A Revision of Lomachaeta Mickel, with a new species of Smicromutilla Mickel (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) Author Pitts, James P. Author Manley, Donald G. text Zootaxa 2004 474 1 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.157428 7f089bde-4d21-401c-952b-b90cd06e4489 1175­5326 157428 79E833DE-94AD-4781-84E6-43C55469DE80 8. Lomachaeta ibarrai Casal Lomachaeta ibarrai Casal 1969 :33 . Holotype Ψ, ARGENTINA , Buenos Aires, Burzaco, XII.1947 , F. C. Sud (AMNH). Diagnosis . This species differs from North and Central American species by not having the pronotal spiracles tuberculate. It differs from L. vianai by having the scape as long as the following four flagellomeres combined, the propodeal spiracle prominently tuberculate, and the apical margin of metasomal tergites 2–4 with erect spines that are distinctly stouter than surrounding setae. Male. Unknown. Distribution . Known only from the holotype . Remarks . Lomachaeta ibarrai and L. vianai are known only from the females. They differ from the North and Central American species in that the pronotal spiracles are not tuberculate. The tuberculate state of the thoracic spiracles, along with a combination of other characters, has also been used for delimiting Lomachaeta females from Smicromutilla females. The differences found between L. ibarrai and L. vianai and the remaining Lomachaeta species may be of generic importance. It is possible that after the males of these species are discovered, it may be found that L. ibarrai and L. vianai are not congeneric with the North and Central American Lomachaeta species. The holotype was the only material examined and it resides in the AMNH. It is damaged slightly with the metasoma being broken off and glued to the point.