Revision of the land snail genus Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 (Gastropoda, Camaenidae) from Java Author Nurinsiyah, Ayu Savitri 5AFBFEFB-B243-49CC-AACC-248B2F007BC8 Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Science, Cibinong, West Java, Indonesia. & Author Neiber, Marco T. 8F6006F5-D880-4841-AC32-B97E18D7BB5C Zoological Museum, Center of Natural History, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany Author Hausdorf, Bernhard FEDE92C0-108D-4315-8F86-9F2CFF1CB906 Zoological Museum, Center of Natural History, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2019 2019-05-21 526 1 73 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2019.526 2da65c0a-9c48-43f5-ada3-e088de28dec1 2118-9773 3152217 3FFC527D-E9CA-4D9F-BF59-076FA60171AC Landouria conoidea ( Leschke, 1914 ) comb. nov. Figs 4 , 6 , 53 ; Tables 3–4 Plectotropis conoidea Leschke, 1914: 212 , figs 8–9 (“Buitenzorg”). Landouria rotatoria van Benthem Jutting 1950: 461 (in part). (not Pfeiffer, 1842 ) Diagnosis Landouria conoidea is characterized by a small, conical, sharply keeled shell with tubercles all over the shell surface. Material examined Syntypes INDONESIA8 spec. ; West Java , Bogor ; 6°36′ S , 106°48′ E ; ZMH 98144 . Other material INDONESIA10 spec. ; West Java , Bogor ; 6°36′ S , 106°48′ E ; ZMH 98145 . Description SHELL ( Figs 4 , 6 ; Tables 3–4 ). Conical, with 4.75–5 slightly convex whorls; protoconch almost smooth; teleoconch with fine, irregular wrinkles; apical side without distinct incised spiral lines, umbilical side with indistinct spiral lines; with tubercles all over shell surface that carry scaly processes or hairs mainly at periphery; tuberculate around umbilicus; brownish-corneous; body whorl sharply keeled at beginning; aperture almost circular; upper insertion of peristome slightly descending; peristome expanded, reflexed and slightly thickened; umbilicus hardly eccentric, wide, comprising 30–43% of shell diameter, hardly obscured by columellar edge. Figs 6–11. Shell sculpture of species of Landouria from Java (umbilical side of shell in 6; apical side in 7–11). 6 . L. conoidea ( Leschke, 1914 ) , West Java , Bogor ( syntype , ZMH 98144). 7 . L. tholiformis sp. nov. , Yogyakarta , Gunung Kidul, Tepus, near Poktunggal Beach ( holotype , MZB 17999). 8 . L. madurensis sp. nov. , East Java , Madura Island, Sampang, Nepa Monkey lowland rainforest ( paratype , MZB 19209). 9 . L. pacitanensis sp. nov. , East Java , Pacitan, Srau Beach ( paratype , ZMH 148510). 10 . L. monticola van Benthem Jutting, 1950 , West Java , Gunung Cikuray ( paratype , SMF 8880). 11 . L. smimensis ( Mousson, 1848 ) , East Java , Tosari (ZMA 390881). Scale bars: 1 mm . GENITALIA. Unknown. Remarks Landouria conoidea differs from L. winteriana , which occurs in the same region in West Java , in the smaller shell diameter ( 7.6–8.7 mm vs 9.7–12.6 mm in L. winteriana ), the higher shell form (D/H 1.48–1.54 vs 1.55–2.07 in L. winteriana ), the more pronounced keel and the presence of tubercles all over the shell surface ( Fig. 6 ). With regard to the conical shell form, L. conoidea resembles L. naggsi sp. nov. (Fig. 25), from which it differs in the less elevated (D/H 1.48–1.54 vs 1.21–1.37 in L. naggsi sp. nov. ), smaller shell (D 7.6– 8.7 mm vs 11.6–14.0 mm in L. naggsi sp. nov. ) with fewer whorls (4.75–5 vs 6.25–7 in L. naggsi sp. nov. ), the more pronounced keel and the shell sculpture consisting of tubercles vs longish scales in L. naggsi sp. nov. Distribution Landouria conoidea is so far known only from Bogor in West Java (Fig. 53).