Systematic review and cladistic analysis of the genus Eusarcus Perty 1833 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Gonyleptidae) 2698 Author Hara, Marcos Ryotaro Author Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo text Zootaxa 2010 2010-12-03 2698 1 136 journal article 1175­5334 Eusarcus aduncus (Mello-Leitão) ( Figs. 3 , 40C,D , 49B ) Enantiocentron aduncum Mello-Leitão 1942: 7 , fig. 5. (ma lectotype , 2 ma, 6 fe paralectotypes , here designated; “Colatina, Espírito Santo ; E. May & M. Rosa leg.; MNRJ 58207*”; examined, strongly damaged). * Not MNRJ 55093, as stated in original description. Eusarcus aduncus : B. Soares 1943a: 206 (dist), 207 (syst); 1944c: 144 (cit.), 145 (dist); Mello-Leitão 1945: 153 (cat), 157 (key), fig. 6; B. Soares 1945c: 374 (cat); 1946: 519 (cat); Soares & Soares 1954b: 258 (cat); 1974: 609 (cit); Trajano & Gnaspini-Netto 1991: 386 (dist); Gnaspini & Trajano 1994: 551 (dist); Pinto-da-Rocha 1995: 82 (dist); Kury 2003a: 168 (cat). Material examined : BRAZIL . Espírito Santo : Colatina, M. Rosa leg., without date, ma lectotype of Enantiocentron aduncum ( MNRJ 58207a); idem, 2 ma & 6 fe paralectotypes of Enantiocentron aduncum ( MNRJ 58207). Bahia : Carinhanha (Serra do Ramalho, Gruta do André), R.L.C. Baptista leg., vi.2001 , 1 ma & 2 fe ( MNRJ 4639); idem (Serra do Ramalho, Lapa do Boqueirão), , 4 ma, 3 fe & 2 im ( MNRJ 4637); Itagibá (Fazenda Pedra Branca), J. Jim leg., 05.i.1970 , 2 ma ( HEMS 446); idem, 13.i.1972 , 3 ma & 1 fe ( HEMS 484); idem, Jim, Carvalho, Mioni & Caramaschi leg., 23.i.1975 , 1 fe ( MNRJ 4530); idem, U. Caramaschi, C.M. Carvalho, S.R. Mioni & J. Jim leg., 23.i.1975 , 1 ma & 2 fe ( MNRJ 16129); Una (Reserva Biológica do Una, 15º 10´S 39º 03´W ), A.D. Brescovit et al . leg., 13–16.iv.1998 , 1 ma ( IBSP 2311). Goiás : Corumbá, F. Lane leg., vi.1942 , 1 ma & 1 fe ( MZSP 234); idem, , 3 ma ( MZSP 235); Itaberaí (Gruta Bela Vista 2), P. Gnaspini et al . leg., 24.ii.1998 , 1 ma ( MZSP 21661); Mambaí (Gruta Meândrica), J. Motta leg., 31.vii.2001 , 2 ma ( MNRJ 11401). Distrito Federal : (R.E. IBGE, km 251), without name of collector, 12.x.1988 , 1 ma & 1 fe ( MNRJ 4414); idem, 19.x.1988 , 1 ma & 1 fe ( MNRJ 17695); Brasília, H.S. Lopes leg., xii.1961 , 1 ma ( HEMS 339); idem, A. Correa leg., i.1967 , 1 ma ( HEMS 360); idem (Fazenda Água Limpa), A.B. Kury leg., 22.v.1998 , 1 ma & 1 fe ( MNRJ 5616); Brazlândia (APA Cafuringa, Fazenda Pontal dos Angicos, Gruta Labirinto da Lama), without name of collector, 20.i.2003 , 1 ma & 1 fe ( UNB ); idem, 29.i.2003 , 1 fe & 1 im ( UNB ); idem (APA de Cafuringa, Fazenda Santa Sara, Gruta Sal Fenda), without name of collector, 20.xii.2002 , 3 ma ( UNB ); idem, 30.i.2004 , 1 fe ( UNB ); idem, 17.i.2005 , 1 fe ( UNB ). Minas Gerais : Itacarambi (Gruta Olhos D'Água), without name of collector, iv.1985 , 1 ma ( HEMS 875); idem, E. Trajano leg., 15.ix.1994 , 1 fe ( MZSP 18267). Espírito Santo : Barra do São Francisco (Córrego do Itá), W. Zikán leg., x–xi.1956 , 4 ma, 5 fe & 1 im (HEMS 340a); idem, 1 ma (HEMS 340b); Colatina, J. Schubart leg., 1944, 1 ma ( MZSP 1723); idem (Rio São José), Soares leg., ix.1942 , 7 ma & 4 fe ( MZSP 244); idem, 1942, 1 ma ( MZSP 552); Linhares (Refúgio Sooretama), Schubart leg., 12.x.1944 , 1 fe ( HEMS 1009); idem, without name of collector, i.1979 , 2 ma ( MNRJ 17694). Diagnosis: E . aduncus resembles E . berlae , E . elinae , E . fulvus , E . signatus , E . sooretamae , E . cavernicola , E . mirabilis and E . sergipanus because of the conical prolateral median apophysis on the male trochanter IV, and can be distinguished by: The presence of PAM; large median spine of scutal area III; basitarsus I not elongated; prolateral apical apophysis of coxa IV without projections on retrolateral margin; femur IV not longer than 1.5 times dorsal scutum length; ocularium without median apophysis, unarmed or with a pair of large tubercles. Redescription: Male (MZSP 234): Dorsum ( Fig. 3A,B ): Measurements: SL 3.85; SMW 3.40; femur I 2.25; II 4.40; III 3.30; IV 4.15. Median paracheliceral projection smaller than PAM. Ocularium far from anterior scutal margin; with 10 tubercles. Carapace with 37 scattered tubercles. Scutal area I with 25–26 scattered tubercles on each side; II with 59; III with 69 and a long median spine curved backwards, surpassing posterior margin of dorsal scutum; IV with 38 tubercles. Posterior