Cantharis zapatai nom. nov., an overlooked species of Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758 from Central Spain (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) Author Valenzuela, Enrique C / Real 23, 2 ºZ, 33790, Puerto de Vega, Asturias, Spain Author Baena, Manuel Plaza Flor del Olivo, 4, bl. 7, 1 B, 14001, Córdoba, Spain text Zootaxa 2024 2024-03-27 5432 1 121 132 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5432.1.9 1175-5326 10898594 240DE3B3-662F-4391-8944-34F0413C97B4 Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. ( Figs. 1C , 2A, B and 3A–E ) = Cantharis schrammi Pic, 1918: 22 ( a junior homonym of C . paulinoi var. schrammi Pic, 1907 , Figs. 1A, B ) Nomenclatural decision. The new name is proposed to solve the primary homonymy of C. paulinoi var. schrammi Pic, 1907 and C. schrammi Pic, 1918 . Diagnosis The head, pronotum, and elytra are yellowish. The head has a black spot on the vertex. The disk of the pronotum shows a black inverted “w” shaped spot. The antennae, palpi, legs, and scutellum are completely black. No other species is similar in coloration. FIGURE 1. Cantharis paulinoi var. schrammi , syntype A—general appearance dorsal view, author: MNHN/Christophe Rivier; B—labels, author: MNHN/Christophe Rivier; Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. , lectotype, C—general appearance and labels. FIGURE 2. Cantharis zapatai nom. nov. , lectotype. A—pronotum dorsal view, B—general appearance ventral view. Redescription of the male Body length: 11.96 mm . Head only weakly shining, orange with a diffuse and irregular black spot occupying anterior middle part up to insertion of antennae; two small irregular black spots on vertex; ventrally, and behind eyes black. Palps black. Antennae black and relatively long, reaching distal fourth elytral quarter but not exceeding apex. Third antennomere 1.95 times longer than second, rest of similar size, but progressively increasing in length, last one clearly longer than previous. Pronotum ( Fig. 3D ) slightly transverse (length/width ratio 0.86). Anterior edge semicircular, lateral edges straight but not parallel, posterior edge straight. Maximum width of pronotum situated at level of anterior corners that are rounded. Scutellum black. Elytra orange with rough surface. Its length 4.1 times length of pronotum and 3 times width of elytral width combined. Pubescence of same colour as elytra. Legs black. Tibiae, especially the hind, slightly arcuate. Abdomen with orange sternites provided with two lateral rows of subcircular dark spots on segments III–VII ( Fig. 3B ). Aedeagus ( Figs. 4A–C ); apical edge of basal plate broad and shallowly concave. Parameres extend beyond apical edge of e basal plate and their tips of finger-like shape. Laterophysis not exceeding upper edge of basal plate, a little thicker than parameres and with his tip with curved beak shape. Description of the female ( Fig. 3C ) Body length 12.14 mm . Similar coloration as male. Head with a Y-shaped posterior black spot. Antennae short, not reaching elytral half directed backwards; third antennomere 1,66 times larger than second; remaining antennomeres of similar length or slightly longer than third. Pronotum transverse, ratio length/width 0.79; sides rounded and maximum width in the middle. Two darkened small medium spots in disc and medium small elongated dark spot ( Fig. 3E ). Elytra 4.34 times length of pronotum and 2.57 times width of both elytra. Eighth sternite as in Fig. 4D . Type material. Type series. Lectotype (here designated), the labels, and the habitus of the specimen are show in the Figs. 1C , 2A, B : 1♂ , Cáceres, Sierra de Guadalupe , May 1904 , G. Schramm leg. Deposited in coll. Pic in Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle in Paris ( MNHN ). Other material studied: 1 ♂ , Spain : Toledo , Puerto del Milagro , 16-IV-1988, José Luis Zapata de la Vega leg. Deposited in the collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid with registration number MNCN Ent 364340 . 1 ♀ , Ciudad Real , Fuencaliente , Fuente del Almirez , April. Fernández Carrillo leg., flying in the forest. Deposited in the collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid with registration number MNCN Ent 364341. Etymology The new species is named in honour of José Luis Zapata who collected the new material that initiated this work.