Cockerell, 1927 : 11 . Diagnosis . The most distinctive and unique character of C . alatiformis is the greatly spatulate S 5 in females. Also S6 is elongate and notched apically with three minute tubercles at the tip, a characteristic not found in other South American Coelioxys . Males can be recognized by the combination of small elliptical foveae covered with minute hairs on T2, the very small, inconspicuous and circular fovea on T3 and the shallow and hirsute hypostomal concavity. Redescription. Female . (BBSL). “ COSTA RICA Guan., Finca Montezuma, 3 km , SE Rio Naranjo, 18–22 Jan.93 F. Parker”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL179692”. Measurements . Body length: 5.63 mm ; forewing length: 4.06 mm ; head width: 1.56 mm . Coloration . Black except as follows: Antenna, sterna dark brown; tegula yellowish to light brown; legs reddish; wings subhyaline; veins brown. Pubescence . Pale, subappressed on: Paraocular area, gena, mandible basally, labrum, complete transverse fascia on anterior margin of mesoscutum, mesosoma, legs, basal fascia of T1, apical fasciae of sterna, lateral sulcus of T6. Ocular hairs pale, short (about 0.07 mm ). Supraclypeal area, clypeus densely covered with appressed yellowish hairs. Apical margin of clypeus covered with fringe of yellowish hairs. Scattered erect, slender, yellowish setae on mandible medially. Slender, subappressed, yellowish setae arising from punctures on mesoscutum. Thick yellow setae on tarsi. T2–T5 apical fasciae composed of appressed, plumose, whitish hairs. The expanded surface of S5 pruinose, covered with minute, tiny, appressed, greyish hairs. Lateral margins of S6 with some minute, erect, yellowish setae. Surface sculpture . Ocellar area not densely punctate; vertex moderately densely punctate, interspaces among punctures larger than the puncture diameter; mesoscutum, mesepisternum sculptured, punctures on disc of mesoscutum larger towards the sides, elliptical; mesoscutellum coarsely, densely punctate, dorso-median ridge nearly impunctate; axilla coarsely, densely punctate; T1 moderately densely punctate, interspaces among punctures shining, larger than the puncture diameter; pregradular areas of T2–T5 moderately densely punctate, interspaces shining, smooth; postgradular areas of T2–T5 sparsely punctate, interspaces shining, larger than the puncture diameter, T6 densely punctate, punctures smaller, well separated basally, apical area densely punctate; S1 densely punctate; postgradular areas of S2–S4 moderately densely punctate basally, sparsely towards apex, postgradular area of S5 sparsely punctate basally, densely punctate at the expanded area towards the apex, punctures minute. Structure . Clypeus flat, with two median ridges separating three shallow pits, two laterally, one medially. Apical margin of clypeus straight, nearly truncate. Mesoscutellum nearly truncate posteriorly, with discrete dorsomedian ridge medially. Axilla long, acute. T6 broadly rounded apically, deeply sulcate laterally. Dorso-median line of T6 obsolescent except forming indistinct discrete ridge apically with depressions lateral to the indistinct ridge shallow, obsolescent. S5 broad, elongate, expanded apically, the lateral margins nearly parallel to the apex, which is broadly rounded. The surface of S5 is flat, concave apically. S6 elongate, enclosed by both T6 and S5. Lateral margins of S6 expanded, flat, straight marginally, with two small notches apically. The tip with two rounded expansions laterally to the apex, then with a tri-tuberculate shape. Hemitergite 7 much longer than wide, area subtended by the marginal ridge narrow; apodemal region greatly produced anteriorly; lateral process reduced; spiracle close to apical margin of lamina