Review Of The Nearctic Genera Macrozercon Błaszak, 1976 And Microzercon Błaszak, 1976 (Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) Author Ujvári, Zs. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-11-15 59 4 347 389 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736238 2064-2474 5736238 Microzercon mahunkai sp. n. ( Figs 62 –76) Typematerial. Holotype : female – Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Comoxglacier, dryhemlock, spruceforest, ex. moss, litter, 27.08.1983 , leg. Fjellberg, A. (slide CNCAZ0408 – identifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’). Paratypes : localityanddateasfor theholotype (slideCNCAZ0409 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’; slideCN- CAZ0410 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 1000 ma.s.l., litterbagswith Abiesamabilis needlesongroundbelow ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.1997 - 22.05.1998 , leg. Fagan (slide CNCAZ0404 – 1 female identified earlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 1200 m a.s.l., litter bags with Abies amabilis needles on ground below ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.1997 - 22.05.1998 , leg. Fagan (slideCNCAZ0400 – 1 femaleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 800 ma.s.l., litterbagswith Abies amabilis needles on ground below ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.– 22.09.1997 , leg. Fagan (slide CN- CAZ0396 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’; slideCNCAZ0398 – 1 femaleiden- tifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’; slideCNCAZ0399 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’; slideCNCAZ0402 – 1 femaleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 800 ma.s.l., litterbagswith Abiesamabilis needles on ground below ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.- 22.09.1998 , leg. Fagan (slide CNCAZ0403 – 1 femaleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 800 m a.s.l., litter bags with Abies amabilis needles on ground below ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.– 22.08.1998 , leg. Fagan (slideCNCAZ0405 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’; slideCNCAZ0407 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Cain, 800 ma.s.l., litterbagswith Abiesamabilis needleson ground below ( A. amabilis ), 22.05.1997 - 22.05.1998 , leg. Fagan (slide CNCAZ0406 – 1 male identifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’); Canada , BritishColumbia, VancouverIsland, Mt. Maquilla, 1200 ma.s.l., litterbagswith Abiesamabilis needlesongroundbelow ( A. amabilis ), 22.06– 22.08.1998 , leg. Fagan (slideCNCAZ0401 – 1 maleidentifiedearlieras‘ Microzercon sp. ’). Diagnosis of female. Setae j2 smooth and needle-like, as well as other centralandsubmarginalsetaeofpodonotum. OpisthonotalJ-setae, Z1–4 and S2–4 smooth, pointed. SetaeS5 denselypilose, feathered. SetaeJ5 situated beyondlevelofcentralposterodorsalcavities. Anterioropisthomarginalsetae (S1 andR1–4) feathered, posterioropisthomarginalsetae (R5–7) smooth, pointed. GlandsPo2 inposition gdS2 , onlineZ1 andS2, Po3 inposition gdJ3 , situatedposterolateraltoJ3. Wholesurfaceofpodonotalshieldcoveredby scalespossessinglacyposteriormargin. Surfaceofopisthonotumreticulate, withpitsofmoderatesizeinthecrossingpoints. Posterodorsalcavitiesuni- from, saddle-like, withundulateinnermargin. PosterolateraltipsofperitrematalshieldsfusedwithventrianalshieldonlevelofsetaeR3. Descriptionoffemale. Lengthofidiosoma: 410 μm (392–425 μm); width: 346 μm (339–350 μm) (n = 6). Dorsal side ( Fig. 62 ). Podonotum with 20 pairs of setae, j1–6, z2–6, s1–6, r2 and r4–5 inserteddorsally, r1 andr3 insertedventrally, onperitrematalshields. Setaej2–6, s1, z2, z4–6 and s4–5 smooth and needle-like. Setae s2 and r3 short, barbed. Setae j1, z3, s3, r4–5 and r6 moderately long, feathered. Setae s5 situated on level of z6. Glands gds1 (po1) situatedmedialtoinsertionsofs1; gdj4 (po2) situatedonlineconnectingj4 andz4; gds4 (po3) onlineconnectings4 andz6, nears4. Wholesurfaceofpodonotalshieldcoveredbyscales possessinglacyposteriormargin. Opisthonotumwith 22 pairsofsetae: J1–5, Z1–5 andS1–5, marginalR-serieswith sevenpairsofsetae. SetaeJ1–5, Z1–4 andS2–4 similarinappearance, moderatelylong, smooth, pointed. SetaeJ4 reachingbeyondinsertionsofJ5. SetaeJ5 situatedbeyondlevel