Revision of Brazilian species of Aleochara Gravenhorst of the subgenus Xenochara Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Author Buss, Bruna Caroline Department of Biodiversity, Federal University of Paraná, Palotina, PR, Brazil Author Caron, Edilson Department of Biodiversity, Federal University of Paraná, Palotina, PR, Brazil text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-17 5330 4 509 534 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5330.4.3 1175-5326 8255121 2C9B5AE1-C90D-4E5D-BA8E-78F159C4E88A Aleochara (Xenochara) taeniata Erichson, 1839 ( Figures 4 , 18 , 24 , 27 , 31 , 54–61 , 95 ) Aleochara taeniata Erichson, 1839: 165 (original description). Bernhauer & Sheerpeltz 1926: 783 (as subgenus Baryodma ). Moore & Legner 1975: 335 (as subgenus Arybodma ). Klimaszewski 1984: 44 (as subgenus Xenochara ). Newton 2022 (as valid species). Type locality: “St. Jean”, West indies, after Klimaszewski (1984) . Type material. Not seen. Lectotype deposited in ZMHB ( Klimaszewski 1984 ). Additional material. 3 specimens , CESP , Brazil , Minas Gerais , Prados , 21°04’11.9”S 44°07”44.5”W, 1159m , 17.II.2012 , pitfall , L. Vieira et al. , col . 9 specimens , MZUSP , Brazil , S„o Paulo, S„o Paulo (“Ypiranga”), no date and collector . Diagnosis. Aleochara ( X. ) taeniata is similar to A. ( X. ) simulatrix . The male of Aleochara ( X. ) taeniata has median lobe of the aedeagus without a remarkable sclerite surrounding the ejaculatory duct ( Figs. 58–60 ) and the female has abdominal tergum VI not extended in the middle and posterior margin truncate. FIGURES 23–25. Head of some Brazilian species of Aleochara ( Xenochara ) , ventral view. 23) A . ( X .) puberula ; 24) A . ( X .) taeniata ; 25) A . ( X .) capitinigra sp. nov. Scales: 0.5 mm. FIGURES 26–28. Labrum of some Brazilian species of Aleochara ( Xenochara ) , dorsal view. 26) A . ( X .) puberula (a-sensillae damaged); 27) A . ( X .) taeniata ; 28) A . ( X .) capitinigra sp. nov. Scales: 0.15 mm. Redescription. Male. Maximum body length 7.0 mm, maximum elytral width 1.5 mm . Body brownish to dark brown with appendages (antenna: three first antennomeres only), elytra (except anteromedial and posterolateral regions) rust-brown ( Fig. 4 ). Body dorsal surface glossy; pubescent, appearing yellowish-brown in artificial light; setigerous pores impressed. Head: circular. Pubescence directed anterad. Eyes large and slightly prominent, twice the length of temples. Ventral surface of head with a long carina on each side of midline, but fading out and not attaining the gular suture ( Fig. 24 ). Neck absent. Antenna reaching base of elytra; antennomere 1 short, subequal in length to antennomere 2 and 3 ( Fig. 18 ); antennomeres 4 and 5 slightly longer than wide; antennomeres 6– 10 wider than long; antennomere 11 two times longer than wide, length equaling two preceding antennomeres combined; antennomeres 1–4 glossy with some long black setae dispersed; antennomeres 5–11 covered by very short white setae, with some long black setae on apex of each antennomere, particularly antennomere 11 with long black setae on a transverse circular line at the apex of basal one-third of the antennomere. Labrum transverse; anterior margin slightly emarginate, with a-sensilla and b-sensilla long ( Fig. 27 ) Mandibles symmetrical, without internal teeth. Maxillary palpomere 2 and 3 about the same length; palpomere 4 about half length of 3. Gular plate broad. Thorax: pronotum transverse, posterior margin broadly curved; densely pubescent, with pubescence directed posterad and laterad elsewhere. Elytra shorter than pronotum; the same width with pronotum; elytra wider than long; densely pubescent, pubescence directed posterad; each posterolateral margin kindly rounded ( Fig. 31 ). Hind wings developed. Mesoventrite completely carinate; mesoventrite process somwhat sharp and longer than metaventrite process, both joined. Abdomen: distinctly narrowed posteriorly. Pubescence sparse directed posterad. Tergum VIII with posterior margin emarginate at the middle, not serrated ( Fig. 54 ). Sternum VIII with posterior margin broadly curved ( Fig. 56 ). Aedeagus elongate ( Figs. 58–60 ); median lobe of the aedeagus with ventral margin almost completely straight in lateral view. Female: similar to the male, except for sternum VIII posterior margin emarginate ( Fig. 57 ). Spermatheca somewhat C-shaped, with coiled duct (more than five coils) ( Fig. 61 ). FIGURES 29–31. Left elytron of some Brazilian species of Aleochara ( Xenochara ) , dorsal view. 29) A . ( X .) puberula ; 30) A . ( X .) verberans ; 31) A . ( X .) taeniata . Scales: 0.5 mm. Geographic records. New records Brazil : Minas Gerais (Prados). Literature records: United States of America , Mexico , Guatemala , Costa Rica , Panama , Colombia , Venezuela , French Guiana , Peru , Bolivia , Brazil ( Pará , S„o Paulo), Antigua and Barbuda ( Antigua Island ), Jamaica , Grenada , Guadeloupe , St. John, St. Vincent ( Fauvel 1901 ; Asenjo et al. 2013, Newton 2022) ( Fig. 95 ). The mention of the species at Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro) (Asenjo et al. 2013) is related to A. lapidicola (see discussion below, type material and taxonomic notes of A. lapidicola ). Biological notes . The Brazilian specimens of Aleochara ( X .) taeniata were collected with pitfall traps. The life cycle, biology and larval behavior of this species were discussed by White & Legner (1966) .