spiracularis; lateral lamella wider than lamina spicularis. Dorsal arm of furcula long. Gonostylus subacute apically. Male . (BBSL). “ COSTA RICA Guan., EJN 14kmS Cañas, 1–22 Oct. 1991 , F. D. Parker”. “ Coelioxys cf. spatuliventer , Det. L. Correia da Rocha, Filho 2013, BBSL878150”. Measurements . Body length: 5.21 mm ; forewing length: 3.75 mm ; head width: 1.77 mm . Coloration . As in female. Pubescence . As in female except as follows: Face densely covered with yellowish hairs, hypostomal concavity covered with erect white hairs, posteromargin of hypostomal concavity with long, curved, white hairs that gradually become longer towards the ventral surface. T2–T5 with broadly interrupted white fasciae medially, gradular grooves of T4–T5 inconspicuously fasciate, bare on T2, T6 and usually on T3. Foveae on T2–T3 covered with minute whitish hairs. S5 disc covered with slender, white, subappressed, centrally oriented setae. FIGURE 19 . Coelioxys alatiformis . Female ( A–E ): A . Lateral view, B . Frontal view of head, C . Dorsal view of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, D . Dorsal view of T6 and S6, E . Ventral view of S5. Male ( F–I ): F . Lateral view, G . Lateral view of head and mesosoma, H . Dorsal view of T2 and T3, I . Ventral view of S4 and S5. (Scale bar = 1.5 mm). Surface sculpture . As in female except as follows: Ocellar area densely punctate; postgradular areas of T2 with shallow, elliptical fovea, same in T3 but the fovea is very small, inconspicuous, circular; T6 punctate at base, lateral surfaces, dorsal-median excavation densely punctate, dorsal ridges sparsely punctate; postgradular area of S5 densely punctate. Structure . As in female except as follows: Hypostomal concavity shallow, discrete, shorter than half length of compound eye. Spine-like processes of T5 separated from the surface of the tergum apically. Lateral processes of T6 long, acute, slightly divergent; dorsal processes short, narrow, rounded apically; ventral processes long, acute. Apical margin of T7 semicircular, not produced, rounded apically. Apical margin of S4 simple, bare medially. Apical rim of S4 slightly bare medially, slightly emarginate. Apical margin of S5 simple, gradulus slightly angulate towards base. Gradulus of S6 indistinct, nearly reaching basal margin, pregradular areas narrow, elongate, weakly sclerotized on inner margins, strongly sclerotized along outer margins, mainly at apical half, which is produced, pointed, outer margins narrowly acute at base, postgradular area slightly sclerotized medially as the inner margins of pregradular areas, basal membranous lip rounded. Apical margin of S6 setose, setae long, scattered through the margin and medially. S7 obsolescent, represented by two small sclerites. S8 broadly acute basally. Apex of gonocoxa with some long setae, narrowly slender, longer than penis valve in length. Variation . In some females, S5 is slightly emarginate apically and legs are dark brown. Comments . Mitchell (1973) provided a detailed description of both sexes of this species (cited as C . spatuliventer ). The greatly spatulate S 5 in females was highlighted by Friese (1921) when describing a female of C . alatiformis and he compared it to the Palearctic species Coelioxys ( Boreocoelioxys ) alata Förster , in which the S5 is also expanded towards the apex. Subsequently, Cockerell (1927) described a female of C . spatuliventer and mentioned that this species could be nearest to C . alatiformis based on the shape of S5. In Moure et al . (2012) catalogue and EOL (2014), C . spatuliventer is considered a junior synonym of C . alatiformis but no comment or reference is given in either. Furthermore, Ascher & Pickering (2014) do not list the name C . spatuliventer in the