The Pselaphodes (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) of Nepal Author Huang, Meng-Chi Author Yin, Zi-Wei text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2019 2019-09-30 126 2 165 196 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3463445 d20f0d8c-0592-40d4-94dd-6d9ec60dfe49 0035-418 3463445 Pselaphodes bilobatus sp. nov. Figs 4A , 5 A-L Type material ( 12 specimens ): Holotype ; MHNG- ENTO-43969; ♂; NEPAL , ‘ NEPAL , Khandbari District , above Sheduwa , 3000 m , 31.III.-1.IV.1982 , A. & Z. Smetana’ ( MHNG ) . – Paratypes ; MHNG-ENTO-43970 to 43974; 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀ ; NEPAL , same label data as holotype . – MHNG-ENTO-43975; 1 ♀ ; NEPAL ; same label data as for preceding, except ‘ 2.IV.1982 ’. MHNG-ENTO-43976; paratype , 1 ♂; NEPAL ; ‘ NEPAL , Khandbari District , “Bakan” W of Tashigaon 3200 m , 5.IV.1982 , A. & Z. Smetana’ . – MHNG- ENTO-43977 to 43980; 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀ ; NEPAL , ‘E. NEPAL : KOSI Crête N-E Mangmaya , 2800 m , 7.IV.84, Löbl - Smetana’ (all paratypes in MHNG ) . Fig 3. Male diagnostic features of Pselaphodes bagmatius sp. nov. (A) Antennal club. (B) Pronotum. (C) Metaventral process, in lateral view. (D) Protrochanter and profemur. (E) Apex of protibia. (F) Mesotrochanter and mesofemur. (G) Apex of mesotibia. (H) Metatrochanter and metafemur. (I) Sternite IX. (J-L) Aedeagus, in dorsal (J), lateral (K), and ventral (L) view. Scale bars: 0.3 mm in A-B, D, F, H; 0.2 mm in C, J-L; 0.1 mm in E, G, I. Type locality: Nepal , Sankhuwasabha District, Khandbari, 3000 m alt. Diagnosis of males: Length 3.02-3.29 mm . Antennomeres 9 with projection at apex, antennomeres 10 with projection at base. Metaventral processes long, apically expanded, with additional pair of small triangular projections. Protrochanters with small ventral spine, profemora with large, blunt ventral spine, protibiae with small, blunt projection at apex; mesotrochanters with acute ventral spine, mesotibiae with small spine at apex. Median lobe of aedeagus bifid apically; parameres slender at base and strongly broadened apically. Description: Male ( Fig. 4A ). Body reddish brown, BL 3.02-3.29 mm . Head longer than wide, HL 0.65- 0.68 mm , HW 0.55-0.64 mm ; each eye composed of about 35 facets; with well-developed ocular canthus. Antennomeres ( Fig. 5A ) 9-11 forming distinct club, antennomeres 9 with projection at apex, antennomeres 10 with projection at base. Pronotum ( Fig. 5B ) longer than wide, PL 0.59-0.68 mm , PW 0.61-0.62 mm , angularly expanded at anterolateral margins, strongly constricted at apical third. Elytra wider than long, EL 0.76-0.82 mm , EW 1.06-1.25 mm . Metaventral processes ( Fig. 5C ) long, apically broadened, with pair of small triangular projection in addition to long processes. Protrochanters with small ventral spine, profemora with large, blunt ventral spine ( Fig. 5D ), protibiae ( Fig. 5E ) with blunt projection at apex; mesotrochanters ( Fig. 5F ) with acute ventral spine; mesotibiae ( Fig. 5G ) with small spine at apex; metatrochanters and metafemora ( Fig. 5H ) simple. Abdomen broad at base and narrowing apically, AL 1.02-1.11 mm , AW 1.09-1.40 mm . Sternite IX semimembranous, shape as in Fig. 5I . Length of aedeagus ( Figs 5 J-L) 0.59 mm ; median lobe strongly asymmetric, bifid at apex; parameres short and apically broadened; endophallus composed of two sclerites. Fig 4. Dorsal habitus of Pselaphodes males. (A) P. bilobatus sp. nov. (B) P. corniger sp. nov. Scale bars: 1 mm. Fig 5. Male diagnostic features of Pselaphodes bilobatus sp. nov. (A) Antennal club. (B) Pronotum. (C) Metaventral process, in lateral view. (D) Protrochanter and profemur. (E) Apex of protibia. (F) Mesotrochanter and mesofemur. (G) Apex of mesotibia. (H) Metatrochanter and metafemur. (I) Sternite IX. (J-L) Aedeagus, in dorsal (J), lateral (K), and ventral (L) view. Scale bars: 0.3 mm in A-B, D, F, H; 0.2 mm in C, J-L; 0.1 mm in E, G, I. Female. Each eye composed of about 30 facets; antennae simple. Measurements: BL 3.02-3.03 mm , HL 0.65- 0.68 mm , HW 0.59-0.61 mm , PL 0.62-0.65 mm , PW 0.61-0.62 mm , EL 0.71-0.73 mm , EW 1.12-1.16 mm , AL 0.99-1.02 mm , AW 1.26-1.31 mm . Distribution: Nepal , Koshi . Comparative notes: The new species belongs to the P . bagmatius species-group, and can be readily separated from all congeners of the group based on the angulate pronotal lateral margins, the broad male protibiae, and the unique forms of the male antennal clubs and the aedeagus. Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the bi-lobed apex of the aedeagal median lobe of the new species.