Reconsideration of the apterous carventine genus Crassocoris and description of Paracrassocoris gen. nov. from China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aradidae) Author Bai, Xiaoshuan Author Heiss, Ernst Author Cai, Wanzhi text Zootaxa 2018 2018-08-03 4455 3 537 546 journal article 29083 10.11646/zootaxa.4455.3.9 2af5b78d-ef37-4561-9ff6-3fac4a7e320c 1175-5326 1457527 069C2C8C-4FE8-4756-8413-B479BDCE41F9 Crassocoris hsiaoi Bai, Heiss & Cai, 2007 ( Figs. 1–17 ) Type material. Holotype ( ): China , Hainan , Baisha , Yinggeling , 1050 m , 10.ix.2005 , leg. L.S. Chen ( IMNU ). Other material examined. ( ) China , Hainan , Baisha , Yinggeling , 1200 m , 23.x.2007 , leg. W.J. Zhang ; ( ) China , Hainan , Jianfengling , Nanya , 644 m , 22.viii.2007 , leg. X.S. Bai ; ( ) China , Hainan , Baisha , Yinggeling , 1200 m , 23.x.2007 , leg. W.J. Zhang ; ( 2♀♀ ) China , Hainan , Jianfengling , Tianchi , 810 m , 16.viii.2007 , leg. Bai & Zhang ( IMNU , CEHI ); ( ) Baisha, Yinggeling, 950 m , 2.viii.2007 , leg. X.S. Bai ( CEHI ). Redescription of female holotype . Head. Longer than wide across eyes (1.27/1.0); genae slightly notched anteriorly, nearly reaching basal half of first antennal segment; clypeus strongly raised anteriorly, with tubercle near apex; antenniferous tubercles short, dilated, apices acute; antennae 2.4 times as long as width of head across eyes, length of antennal segments I to IV= 0.77/0.37/0.83/0.43; eyes small, convex; postocular tubercles small and not reaching outer margin of eyes, postocular borders constricted posteriorly; vertex with Y-shaped granulate carinae flanked by a pair of large, ovate infraocular callosities; rostrum short, rostral groove narrow, deep, closed posteriorly. Pronotum. 2.61 times as wide as long (1.57/0.6), subrectangular; collar narrow; anterolateral angles not produced; disc with median sulcus, flanked by a pair of subtriangular plates which meet at anterior margin; laterad of plates disc with a pair of oval structures, conical tubercles and granulate carinae; posterior margin of pronotum slightly convex, separated from mesonotum by a deep furrow. Mesonotum. Wider than pronotum (2.17/1.57); separated from metanotum by a pair of very deep furrows laterally; across meso- and metanotum extends medially an elongate ridge with a longitudinal sulcus, constricted at the level of fusion line of meso-metanotum; laterad of median ridge disc with oval longitudinally carinate sclerites; posterolateral angles lobulately produced. Metanotum and mtg I+II. Wider than mesonotum (2.73/2.23); median ridge flanked by a pair of deep oval depressions, laterad of depressions with two pairs of longitudinal sclerites, further laterad with high granulate carinae; posterolateral angles rounded; mtg I with a pair of high transverse ridges, separated medially by a posteriorly, on mtg II widening deep depression with an inverted Y-shaped carina; laterad of ridges with a pair of triangular deep depressions; mtg II wide, sloping posteriorly and sideways, posterior margins carinate. FIGURES 1–4. Crassocoris hsiaoi Bai, Heiss & Cai, 2007 . 1–2, holotype female; 3–4, male. 1, 3, dorsal view; 2, 4, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. FIGURES 5–17. Crassocoris hsiaoi Bai, Heiss & Cai, 2007 . 5–12, different body parts; 13–14, pygophore in dorsal and lateral views; 15–17, right paramere. 5, 6, 8, 9, holotype female; 7, 10, 11, 12, male; 5, 7, 8, 10, dorsal view; 6, 9, 11, 12, ventral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm for 5–14; 0.1 mm for 15–17. Abdomen. Tergal plate consisting of mtg III–VI; anterior margin slightly produced medially, posterior margin straight, lateral borders slightly rounded; median elevation narrow and constricted on mtg III, strongly elevated on mtg IV, tapering posteriorly to mtg V–VI; dorsal scent gland openings discernible; surface laterad of median ridge with the usual pattern of large and small callous spots; deltg II–III completely fused, deltg IV–VII separated by fine sulci, the posterolateral angles formed by the dorsally reflexed vltg II–VII progressively protruding and bearing visible spiracles V–VII; ptg VIII clavate reaching basal four-fifth of segment IX. Venter. Pro-, meso- and metasternum fused and flattened medially with a pit-like round impression, sterna III to VI raised along posterior margin, depressed along anterior margin, with triangular smooth spots medially, flanked by a pair of large, transversely ovate shallow depressions, these bearing a pair of round callous spots; more laterad two pairs of smaller round callous spots; spiracles II to IV ventral, V to VII lateral and visible from above, VIII terminal. Legs. Slender, preapical comb on fore tibia present, claws with fine pulvilli. FIGURES 18–23. Paramorphocoris henanensis Bai & Heiss, 2015 , (18–22) and Morphocoris thailandicus (Kormilev, 1977) , (23). 18, 19, 21,23, dorsal view, 20, 22, ventral view. Scale bars = 1 mm for 18, 20; 0.5 mm for 19, 21, 22, 23. Male. Morphological features as of female, but of smaller size; head longer than width across eyes (1.07/0.87); length of antennal segments I to IV= 0.73/0.33/0.8/0.37; pronotum wider than long (1.33/0.5); width of mesonotum 1.8; width of metanotum 2.26; mtg VII strongly elevated posteriorly; posterolateral angles of deltg VII triangularly produced, vltg VII laterally with a glabrous round tubercle between spiracle VII and suture deltg VI–VII which is visible from above; ptg VIII clavate, shorter than cordate posteriorly elongated pygophore ( Figs. 13, 14 ). Measurements [ in mm, (n=2) / (n=3), holotype in parentheses ] . Body length 5.4–5.55 / 5.65–6.0 (6.8); maximal width of abdomen 2.5–2.55 / 2.9–3.0 (3.4). Head length 1.1–1.15 / 1.1–1.15 (1.27), width 0.85–0.9 / 0.9–0.95 (1.0). Pronotum length 0.5–0.55 / 0.5–0.55 (0.65), width 1.3–1.45 / 1.35–1.55 (1.57). Mesonotum width 1.8–1.85 / 1.9–2.05 (2.17). Metanotum width 2.25–2.3 / 2.4–2.6 (2.73). Length of antennal segments I–IV =0.7–0.75, 0.3–0.35, 0.8, 0.35–0.4 / 0.7, 0.3, 0.75, 0.35 (0.77, 0.37, 0.83, 0.43). Distribution. China ( Hainan Island).