Revision of the genus Seminemacheilus, with the description of three new species (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) Author Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran Hacettepe University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Beytepe Campus, 06800 Ankara, Turkey. Author Kaya, Cüneyt Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Faculty of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53100 Rize, Turkey. Author Geiger, Matthias F. Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity, Adenauerallee 160, 53113 Bonn, Germany. m. geiger @ leibniz-zfmk. de, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2403 - 0805 Author Freyhof, Jörg Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science, 10115 Berlin, Germany. joerg. freyhof @ mfn. berlin, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6762 - 8615 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-24 4802 3 477 501 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4802.3.5 1175-5326 3907717 CEAB7B85-E24D-4E30-B501-1302005C6D0C Seminemacheilus lendlii ( Hankó 1925 ) ( Figs. 3–4 ) Nemachilus lendlii Hankó, 1925:155 , Pl. 3 ( Fig. 9 ) ( type locality Eski-Chehir , Turkey ). Material examined. FFR 1369, 1, 49 mm SL; Turkey : Afyon prov. : Creek Kali 10 km west to Çay , 38.5998 , 30.8938 .—FFR 15570 , 3, 51–66 mm SL; FSJF 4097 , 3 , 47–77 mm SL; Turkey : Kütahya prov. : stream Eymir at Eymir , 39.1521 , 30.0404 .— FSJF 3123 , 10 , 46–60 mm SL; Turkey : Akşehir prov. : spring at Ulupınar , 10 km north- west of Akşehir , 38.4383 , 31.3308 . Material used in molecular genetic analysis. FSJF DNA-1665 ; Turkey : Akşehir prov. : spring at Ulupınar village , 10 km northwest of Akşehir , 38.4383 , 31.3308 . ( GenBank accession numbers: KJ554864 , KJ554898 ) .— FSJF DNA-3110 ; Turkey : Kütahya prov. : stream Eymir at Eymir , 39.1521 , 30.0404 . ( GenBank accession numbers: MT 077005 - MT 077009 ) . Additional distribution records: Yeğen et al . 2007 : 39.0819 , 30.4302 ; Mangıt et al . 2017 : 38.6301 , 31.1048 . Diagnosis. Seminemacheilus lendlii is distinguished from all other species of Seminemacheilus by having a truncate caudal fin, a fine mottled flank pattern, preserved individuals with a wide, dark-brown inner axial stripe and a narrower epidermal stripe, no central pore in the supratemporal canal, and a deep caudal peduncle (caudalpeduncle depth 1.1–1.2 times in caudal-peduncle length) and head length 25–28% SL. FIGURE 3. Seminemacheilus lendlii , from top: FFR 1369, male, 50 mm SL; Lake Eber; FFR 15570, female, 53 mm SL; stream Eymir. FIGURE 4. Seminemacheilus lendlii , left from top: FFR 15570, female, 68 mm SL; male, 53 mm SL; stream Eymir; right from top: FSJF 3123, female, 58 mm SL; male, 48 mm SL; spring at Ulupınar. TABLE 2. Morphometric data of Seminemacheilus lendlii (FSJF 3123, n=10; FSJF 4097, n=3; FFR 15570, n=3), S. ispartensis (FSJF 3095, n=5; FFR 15565, n=10) and S. ahmeti (FSJF 2604, n=12; FFR 15562, n=3)
S. lendlii S. ispartensis S. ahmeti
mean range SD mean range SD mean range SD
Standard length (mm) 44–76 47–62 47–57
In percent of standard length
Head length 26.1 25.3–27.7 0.8 23.1 21.4–24.1 0.9 25.3 24.1–27.3 1.0
Body depth at doral-fin origin 20.7 18.6–23.7 1.5 18.7 16.8–21.7 1.4 23.2 20.2–26.4 1.6
Predorsal length 54.5 53.3–57.2 1.1 51.6 49.9–54.0 1.2 54.5 52.2–56.6 1.3
Postdorsal lenght 37.6 34.8–41.6 2.0 38.8 36.7–41.1 1.2 38.9 36.0–40.8 1.6
Preanal length 77.5 74.5–9.7 1.6 76.0 72.9–77.7 1.5 77.5 75.8–79.9 1.5
