Typification of names in the genus Pinguicula L. (Lentibulariaceae) Author Domínguez, Yoannis Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Jaboticabal, Departamento de Biologia Aplicada à Agropecuária, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s / n, CEP 14884 - 900, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Author Valdés, Cristina Mercedes Panfet Universidad de La Habana, Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba, Carretera del Rocío Km. 3, Calabazar, Boyeros CP 19230, La Habana, Cuba. Author Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Jaboticabal, Departamento de Biologia Aplicada à Agropecuária, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s / n, CEP 14884 - 900, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-07-07 312 2 179 198 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.312.2.2 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.312.2.2 1179-3163 Pinguicula moranensis Kunth in Bonpland & Humboldt (1817: 226) Protologue locality :—Crescit locis temperatis prope Moran Mexicanorum, alt. 1340 hex. Type ( lectotype , designated by Casper 1966: 139 ):— MEXICO . Without locality, s.d., A . J . A . [ Bonpland & F . W . H . A . von Humboldt ] 4117 ( P barcode P00670052 !, isolectotype Am.[érique] équat.[oriale], s.d., s. coll. [ A . J . A . Bonpland & F . W . H . A . von Humboldt ] 4117 , under the name Pinguicula macrophylla , P barcode P00072092 !, fragment 1; image of the lectotype is available at http://coldb.mnhn. fr/catalognumber/mnhn/p/p00670052) . = Pinguicula bakeriana Sander (1881: 541 , f. 102), nom. nud. = Pinguicula caudata Schltdl. (1832: 393) . Type ( lectotype , designated here):—[ MEXICO ]. Cuesta grande de Chiconquiaco , 29 September [1829], C.J.W. Schiede s.n. [74] (HAL No. 073476 barcode HAL0073476 [digital photo!], isotypes K barcode K000297396 [digital photo!], MO No. 1713798 barcode MO-158922 [digital photo!], NY barcode 00008349 [digital photo!], P barcode P00072091 !; image of the lectotype is available at http://herbarium.univie.ac.at/database/detail.php?ID=139954). = Pinguicula cuneata Lloyd (1942: 106) , nom. nud. = Pinguicula elliptica Sesse & Mocino ex Casper (1966: 140) , nom. nud. = Pinguicula flos-mulionis Morren (1872: 371 , pl. 27). Type ( lectotype , designated here):—Pl. 27 in Morren 1872 (image of the lectotype is available at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41842710). = Pinguicula mexicana Bonpl. ex Casper (1966: 139) , nom. nud. = Pinguicula potosiensis Speta & Fuchs (1989: 100) . Type ( holotype ):— MEXICO . San Luis de Potosi , 48 km östlich von San Luis Potosi in Richtung Rio Verde, 1940 m , s.d., R. Ehlers s.n. (Herb. Speta, isotype LI). = Pinguicula rectifolia Speta & Fuchs (1989: 97) . Type ( holotype ):— MEXICO . Oaxaca , distr. Juxtlahuasca, Sierra Madre del Sur, Presa Morelos /Rio Balsas, ca. 98°10’/17°20’, NW Putla de Guerrero , 1340 m , s.d., St. Schatzl s.n. (Herb. Speta, isotype LI). = Pinguicula rosei Watson (1911: 82) , nom. nud. Note :— Zamudio (1999) discusses the accuracy of the information on type locality given by Bonpland & Humboldt (1817) and, based on field explorations and observations, he suggests “the walls of the canyon at Puente de Dios cave” as the most probable type locality (see Zamudio, 1999 for further discussion). Two specimens collected by Humboldt and Bonpland (No. 4117), and related to P. moranensis , were traced at MNHN-P ( P and P-Bonpl).Although they have no information on specific locality, both specimens were cited by Casper (1966) as “ holotype ” and “ isotype ” respectively, and we also considered it as original material according to Art. 9.3(a) of the ICN ( McNeill et al. 2012 ) since they bear original labels by Bonpland and Kunth. The sheet P 00072092 is an admixture specimen (see note on P. macrophylla for details); it bears an original Bonpland’s label with his diagnosis and description of “ Pinguicula mexicana ” ( nom. nud. ), and the following information: “habitat in Novae hispaniae collibus juxta Moran”. This specimen was examined by Kunth as it is implicitly referred to in the protologue of P. moranensis ( Bonpland & Humboldt 1817: 226 ) , when he compares Bonpland’s description on the specimen’s label with his own published description: “…labio inferiore (superiore Bonpl.) bifido; superiore (inferiore Bonpl.) trifido…”. The second sheet ( P 00670052) is more complete; it bears a winter rossete, a flowering scape and a fruiting scape and is labeled “ Pinguicula moranensis ” in Kunth’s hand. Therefore, we agree with Casper’s citations and herein we correct it to lectotype ( P 00670052) and isolectotype ( P 00072092, fragment 1).