Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History Part 8. Passeriformes: Author Pachycephalidae Author Aegithalidae Author Remizidae Author Paridae Author Sittidae Author Neosittidae Author Certhiidae Author Rhabdornithidae Author Climacteridae Author Dicaeidae Author Pardalotidae Author Nectariniidae, And Author Lecroy, Mary Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Ornithology) American Museum of Natural History (lecroy @ amnh. org) text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2010 2010-06-03 2010 333 1 178 journal article 0003-0090 Pardalotus striatus westraliensis Mathews Pardalotus striatus westraliensis Mathews, 1912a: 388 (West Australia ). Now Pardalotus striatus substriatus Mathews, 1912 . See Salomonsen, 1961c: 20 , Schodde and Mason, 1999: 128–131 , and Woinarski, 2008: 401 . HOLOTYPE : AMNH 698981 , unsexed, collected at Claremont , Perth , 31.57S , 115.52E ( Johnstone and Storr, 2004: 512 ), Western Australia , Australia , on 16 March 1907 . From the Mathews Collection (no. 2863) via the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: Mathews cited his catalog number of the holotype in the original description and gave the range of the form as ‘‘ South-West Australia .’’ The holotype bears a Mathews Collection label, on which the number ‘‘723’’ refers to this species in Mathews (1908) , and Mathews and Rothschild type labels. Specimens of this form from southwestern Australia that were in Mathews’ collection when westraliensis was published on 31 January 1912 are paratypes : Kurrawarry , AMNH 698985 (Mathews no. 2862), unsexed, May 1907 ; Wilson Inlet , AMNH 699001 (4661), male, 28 February 1910 , AMNH 699002 (4213), male, 5 January 1910 , AMNH 699003 (4662), female, 28 February 1910 ; Albany , AMNH 699004 (2871), male, 8 March 1905 , AMNH 699005 (2867), immature, 8 March 1905 ; Broome Hill , AMNH 699007 (2869), male, 11 April 1906 , AMNH 699008 (2868), male, 4 January 1907 , AMNH 699009 (2870), male, 27 September 1908 ; Stirling Range , AMNH 699015 (6169), female immature, 12 September 1910 ; Lake Dundas , AMNH 699021 (5294), unsexed, 24 February 1905 , collected by Whitlock , but obtained by Mathews from WAM (no. 7299). I did not find the following three specimens in Mathews’ catalog: AMNH 699006 and AMNH 699011 , collected by T. Carter at Broome Hill in August and September 1910 , and AMNH 699020 , collected at Perth in May 1907 ; I have not considered them paratypes . AMNH 699012– 699014 and AMNH 699016 ( Mathews nos. 10528–10531) were not cataloged until 24 February 1912 , after the publication of westraliensis on 31 January 1912 .