ofcentralposterodorsalcavities. SetaeJ1–5 andZ1–4 constituteparallellines. SetaeZ4 situated on, or somewhat medial to line connecting Z3 and S5. Setae S2 situated anterior to S3. Setae Z5, S1, S5 and R1–4 feathered, densely pilose. Setae R5–7 at most half as long as anteriorR-setae, smooth, pointed. SetaeS2–4 notreachingbeyondmarginsofopisthonotum, S5 expandingbeyondthemargins. Lengthofopisthonotalsetaeanddistancesbetween theirinsertionsasinTable 8. Glands gdZ1 (Po1) situatedanteromedialtoinsertionsofZ1; gdS2 (Po2) situated on line connecting Z1 and S2, near S3; glands gdJ3 (Po3) posterolateral toJ3; gdS5 (Po4) onlineconnectingZ5 andS5, anteromedialtoinsertionsofJv5. Marginal serrationdeep, obtuse. Opisthonotalsurfacereticulate, withpitsofmoderatesizeinthe crossingpoints. Posterodorsalcavitiesuniform, well-sclerotized, saddle-like, withundulateinnermargin. Lateralpairofcavitiessituatedonlevelofcentralpair, betweeninser- tionsofJ5 andZ4, withaxesslightlyconverginganteriorly. Centralpairwithaxesparallel to that of the body. Ventralside ( Fig. 63 ). Peritrematalandventrianalshieldsfusedwithbodymargins. Posterolateraltipsofperitrematalshieldsfusedwithlateralpartsofventrianalshieldon levelofsetaeR3. Peritrematalshieldsornamentedbyreticulationoflongitudinalsutures. Peritremesbent, withasmalldilationnearstigmata. Peritrematalsetaer1 andr3 short, smoothandbristle-like. Tritosternumwithtwoslender, apicallybifurcateortrifurcate, marginallypiloselaciniae, tritosternalbaseproximallysubrectangular (Figs 65–66). Sternal shield 61 μmlongand 52 μmwideatthelevelofsetaest2, withstraightposteriormargin anddistinct, reticulateornamentation. Sternalsetaesmoothandneedle-like. Glands gv1 situatedmedialtosetaest3. Genitalshieldtypicalforthefamily, withirregularornamentationofafewsutures, genitalsetaesmoothandneedle-like. Glands gv2 present, with doubleopeningssurroundedbysmalladgenitalsclerites. Ventrianalshieldwithsmooth setae, setaeZv1 absent. Adanalsetae, Jv3–4 andpostanalseta 1.5–2 timeslongerthanother preanalsetae. SetaeJv5 moderatelylong, denselypilose, feathered. Analvalveswithves- tigialeuanalsetae. Glands gv3 situatedanterolateraltoadanalsetae. Anteriorsurfaceof ventrianalshieldcoveredbytile-likepatterntolevelofadanalsetaeandJv4. Figs 62–64. Microzercon mahunkai sp. n. : 62 = dorsal view of female, 63 = ventral view of female, 64 = ventral view of male. Table 8. Lengths of opisthonotal setae and the distances between their bases in J-, Z- and S- rows of Microzercon mahunkai sp. n. (measurements as mean, in μm). (F = female; M = male)
J1 35 29 Z1 34 29 S1 35 29
J1–J2 41 34 Z1–Z2 34 28 S1–S2 44 37
J2 31 26 Z2 32 26 S2 32 27
J2–J3 45 38 Z2–Z3 38 32 S2–S3 37 31
J3 30 25 Z3 32 26 S3 34 29
J3–J4 32 27 Z3–Z4 35 29 S3–S4 42 35
J4 34 29 Z4 33 27 S4 30 25
J4–J5 23 19 Z4–Z5 77 64 S4–5 46 39
J5 26 22 Z5 37 30 S5 43 36
Gnathosoma (Fig. 67). Situationofhypostomalandsubcapitularsetaetypicalforthe family. Setae h1 elongate, apically tapering, smooth. Setae h2 somewhat shorter than h1, h3 half as long as h2, each smooth. Setae h4 slightly longer than h2, proximally serrate. Corniculihorn-like, internalmalaewithapairofbifurcateanterocentralbranchesandwith serratemargins. Chelicerae (Figs 68–69) relativelyslender, fixeddigitwith 6–7 teeth, mov- able digit with 4–5 teeth. Epistome of Prozercon - type (Fig 71–73). Descriptionofmale ( Fig. 64 ). Lengthofidiosoma: 350 μm (322–366 μm); width: 290 μm (285–296 μm) ( n = 8). Chaetotaxy, adenotaxy and sculptural pattern of dorsal, ven- trianalandperitrematalshieldssimilartothoseoffemale. Lengthofopisthonotalsetae anddistancesbetweentheirinsertionsasinTable 8. Peritrematalshieldsfusedwithante- rolateralpartsofventrianalshield, onlyapairofbentincisionscanbeobservedrunning towardssetaeR2. Sternigenitalshieldundivided, bearingfourpairsofsmoothandneedlelikesetae, setaest5 absent. Sternalsetaest3 situatedonlevelofanteriorpartofgenital opening. Glands gv2 withdoubleopenings, surroundedbysmalladgenitalsclerites. A narrowpostgenitalscleritepresentbetweenopeningsofglands gv2 . Eachcharactersof gnathosomasimilartothoseoffemale (Figs 74–76), butterminalpartoffixeddigitofcheliceraebifurcate (Fig. 70). Etymology. The new species is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Sándor Mahunka, Academician, formerheadoftheSystematicZoologyResearchGroupoftheHungarian AcademyofSciences, worldrenownoribatidologist.