Taxonomic review of Polynema (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in Australia and New Zealand, with descriptions of eight new species Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-01-21 4915 2 151 200 journal article 8662 10.11646/zootaxa.4915.2.1 604b1288-103e-4bb8-bd90-6f77b653dada 1175-5326 4454213 6E0C3BA7-7C8B-4D80-AFE4-07AEC6DEC71C Polynema ( Polynema ) editha Girault, 1938 ( Figs 59–72 ) Polynema editha Girault 1938: 391 . Type locality: Wynnum , Queensland , Australia . Polynema editha Girault : New 1976: 6 , 23 (key), 54–55 (illustrations); Dahms 1983: 238–239 (catalog, type and non-type specimen information); Lin et al. 2007: 45 (list). Polynema ( Polynema ) editha Girault : Triapitsyn & Berezovskiy 2007: 40 (mentioned). Type material examined. Holotype , according to New (1976) and Dahms (1983) , though Noyes (2019) considered, probably correctly, this specimen to be a lectotype designated by New (1976: 6) . According to Article 73.1.2. ( ICZN 1999), evidence derived from outside the published work itself may be taken into account to help identify the holotype specimen, but in this case it is inconclusive because no count of the type specimen(s) was provided in the original description, even though there is only one specimen currently present in QMBA , a female, of this species from Wynnum. It was also labeled by A.A. Girault himself as a “Type”. The type female [ QMBA ] on slide ( Fig. 59 ) labeled: 1. “3620 Polynema e-ditha Girault. Type. No. 3620”; 2. “ Physothrips Wynnum forest. Ent. Div. Dep. Ag. & Stk., Qld. No.”. The type specimen is not cleared enough but otherwise in fair condition; the head (with only one antenna attached ( Fig. 60 ), the other missing), both hind wings, one middle leg, and gaster ( Fig. 63 ) are detached from the body. It is mounted under a cracked coverslip together with a female Centrodora sp. ( Hymenoptera : Aphelinidae ) and a thrips ( Thysanoptera : Thripidae ). Material examined. AUSTRALIA . AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY , Piccadilly Circus , 35.22°S 148.48°E , 1240 m , 1.x–15.xi.1984 , J. Lawrence , T . Weir , M.-L. Johnson [ 1♀ , ANIC ], 1.x–15.xi.1984 , T . Weir , J. Lawrence , M.-L. Johnson [ 1♀ , ANIC ], Brindabella Range , 35.22°S 148.49°E , 24.xi.1981 , J.C. Cardale [ 1♀ , ANIC ] . NEW SOUTH WALES : Barrington Tops (near Moppy Lookout), 31.54°S 151.34°E , 11.ii.1984 , I. Naumann [ 1♀ , ANIC ]. Clyde Mt. , 1000 m , 21.i.1984 , L. Masner (on lush ferns in Eucalyptus forest) [ 1♀ , CNC ]. Macquarie Pass , 7 km ENE of Robertson , 34.34°S 150.40°E , 8.ii.1984 , I. Naumann [ 1♀ , ANIC ]. New England National Park , Tom’s Cabin , 30.305°S 152.24°E , 2–15.x.1984 , I. Naumann , J.C. Cardale [ 1♀ , ANIC ] . QUEENSLAND : Brisbane, Acacia Ridge , x.1976 , E.C. Dahms [ 1♀ , QMBA ]. Mt. Tamborine , 8–16.viii.1992 , R . Wharton [ 1♀ , UCRC ] . SOUTH AUSTRALIA , Victor Harbor , 17.ii.1984 , E. R . Oatman [1Ƌ, UCRC ] . TASMANIA , Mount Field National Park , Lake Dobson Rd. , 240 m , 30.i–5.ii.1980 , A. Newton , M. Thayer [ 1♀ , ANIC ] . VICTORIA : Dinner Plain , 11 km from Hotham Heights , 27.ii.1980 , I. Naumann , J. Cardale [ 1♀ , ANIC ]. Ovens River , 14 mi. E of Yarrawonga , 24.xii.1966 , Z. Liepa [ 1♀ , ANIC ] . WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Kamballup , at Kalgan River , 34°34.9’S 117°59.7’E , 145 m , 14.xi.2002 , J.D. Pinto , G. Platner [ 1♀ , UCRC ]. Mt. Jetty Creek floodplain, Munbinea Rd. , 30°32.53’S 115°13.53’E , 12–13.xi.2002 , J. George , D. Hawks , J. Munro , A. Owen [ 1♀ , UCRC ] . FIGURES 59–64. Polynema ( Polynema ) editha , female (type): 59, slide; 60, head and antenna; 61, mesosoma and fore wings; 62, propodeum and petiole; 63, gaster and part of fore wing; 64, hind wing. FIGURES 65–69. Polynema ( Polynema ) editha , female (Australia): 65, antenna (New England National Park, New South Wales); 66, frenum, metanotum and