margin of dorsal scutum and free tergites I– III with a row of 17, 18, 16, 11 tubercles, respectively. Anal operculum with 38 tubercles. FIGURE 3. Eusarcus aduncus (Mello-Leitão) . Male (MZSP 234): A, habitus, dorsal view; B, dorsal scutum, right lateral view; C, right coxa and trochanter IV, posterior view (in part); D, right trochanter and femur IV, prolateral view; E, idem, dorsal view; F, idem, ventral view; G, right femur III, dorsal view; H, idem, ventral view. Scale bars, 1 mm. Venter: Coxa I with 27–36 tubercles, median and distal ones largest; II with 45–48, retrolateral ones smallest; III–IV irregularly tuberculate. Chelicera: Segment I with 4–5 tubercles. Pedipalpus: Trochanter dorsally inflated, with 4–6 tubercles. Femur dorsally with scattered tubercles; ventrally with 1 large basal tubercle, 4–5 small aligned tubercles. Tibial setation: Prolateral and retrolateral IiIi. Tarsal setation: Prolateral IIi, retrolateral IiIi. Legs ( Fig. 3C–H ): Coxa II with 6 tubercles on retrolateral margin; IV densely tuberculate, surpassing dorsal scutum in dorsal view only apically, with 1 oblique prolateral apical apophysis, this conical, short, curved posteriad and slightly ventrad. Trochanters I–IV with scattered tubercles; I–II with retrolateral ones large; I with 1 large ventro-basal tubercle; IV prolaterally with 1 median apophysis, this conical, sinuous, curved dorsad; retrolaterally with 1 large median tubercle. Femur I with reduced or small PDS, reduced RDS, ventrally with 2 rows of slightly enlarged tubercles; II with small PDS, RDS; III sinuous, reduced PDS, small RDS; ventrally with 2 rows of slightly enlarged tubercles, prolateral row with 3 large tubercles; IV sinuous, with small PDS, RDS; ventrally with slightly enlarged tubercles in distal third. Metatarsus I with 2 ventroapical setae. Tarsal segmentation: 6, 9–10, 6, 6. Penis ( Fig. 40C,D ): Stylus with medio-ventral trichomes and angular medio-ventral projection. Ventral process of glans curved, with apex blunt. Ventral plate with slightly convex sides, with 3 pairs of long, curved distal setae; 1 pair of short, straight median setae; 4 pairs of basal setae very close to each other. Coloration: Yellowish brown; dark brown on body margin and appendages. Light brown in distal third of metatarsi and tarsi. Female ( paralectotype ; MNRJ 58207): Dorsum: Measurements: SL 4.50; SMW 3.80; femur I 2.15; II 4.15; III 3.10; IV 4.15. Median paracheliceral projection larger than PAM. Scutal area III with median spine curved back and upwards, reaching groove V, not surpassing posterior margin of dorsal scutum. Pedipalpus: Tibial setation: Prolateral Iii, retrolateral IiIi. Legs: Coxa IV densely tuberculate, with 1 oblique prolateral apical apophysis, this conical, short, curved posteriad and slightly ventrad. Trochanter IV with scattered tubercles, retrolaterally with 1 large median tubercle and 1 apical apophysis, this conical, short, blunt. Femur III ventrally with two irregular rows of tubercles increasing in size distally, prolateral ones enlarged; small, blunt PVS; IV ventrally with two irregular rows of tubercles, retrolateral ones smaller, prolateral ones slightly increasing in size distally; 2 large apical tubercles. Coloration: Brown; dark brown on free tergites and coxae of legs. Light brown on apex of metatarsi and tarsi of legs III–IV. Variation in males (n=6): Measurements: SL 3.85–5.50; SMW 3.40–5.20; femur I 2.25–2.80; II 4.40– 6.40; III 3.30–4.60; IV 4.15–6.00. Ocularium with 1 pair of larger tubercles or unarmed. Median spine of scutal area III long, surpassing posterior margin of dorsal scutum or reaching groove V. Pedipalpus: Tibial setation: Prolateral and retrolateral IiIi/IIi. Femur II with reduced or small PDS, RDS; III with reduced or small PDS, small or medium RDS. Tarsal segmentation: 6–7, 9–12(3–4), 6, 6. Variation in females (n=6): Measurements: SL 3.60–4.50; SMW 3.00–3.80; femur I 1.90–2.50; II 3.50– 4.90; III 2.70–3.70; IV 3.50–4.90. Ocularium unarmed or with 1 pair of large tubercles. Pedipalpus: Tibial setation: Prolateral IiIi/IIi/Iii, retrolateral IiiIi/IiIi/IIi. Femur III with reduced or small PDS, RDS. Tarsal segmentation: 6, 8–10, 6, 6. Type locality: Brazil , Espírito Santo , Colatina . Geographical distribution ( Fig. 49B ): Central to SE Brazil . Bahia , Goiás , Distrito Federal , Minas Gerais , Espírito Santo .