Prepelvic length 57.7 55.7–58.7 0.9 54.1 51.6–56.2 1.1 56.9 54.1–59.5 1.6
Distance between pectoral and pelvic-fin origins 31.5 29.2–35.0 1.4 30.2 27.9–32.9 1.6 32.2 27.8–35.4 2.2
Distance between pelvic and anal-fin origins 20.7 17.6–22.6 1.4 22.1 19.6–24.4 1.5 20.6 19.0–23.1 1.2
Depth of caudal peduncle 13.9 12.2–15.5 0.8 11.4 10.2–12.1 0.5 15.3 12.1–17.4 1.6
Length of caudal peduncle 15.7 14.0–18.2 1.4 15.8 13.6–18.0 1.4 16.1 14.8–17.4 0.9
Dorsal-fin base length 13.3 11.6–15.2 1.4 12.6 11.3–13.7 0.8 13.0 11.8–14.6 1.0
Anal-fin base length 10.4 10.0–10.7 0.2 10.3 9.3–10.7 0.4 9.3 8.7–10.1 0.6
Anal fin length 17.9 15.4–20.1 1.7 17.6 16.7–19.1 0.8 17.0 16.3–18.4 0.8
Pectoral-fin length 22.9 17.3–31.2 4.2 22.3 17.5–28.7 3.6 21.3 17.1–29.6 3.4
Pelvic-fin length 13.5 11.9–15.1 1.4 13.0 10.7–14.9 1.5 12.1 10.0–15.3 2.1
In percent of head length
Head depth at eye 48.3 46–50 1.5 48.9 46–51 1.8 49.1 48–51 1.0
Snout length 39.3 38–40 0.9 37.0 34–40 1.9 36.6 34–40 2.3
Eye diameter 13.2 13–14 0.7 13.7 13–15 0.8 15.0 13–17 1.2
Postorbital distance 51.3 50–52 0.8 52.0 49–56 1.9 51.8 49–55 2.5
Maximum head width 62.9 59–66 2.7 64.2 61–67 2.4 71.6 67–75 3.4
Interorbital width 35.4 33–39 2.0 35.6 32–38 1.8 41.5 39–44 1.7
Inner rostral barbel 29.8 26–32 2.2 28.7 24–34 3.4 30.5 25–35 4.5
Outer rostral barbel 36.5 32–41 3.5 40.2 34–46 4.6 37.7 34–43 3.3
Mandibular barbel 39.3 34–45 3.7 41.0 35–47 4.6 41.1 35–46 3.7
Distribution. Locally known from the Porsuk, a tributary of the upper Sakarya River as well as from the endorheic Lakes Akşehir and Eber basins. Bănărescu & Nalbant (1964) also recorded S. lendlii from Lake Çavuşçu (Ilgın-Konya) and Lake Eymir-Mogan basins ( Ankara ), from where the species seems to have disappeared, as it has never been recorded thereafter. Remarks. Hankó (1925) described Nemachilus lendlii from Eski-Chehir (today Eskişehir ) in the Sakarya River drainage in Western Anatolia . Hankó did not collect the specimens himself, but the Hungarian National Museum bought the material from A. Lendl in 1907, who collected the fish in 1906 ( Hankó, 1925 ). A part of the series was given also to F. Steindachner (NMW), but had obviously already been lost in 1925 ( Hankó, 1925 ). All materials ex- amined by Hankó (1925) have since been lost, including the 10 syntypes of N. lendlii . Nevertheless, Hankó clearly had a species of Seminemacheilus in hand when he described N. lendlii , as the individual illustrated in Plate 3 ( Fig. 9 ) clearly show the diagnostic truncate caudal fin and very long pectoral fin of male Seminemacheilus . Eskişehir is situated within the western Sakarya catchment, but despite of intensive field work, the species has not been found by us around Eskişehir or elsewhere in the Sakarya River drainage. Only recently, we found one population of Seminemacheilus at Eymir, 80 km south-west of Eskişehir . Eymir is situated at one of the headwater streams of the Porsuk River, which also flows through Eskişehir , being a major tributary of the Sakarya . While the description by Hankó (1925) is clearly based on a species of Seminemacheilus , he does not give the characters needed to confirm the identification of the Seminemacheilus from Eymir as S. lendlii , distinct from the other species discussed below. However, we see no reason to believe that more than one species of Seminemacheilus is found in the Porsuk River drainage and therefore identify the fish from Eymir as S. lendlii .