pp 705 - 708 in: Order out of Chaos Author Jarvis, Charlie text 2007 The Linnean Society of London London Order out of Chaos: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types 705 708 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.250878 3d40e7ba-9d2d-42e2-ba46-6bca50fa8731 250878 Orchis abortiva Linnaeus , Species Plantarum 2: 943. 1753. “Habitat in Gallia, Helvetia, Anglia, Italia.” RCN : 6830. Lectotype (Al-Eisawi in Kew Bull. 41:361. 1986; Baumann & al. in Mitteilungsbl. Arbeitskr. Fleim. Orchid. Baden-W ürttemberg 21\ 493, Abb. 23. 1989): Herb. Linn. No. 1054.43, middle specimen ( LINN ). Current name: Limodorum abortivum ( L .) Sw. (Orchidaceae) . Note: Al-Eisawi indicated material in LINN as type, sheet 1054.43 being the only one associated with this name. Baumann & al. restricted the type to the middle specimen on the type sheet, and assume that it was collected in Fontainebleau by Linnaeus in 1738, but there are no annotations on the sheet itself to indicate this. At least one of the other specimens on the sheet came from Magnol (from Provence).