propodeum (Macquarie Pass, New South Wales); 67, petiole (Mt. Tamborine, Queensland); 68, head in frontal view (New England National Park, New South Wales); 69, fore wing (Macquarie Pass, New South Wales). FIGURES 70–72. Polynema ( Polynema ) editha , male (Victor Harbor, South Australia, Australia): 70, antenna; 71, fore wing; 72, genitalia. Redescription. FEMALE ( type and non-type specimens). Body length (slide-mounted specimens) 775–840 µm . Body dark brown except petiole brown; appendages brown. Head ( Figs 60 , 68 ) a little wider than high; face with narrow, often inconspicuous, subtorular grooves. Antenna ( Figs 60 , 65 ) with scape smooth, 2.7–3.5× as long as wide (2.5× in the type , the ratio measured excluding radicle); pedicel smooth, longer than F1 and 1.8× as long as wide; F2 the longest funicular, F3 longer than any of the following funiculars, F1 and F4 usually subequal in length (F4 sometimes slightly shorter than F1) and the shortest funiculars, F5 shorter than F6, length to width ratios of funiculars: F1—2.5, F2—6.3; F3—4.0; F4—2.0; F5—1.8; F6—2.3, F6 with 1 mps; clava 2.1–2.6× as long as wide (2.6× in the type ), either slightly longer than or about as long as combined length of the 3 preceding flagellomeres, with 7 mps. Mesosoma ( Fig. 61 ) mostly smooth, except for inconspicuous mesh-like sculpture on mesoscutum; pronotum divided mediolongitudinally; mesoscutum a little wider than long; scutellum about as wide as long, with campaniform sensilla closer to anterior margin than to posterior margin and separated from each other by about the same distance as each sensillum from lateral margin of scutellum, and with frenal row of small foveae ( Fig. 66 ); propodeum ( Figs 62 , 66 ) with an incomplete median carina extending from posterior margin for about half length. Fore wing ( Figs 61, 63 , 69 ) 4.9–5.3× as long as wide (5.3× in the type ); marginal vein short, usually with 1 but occasionally with 2 dorsal macrochaeta; disc hyaline, densely setose, with the setae originating behind apex of submarginal vein; longest marginal seta 1.1–1.4× greatest width of wing (1.4× in the type ). Hind wing ( Fig. 64 ) 26–27× as long as wide (26× in the type ), with disc hyaline; longest marginal seta 5.0–5.5× greatest width of disc (5.0× in the type ). Metacoxa smooth, a little longer than petiole. Petiole ( Figs 62 , 67 ) 1.6–1.9× as long as wide, with welldeveloped anterolateral “wings”. Gaster ( Fig. 63 ) longer than mesosoma. Ovipositor occupying about 0.9 length of gaster, barely exserted beyond its apex, and 1.2–1.3× length of metatibia (1.2× in the type ). Measurements of the type (µm). Mesosoma: 290; petiole: 82; gaster: 315; ovipositor: 294. Scape (including radicle): 91; pedicel: 56; F1: 30; F2: 73; F3: 50; F4: 28; F5: 30; F6: 44; clava: 110. Fore wing: 800:152; longest marginal seta: 212. Hind wing: 609:23; longest marginal seta: 115. Description. MALE (previously unknown; non-type specimen from Australia ). Body length about 1050 µm (slide-mounted specimen). Similar to female except for the normal sexually dimorphic features of antenna and genitalia. Antenna ( Fig. 70 ) with scape 2.3× as long as wide, shorter than any flagellomere. Fore wing ( Fig. 71 ) 5.1× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 1.3× greatest wing width. Genitalia ( Fig. 72 ) typical for species of P . ( Polynema ) ( Triapitsyn & Fidalgo 2006 ), 197 µm long; digitus with 2 hooks. Diagnosis. See the diagnosis of P. draperi , the species to which P. editha is most similar. Distribution. Australia ( Australian Capital Territory , New South Wales , Queensland , South Australia , Victoria , Tasmania , Western Australia ). Remarks. This appears to be by far the most common species of Polynema in most of Australia but its northernmost record is from Bundaberg, in southeastern Queensland ( Dahms 1983 ). Here it is for the first time reported outside of Queensland .