Taxonomic Review of Eumenes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from the New World
Grandinete, Yuri Campanholo
Noll, Fernando Barbosa
Carpenter, James
journal article
Eumenes cubensis
Cresson, 1865
Eumenes cubensis
Cresson, 1865
, 4: 157.
locality: “
de Saussure, 1875, 254: 102.
Dalla Torre, 1894, 9: 22.
Ashmead, 1900, 1900: 22.
Dalla Torre, 1904, 19: 22.
Zavattari, 1912
, 78A 4: 123.
Bequaert, 1928, (10) 2: 162.
Alayo, 1971, 1971: 24.
Eumenes ferrugineus
Cresson, 1865
, 4: 158.
de Saussure, 1875, 254: 98.
Dalla Torre, 1894, 9: 22.
Dalla Torre, 1904, 19: 22.
Bequaert, 1928, (10) 2: 162.
Alayo, 1971, 1971: 24.
Comments and diagnosis
Fig. 13
) Cresson (1865) stated that the
was in the Gundlach collection in
, but according to
Alayo (1973)
it is probably not there, but rather in Philadelphia. As we did not have access to the
specimen of
Eumenes cubensis
, the redescription was made based on specimens present in the AMNH (two females and one male).
Color, head:
Yellow marks as follows: mandibles; labrum; clypeus (with a narrow translucent band along the free apex); inter-antennal region and right above it; broad band that goes from the base of the clypeus through all the edge of the compound eye. Part of frons and posterior region of vertex brownish. Antenna yellow with brownish marks. Mesosoma: Brownish, with yellow marks as follows: broad band on anterior portion of pronotum, dorsally and laterally; triangular marks on each side of apical half of mesoscutum; tegula (surrounding by a narrow translucent band); parategula; medial surface of mesepisternum; wide mark on upper half of scutellum; metanotum; wide yellow mark on sides of posterior face of propodeum; part of femora; tibiae and tarsi (although distal tarsi become dark brownish).
Basal half of T1 black and a broad yellow transverse band on apex. Between these two areas, brownish marks. T2 brownish with a broad yellow band on middle surface, which is contiguous laterally with an apical and transverse band. Basal half of S2 brownish and apical half yellow. T3–T6 brownish (except for an apical yellow band on T3); S3–S6 brownish with yellow marks on S6.
Hyaline, with pterostigma, costal, medial and submedial cells yellow. Veins brownish basally, becoming black near apex.
Pubescence, head:
Frons and vertex with moderately long and golden pubescence. Gena and scape with short golden pubescence. Clypeus with short (slightly longer than on gena and scape), whitish pubescence, better observed in oblique view.
Dorsal surface of pronotum, scutellum and metanotum with moderately long (shorter than fron) golden pubescence. Posterior face of propodeum with slightly longer whitish pubescence. Lateral surface of mesosoma with very short and whitish pubescence. Basal half of fore femur with scattered golden and moderately long bristles.
Covered with very short (as laterally on mesosoma) golden pubescence, except for some erect bristles on ventral face of T1 and apex of subsequent segments.
Surface of integument, head:
Clypeus with punctation, hard to observe due the yellow color. Frons and vertex with coarse and dense, becoming reduced behind the ocelli. Gena without evident punctation.
Covered with coarse and dense punctation as on frons, except for anterior and posterior surface of mesepisternum.
T1 with coarse (not strong as in mesosoma) punctation, very spares on basal half, becoming denser towards apex. T2 with coarse punctation (as on T1), moderately dense on dorsal surface, becoming reduced and very sparse towards lateral margins. T3–T6 and S2–S6 without evident punctation.
Structure, head:
Clypeus convex, longer than wide. Apex concave, forming two rounded projections with weak carinae on apex of each one. Inter-antennal region slightly wider than the antennal socket, longitudinally cariniform; lateral ocelli closer to the compound eyes than to each other; occipital carina well developed, angled on middle region of gena and distant to the compound eye near the mandible.
Pronotal carina present dorsally and laterally; pronotal fovea present; posterior projection of tegula weakly developed, rounded; parategula lamelliform; lateral carina on upper half of the external face of fore coxae short and weak; concavity on posterior face of propodeum weakly developed.
T1 slender (
Fig. 33
), more than three times longer than wide, weakly swollen in dorsal view; T2 longer than wide, with the lateral margins moderately concave (
Fig. 49
). Basal angle of T2, in lateral view, rising up about 45° regarding S2 axis. Apex of T2 with an apical lamella which becomes reduced towards apex.
Clypeus narrower than females; F11 very short (the shortest among all the species), without longitudinal carina on dorsal surface, basally broad with the apex pointed, not surpassing the apical edge of F8 (
Fig. 83
). Ventral surface without microscopic erect bristles. S7 flattened apically. Punctation on T1 and T2 coarser than on females. Pubescence as on females.
Male genitalia:
Aedeagus with the lateral projections from the apex distant from each other (
Fig. 99a, b
), different from
E. americanus
E. smithii
which are close to each other (
Fig. 93b
). Apical projection rounded (
Fig. 99a
). Paramere (
Fig. 99c
) with long bristles on middle area of gonostyle; digitus very slender on apex (similar to
E. americanus
E. smithii
) with scattered short bristles; cuspis with thin, long, and dense bristles; distal lobe strongly projecting, reaching the middle area of the gonostyle with the apex rounded; a few long (as long as on cuspis) and erect bristles on the edge of the distal lobe; volsella with reduced bristles, mostly on distal region, near digitus.