genus; C . alatiformis is the only species recognized in the subgenus C . ( Platycoelioxys ), but no formal synonymy is provided. Hence, the synonymy of C . spatuliventer with C . alatiformis is published herein. Additionally, C . pachyceps Friese is also considered a junior synonym of C . alatiformis . FIGURE 20 . Coelioxys alatiformis . Male genitalia and associated sterna ( A–D ). A . S5 (Scale bar = 1.5mm), B . S6, C . S8, D . Genitalia. (Scale bar = 1.0mm). Floral Records . Bidens pilosa L. ( Asteraceae ), Lythrum sp. ( Lythraceae ) ( Mitchell, 1973 ); Forsteronia spicata (Jacq.) G. Mey. (Apocynaceae) (data from the labels). Host Records . The only known host record is provided by Gazola & Garófalo (2009) who mentioned that Megachile neoxanthoptera nests are attacked by C . alatiformis . Geographical Distribution . Argentina (Misiones), Bolivia (Beni, La Paz), Brazil (Amapá, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Pará, São Paulo, Santa Catarina), Colombia (Arauca, Magdalena, Meta, Valle de Cauca), Costa Rica (Alajuela, Guanacaste), Guyana (Potaro-Siparuni), Mexico (Quintana-Roo, San Luís Potosí, Veracruz), Peru (Huánuco, Junín, Madre de Dios), Trinidad & Tobago (Arima, Saint George) ( Fig. 21 ). Material examined. Holotype . Coelioxys alatiformis . BRAZIL . Pará . 1 female ( ZMB ). “ Brasil , Pará, 10.6.1901 , Ducke”. “ Coelioxys alatiformis , 1913 Friese Fr. det.”. “ Type ”. “ Holotypus ”. “Zool. Mus., Berlin”. Holotype . Coelioxys pachyceps . BRAZIL . Pará . 1 male ( ZMB ). “Almeirim, 8.4.1903 , Ducke”. “ Coelioxys pachyceps , 1910 Friese F. det.”. “ Type ”. “ Holotypus ”. “Zool. Mus., Berlin”. Holotype . Coelioxys spatuliventer . BOLIVIA . Beni . 1 female ( USNM ). “Ivon Beni, Bolivia , WMMann”. “February”. “Mulford, Bio Expl, 1921-22 ”. “ Type No., 29083, U.S. N.M.”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Ckll. TYPE ”. “ USNM ENT , 00536911”. FIGURE 21 . Distribution records for Coelioxys alatiformis . Additional material: ARGENTINA . Misiones . 1 female ( PCYU ). “ Argentina : Misiones, Iguazu National Park, S 25 40.699’ W 054 26.945’, Sweep 25.xi.2007 , Col: A. Taylor ANT: 286”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , det. T Griswold”. BOLIVIA . ? 1 male ( ZMB ). “0. Bolivia , [Illegible], 4. 1907”. 1 male ( SEMC ). “ BOLIVIA , 1956”. “ UK ”. “ Platycoelioxys , as det. 1982 in , T. B. Mitchell, Collection”. “ SEMC 1177001, KUNHM-ENT”. Beni . 1 male ( SEMC ). “BOLIVIA-Beni, Rur-, renabaque, 175 mts., 17 October 1956 , (L. Peña)”. “ UK ”. “ Platycoelioxys , as det. 1982 in , T. B. Mitchell, Collection”. “ SEMC 1176999, KUNHM-ENT”. 1 male ( SEMC ). Idem, except “ret.1”, “1177000”. La Paz . 4 males ( AMNH ). “BOLIVIA-GUANAY, Uyapi - X.95 , Gerlach”. 1 male ( AMNH ). “ BOLIVIA , La Paz:, Guanay, 10-XI-1992 , Luis Peña”. 1 male ( AMNH ). “ BOLIVIA : La Paz, Guanay, Tres Esteros, 19-25 Aug , 1989, Luis Peña”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ BOLIVIA : La Paz, 20kmS Canari [sic] (=Caranavi), San Silvestrio [sic] (=Silverio), 21 Mar 2001 F.D Parker”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL 477649”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “479346”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “666722”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ BOLIVIA : La Paz, 5 km W Mapiri, 16/18 March , 2001 F.D Parker”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL 466143”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ BOLIVIA : La Paz, Carnavi, IX-23-66 , JSBallard”. “Boh”. “ Platycoel .”. “as det. 1982 in , T.B. Mitchell, collection”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , T Griswold det 88”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL 224497”. BRAZIL . Amapá . 