Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the collection of the Czech entomologist Zdeněk Černý Author Háva, Jiří text Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 2009 9 2 119 123 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13204558 1407-8619 13204558 Dermestes ( Dermestes ) bicolor cernyi ssp. n. ( Fig. 1 ) Type material. Holotype (male): „ SSSR , Uzbekistan occ., Nukus / Amu Darja / vi.-vii.1984 , Al. Nedorost et Zdeněk Černý lgt.“ . Paratypes ( 1 male , 2 females ): the same data as holotype. Type material is deposited in the author´s collection. Specimens of the presently described species are provided with a red, printed label with text as follows: „ HOLOTYPE [or PARATYPE , respectively] Dermestes ( Dermestes ) bicolor cernyi ssp. n. Jiří Háva det. 2009” . Description. Male body length 6.02-6.50 mm, width 2.87-3.10 mm. Whole body brown, elongated, slightly convex. Head with long brown-yellow pubescence, densely punctured, maxillary and labial palpes brown. Antennae brown, with 11- segmented. Three last antennal segments forming light brown antennal club, which is covered by yellow pubescence. Pronotum is more closely punctured and more densely pubescent than head. Pronotal disc moderately convex, its pubescence long, formed by brown-yellow hairs, hind margin of pronotum with long, yellow hairs. There are two small depressions near basal margin of pronotum. Scutellum triangular, covered with long brown pubescence. Elytra densely and strongly punctured; each elytron with 6 very flat striae; it´s maximum length 5.37 mm and maximal combined width 3.10 mm; anteriorly on posterior margin near epipleuron with long dense brown-yellow pubescence; posteriorly gradually rounded, with dense brown pubescence. Apex of each elytron with short brown pubescence. Legs brown with yellow pubescence. Ventral part of body densely covered with yellow pubescence. Prosternum with long brown pubescence. All visible abdominal sternites brown and with short dense yellow pubescence. First visible abdominal sternite with distinct lateral depressions. Sternites III and IV with median tuft of yellow setae. Aedeagus lateraly aspect as in ( Fig. 1 ). Female similar to male, but abdominal sternites is without median tuft of setation. Female body length 6.75-6.90 mm, width 3.35-3.38 mm. Differential diagnosis. Dermestes ( Dermestes ) bicolor cernyi ssp. n. belong to „ D. bicolor species group“ defined by Kalík & Ohbayashi (1982) ; in Palaearctic region this group presented of 8 species and subspecies; the new subspecies similar of the pubescence on dorsal surfaces to D . ( D .) bicolor bicolor Fabricius, 1781 and D . ( D .) bicolor sinensis Háva, 2004. Moreower, it is separated from D. bicolor bicolor Fabricius, D . ( D .) bicolor sinensis Háva, 2004 and D. bicolor impressus Pic (north Africa) by different structure of the male genitalia and elytral striae of the new subspecies very flat. Name derivation. Patronymic, dedicated to the collector of the new subspecies, my friend, Zdeněk Černý (Mírovice, Prague-east, Czech Republic ).