Notes on taxonomy and distribution of some Palaearctic Ancylosis Zeller, 1839 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) Author Bidzilya, Oleksiy 0000-0001-9243-2481 Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 37 Academician Lebediev str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine. Author Budashkin, Yuriy 0000-0001-7824-8338 T. I. Vyazemsky Karadag Scientific Station-Nature Reserve-Branch of FIC " Institute of Biology of the South Seas " RAS, 298188, Kurortnoye, Pheodosia, Crimea Republic. budashkin @ ukr. net; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7824 - 8338 Author Slamka, František Racianska 61, SK- 83102 Bratislava, Slovakia. slamkaf @ nextra. sk; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7848 - 3410 Author Tsvetkov, Eugene 0000-0003-0614-9810 Mechnikova, 3 - 1 - 30, 195271, St. Petersburg, Russia. tsvcountcal @ rambler. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0614 - 9810 Author Yepishin, Viktor 0000-0002-8751-2820 Institute for Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 37 Academician Lebediev str., 03143, Kyiv, Ukraine. & viktoryepishin @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 8751 - 2820 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-08-07 4822 4 451 481 journal article 8699 10.11646/zootaxa.4822.4.1 4aa2e26d-4581-4d6a-ac67-346c45369a48 1175-5326 4457997 4329F798-9591-4711-88E7-3B9EE1C8864D Ancylosis deliciosella ( Caradja, 1910 ) spec. rev., stat. nov. Figs 29–33 Heterographis oder Staudingeriadeliciosella Caradja, 1910 Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris , 24 (6–7): 123–124 TL: Kazikkiran [Kasikoparan], Turkey . Material examined. Iran : 1 ♂ , NW Iran , 17 km NW Maku , , 1400 m ( Amsel ) ; 1 ♀ , 15 km NW Maku , 1975 , 1050 m ( Amsel ) (gen. slide 28/20, O. Bidzilya ) ; 1 ♂ , NW Iran , 30 km südl. Rezoiyeh , , 1400 m ( Amsel ) (gen. slide 115.19, V . Yepishin ) ; 1 ♀ , NW Iran , 25 kmKhoy , , 1400 m ( Amsel ) (gen. slide 116.19, V . Yepishin ) ( SMNK ) . Diagnosis. The species can be distinguished unmistakably by a pink forewing with costal margin densely suffused with white, very oblique antemedial line, and both antemedial and postmedial lines broadly edged with light brown ( Figs 29, 30 ). The male genitalia are characterized by long and broad uncus (five times as broad at the base as gnathos) and also very narrow parallel-sided to 3/4 valva ( Fig. 31 ). Ancylosis costistrigella ( Ragonot, 1890 ) resembles A. deliciosella by having narrow parallel-sided valva and broad uncus, but differs in a shorter aedeagus (2/3 rather than 3/4 length of valva) and longer transtilla lobes. Ancylosis turaniella Ragonot, 1887 has uncus narrower at the base as well as broader and shorter (extending to 1/3 rather that to 1/2 length of uncus) gnathos. In the female genitalia a very long (twice as long as corpus bursae) ductus bursae in combination with narrow, elongated weakly broadened anteriorly corpus bursae is characteristic ( Fig. 33 ). Ancylosis samaritanella ( Zeller, 1867 ) and A. cinerella ( Stainton, 1859 ) differ in less numerous signae with shorter thorns. Remarks. Ancylosis deliciosella was described based on single female from Kazikkiran [Kasikoparan], Turkey . Roesler (1973 : pl. 135, fig. 183) illustrated and he synonymized this species with A. hellenica (Staudinger, 1870) incorrectly ( Bidzilya et al . 2019: 450 ). We examined two males and two females from NW Iran which match externally in all details and in the female genitalia to the holotype of A. deliciosella . This study confirms our presumption that A. deliciosella is a separate species: Ancylosis deliciosella ( Caradja, 1910 ) spec. rev. , stat. nov. We re-describe the adult of A. deliciosella based on the two males and two females from Iran mentioned above, and describe the male genitalia of this species for the first time. Adult ( Figs 29, 30 ). Wingspan 17.9–19.0 mm. Head creamish-white, mixed with light brown and pink laterally; labial palps upcurved, slightly protruded over the head, creamish-white to light brown, inner surface off-white, segment 1 as long as segment 2, rarely mottled with brown or pink apically, segment 3 about 1/4 length of segment 2, pointed; proboscis well developed; scape light brown, flagellum light brown with broad dirty-white semirings on dorsal surface, covered with very short cilia in male. Thorax and tegulae light brown to reddish-brown. Forewing covered with grey pink-tipped scales, costal margin white densely mixed with pink and black, light brown mottled with black tipped scales and edged with outwardly with white basal oblique fascia from 1/4 of costal margin to 1/3 of dorsal margin, diffuse light brown pattern in mid length near dorsal margin, light brown edged inwardly with white subapical fascia on 1/7 length, cilia light brown with pink or dark brown medial line. Hindwing light brown with grey cilia. FIGURES 29–33. Ancylosis deliciosella , NW Iran. 29, 30. Adults. 29. ♂ (gen. slide 28/20, O. Bidzilya). 30. ♀ (gen. slide 116.19, V. Yepishin). 31. Male genitalia (gen. slide 28/20, O. Bidzilya). 32. Segment VIII (gen. slide 28/20, O. Bidzilya). 33. Female genitalia (gen. slide 116.19, V. Yepishin). Male genitalia of A. deliciosella ( Fig. 31 ). Uncus twice as long as broad at its base, gradually narrowed towards rounded apex. Distal sclerite of gnathos parallel-sided, pointed, extending to half length of uncus. Tuba analis subrectangular, with transverse folds in middle, about 4/5 as long and 3/4 as wide as uncus. Tegumen slightly longer than uncus, broadly constricted in distal portion. Vinculum band-shaped, saccus subtriangular, twice as long as broad at the base. Juxta short, lyre-like, lobes with rounded apex. Transtilla lobes long, narrow, weakly curved inwards, nearly connected medially. Valva narrow, about half as broad as base of uncus, nearly parallel-sided with rounded apex; costa narrow, extending nearly to the top of valva; sacculus weakly sclerotized, narrow, extending to 1/2 length of valva. Aedeagus narrow, slightly longer than valva, weakly broadened at 1/3, slightly constricted before apex, top abruptly cut. Tergum VIII rounded, stronger sclerotized in posterior portion, anterior margin with broad triangular medial emargination; sternum VIII subrectangular, well sclerotized laterally and in basal 2/3, culcita narrow, indistinctly edged posteriorly, anterior margin weakly bended, lateral tufts of scales distinctly longer than the length of sternum VIII ( Fig. 32 ). Distribution. Turkey ( Caradja 1910 ), Iran ( first record ).