A new species of the genus Tatargina (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae) from Cambodia Author Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal Author Ko, Jae ˗ Ho Author Kwon, Hyung-Wook Author Bae, Yang-Seop text Zootaxa 2020 2020-02-10 4731 4 589 594 journal article 24099 10.11646/zootaxa.4731.4.12 c536f3b9-71f6-47f4-abcd-c4165ef1aed4 1175-5326 3661906 1077C8CB-DE43-4D7D-8736-6471656D69A2 Tatargina erythromelaena Bayarsaikhan & Bae , n. sp. (Figs. 2, 4) Type materials. Holotype : 1 m #, Rovieang , Preah Vihear Prov. , Cambodia , 1.V.2010 ( YS Bae , XV Le , and YD Ju ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1471C . Paratype : 1 m #, Rovieang , Preah Vihear Prov. , Cambodia , 1.V.2010 ( YS Bae , XV Le , and YD Ju ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1470C . Diagnosis. This new species is similar to single member of the subgenus Tatargina , T. picta (Walker) by general appearance. However, T. erythromelaena n. sp. differs from allied species by the following characters: two black spots of patagium much more smaller (in T. picta , two black spots of patagium large, almost same size with base pale yellow, rounded plate); in male genitalia, right valva with three diverse length processes (in T. picta , right valva with two diverse length processes), and left valva with broad rectangular (in holotype ) or finger˗shaped (in paratype ) upper and narrowly triangular lower processes, which both almost same length (in T. picta , left valva with almost same length ( Figs. 4a ˗b) finger˗shaped processes or upper one 0.5˗2 times shorter than upper); aedeagus with row of diverse sized spines, which spines almost attached to each other and apical spines two times larger than basal (in T. picta , aedeagus with row of almost same sized, small spines, which spines far from each other). Description . Adult (Figs. 3a˗b). Length of forewing 19˗20 mm in male. Head red. Patagium red, with two small, black spots in center of pale yellow, rounded plate. Tegula red, with one small black spot and a triangular black patch in pale yellow, triangular plate. Thorax red, with one triangular black spot in pale yellow, triangular plate and one rounded black spot in pale yellow, ovoid plates. Forewing red ground color, with six rows of irregular, black margined, gray patches in pale yellow plates; basal to postmedial patches elongate; subterminal patches rectangular, diverse sized; terminal pale yellow or fuscous patches triangular, diverse sized; fringe pale yellow. Hindwing pale yellow, slightly tinged with red; with a pair dark patches in subapical area; fringe pale yellow. Abdomen pale yellow, with a series of dark spots dorsally and laterally, and a pair series of dark spots ventrally. Male genitalia (Figs. 6a˗b). Uncus broad, triangular, weakly sclerotized. Tegumen “collar”˗shaped, weakly sclerotized. Valva broad, sclerotized, asymmetrical, weakly covered with setae; apical process of valva stout, pointed; right valva with three diverse length processes and left valva with one short, slender, waved, and one large rectangular processes (or finger˗shaped) on the ventral edge of valva; costal margin of valva with a large, sclerotized basal transtilla. Juxta strongly sclerotized apically, weakly rectangular. Aedeagus stout, weakly waved in basal 1/3, with with row of di- verse sized spines, which spines almost attached to each other and apical spines two times larger than basal, and one bundle of small spines and vesica without cornuti. Female genitalia . Unknown. FIGURES 4˗6. Male genitalia of genus Tatargina spp. 4a. T. picta , INU˗1472Cambodia. 4b. ditto, INU˗1473Cambodia. 5a. ditto, INU(CKC˗1)˗10228Thailand. 5b. ditto, INU(CKC˗2)˗10226Thailand. 6a. T. erythromelaena n. sp. , holotype, INU˗1471Cambodia. 6b. ditto , paratype, INU˗1470Cambodia. Distribution. Cambodia ( Preah Vihear province ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek, erythr˗o (red) and melaen (blacken), refers to the forewing red ground color, with black patches.