1 male ( BMNH ). “Serra do Navio-AP, Brasil 7-II-62 , F.M. Oliveira”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll. , det. Mitch.”. Goiás . 1 female ( AMNH ). “ BRAZIL , Goiaz: Jatai, Nov. 1972 , F.M. Oliveira”. “ Coelioxys ( Platycoelioxys ) alatiformis Friese , det. J.S. Ascher”. “ AMNH _ ENT , AMNH _ ENT 00013653”. Mato Grosso . 1 male ( BBSL ). “Chapada, Brazil , Acc No.2956”. “Jan”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , T Griswold det 89”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL 224498”. 1 male ( ANSP ). “May”. “Chapada”. “ ANSP ”. “ Platycoelioxys , as det. 1982 in , T.B. Mitchell, collection”. 1 male ( ANSP ). Idem, except “Jan”. Pará . 1 male ( ZMB ). “Pará, 1.12.99 , Ducke”. “ Coelioxys crassiceps , 1913 Friese Fr. det.”. 1 male ( ZMB ). “ Brasil , Para, 5. 7 1902 , Ducke”. 1 male ( ZMB ). “ Brasil , Para, 9. 5. 1901 , Ducke”. “ Coelioxys crassiceps , 1913 Friese Fr. det.”. São Paulo . 1 female ( CAVS ). “Reserva Ecológica, PEDREGULHO-SP-Br., 14ºP, 18.III.1991 ”. “Garófalo, Camillo, Serrano, leg.”. “39”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll., T Griswold det”. 1 male ( CAVS ). Idem, except “p. 47 g ., 14.I.1991 ”, “32”. Santa Catarina . 1 male ( USNM ). “St. Catharina, Brazil ”. COLOMBIA . Arauca . 1 female ( BMNH ). “ COLOMBIA : Arauca, Tame. 1–7.vii.1976 , M. Cooper, B.M. 1976-727”. Magdalena . 1 female ( BMNH ). “ COLOMBIA : Magd., N. Sierra Nevada de S., Marta , Rio Buritaca, 100 m . 14.ii.1974 , M. Cooper, B.M. 1974-205”. Meta . 1 female ( BMNH ). “ COLOMBIA : Meta, Cord. Macarena, 15–28.ii.1976 , M. Cooper, B.M. 1976-305”. Valle del Cauca . 1 female ( SEMC ). “ COLOMBIA : Prov. Valle, Rio Anchicaya, 400m . , 10 Feb. 1977 . M.D., Breed & C.D. Michener”. “ SEMC 1177471, KUNHM-ENT”. COSTA RICA . Alajuela . 1 female ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA , Alaj. Bijagua, 1/ 12-Aug-1990 , F.D. Parker”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 259”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “15/ 18-Jul-1990 ”, “000 0 13 260”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “16/ 23-Aug- 1990 ”, “000 0 13 261”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Ckll. , det T Griswold 91”. 1 male ( BBSL ) “ COSTA RICA , Alaj. Bijagua, 1/ 12-Aug-1990 , F. D. Parker”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 250”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “000 0 13 251”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “000 0 13 252”. 1 male ( BBSL ) “ COSTA RICA , Alaj. Bijagua, 15/ 18-Jul-1990 , F. D. Parker”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 253”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “000 0 13 254”. Guanacaste . 1 female ( SEMC ). “ COSTA RICA Guante., EJN 14 km S Cañas, 30-Sep-1989 , F. D. Parker”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll. , det. TGriswold”. “ SEMC 1176998, KUNHM-ENT”. 1 female ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA GUAN ., EJN 14 kmS Cañas, 14/ 15-Oct-1989 , F.D. Parker”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 257”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 1/15 Sep- 1990”. “000 0 13 258”, “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Ckll. , det T Griswold 91”. 1 female ( BBSL ). “ O .T.S. Ecosyst Analysis Specimen#, 17282”. “C. RICA: 4 mi NW, Canas [sic] (=Cañas), La Pacifica, Guan. V 23.30–72, P.A. Opler Collr., Forsteronia spicata ”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 256”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Ckll. , det T Griswold 88”. 1 female ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., Finca Montezuma, 3 km , SE Rio Naranjo, 1–3, Jun 1992 F. Parker”. “Native Bee Survey, BBSL Bee Lab, Logan, Utah, USA , BBSL 179691”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 18–22 Jan. ‘93”, “179692”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 16–31 Aug 1993 ”, “179693”. 1 female ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 15–20 Oct 1991 ”, “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll., T Griswold det”, “179690”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., 3km SE R. Naranjo, Reared, F.D. Parker”. “ Coelioxys sp., Det. L. Correia da Rocha, Filho 2013, BBSL 878137”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “878138”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “878139”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., Finca Montezuma 5/26- 5/31/93 Reared in trap nests FD Parker”. “ Coelioxys clypeata Smith 1879 , Det. L. Correia da Rocha, Filho 2013, BBSL 878143”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., Finca Montezuma, 3km , SE Rio Naranjo, 6-29, May 1992 F. Parker”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Det. L. Correia da Rocha, Filho 2013, BBSL 878153”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., EJN 14kmS Cañas, 20-26 Sep. 1990 , F. D. Parker”. “BBSL-ARS BeeBiol., & Syst. Lab, Logan, Utah, FaunalSurvey, No. 0 0 0 0 13 247”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “20/ 26-Sep-90 ”, “000 0 13 248”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 30-Sep-1989 ”, “000 0 13 245”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 17-Sep-1989 ”, “000 0 13 246”. 1 male ( BBSL ). Idem, except “ 20–26 Sep. 1990 ”, “000 0 13 249”,“ Coelioxys spatuliventer , Ckll. , det T Griswold 91”. 1 male ( BBSL ). “ COSTA RICA Guan., EJN 14 kmS Cañas, 1–22 Oct. 1991 , F. D. Parker”. “ Coelioxys cf. spatuliventer , Det. L. Correia da Rocha, Filho 2013, BBSL 878150”. GUYANA . Potaro-Siparuni . 1 female ( BMNH ). “Tuhait trail, KAIETEUR:, High Forest., 1.ix.1937 .”. “ BRITISH GUIANA :, Coll. Richards, & Smart., R.M. 1937-776.”. MEXICO . Quintana-Roo . 1 female ( USNM ). “ MEXICO : Quinta Roo, 12 km W of Reforma, 14 October 1986 , R. J. McGinley”. San Luís Potosí . 1 male ( SEMC ). “ MEXICO San Luís, Potosí, El Salto, 8 June 1961 1800’, U. Kans. Mex . Exped.”. “on flowers of, Lythrum ”. “ UK ”. “ Platycoelioxys , as det. 1982 in , T. B. Mitchell, Collection”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll. , det. TGriswold88”. “SM0429599, KUNHM-ENT”. Veracruz . 1 male ( EMEC ). “ MEX : Veracruz, Est. Biol. Los, Tuxtlas IV-17/21 -89 JChemsak”. “ UC Berkeley, EMEC 734206”. PERU . Huánuco . 1 male ( SEMC ). “ PERU : Huanuco Dept., Tingo Maria-Monzon Rd., S of Agua Blanca, 1000 m , 9°17’30”S , 76°4’48”W , 12–13 OCT 1999 ; R. Brooks, PERU 1B99 013B”. “SM0147198, KUNHM-ENT”. 1 male ( SEMC ). Idem, except “0147199”. Junín . 1 male ( PCYU ). “ PERU , Junin Chanchamayo, Bayoz Waterfalls 705m , 10.85421ºS 75.11022ºW , 27.vii.2009 Packer/Rivera, PCYU PER 09-20-2 -013”. “CCDB-03752 G02”. “ Coelioxys ( Glyptocoelioxys ) sp., det. T. Griswold”. Madre de Dios . 1 male ( SEMC ). “ PERU : Madre de Dios, Pakitza Bio. Stn., Reserved Zone, Manu National Park, 317 m , 11°56’4”S , 71°17’0”W , 16 OCT 2000 , R. Brooks, PERU 1B00 0 0 8, ex: wet area near stream”. “SM0256138, KUNHM-ENT”. 1 male ( SEMC ). Idem, except “0256646”. 1 male ( SEMC ). Idem, except “0256197”. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO . Arima . 1 female ( AMNH ). “W.I., Trinidad : Arima Valley, St. Andrews Trace, July 16, 1981 , R. Mendez”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll., T Griswold det.89”. “ Coelioxys ( Platycoelioxys ) alatiformis Friese , det. J.S. Ascher”. “ AMNH _ ENT , AMNH _ ENT 00013654”. Saint George . 1 female ( BMNH ). “ TRINIDAD , Guanapo Rd., on Bidens ”. “T.B. Mitchell, Feb. 17. 1966 ”. “ Coelioxys spatuliventer Ckll. , det. Mitch.”.