Scorpions of Iran (Arachnida, Scorpiones). Part X. Alborz, Markazi and Tehran Provinces with a description of Orthochirus carinatus sp. n. (Buthidae) Author Navidpour, Shahrokh Razi Reference Laboratory of Scorpion Research, Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute, P. O. Box 31975 / 148, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Author Kovařík, František P. O. Box 27, CZ- 145 01 Praha 45, Czech Republic Author Soleglad, Michael E. 32255 Safflower St., Winchester, CA 92596, USA Author Fet, Victor Department of Biological Sciences, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755, USA text Euscorpius 2019 276 1 20 journal article 10.18590/euscorpius.2019.vol2019.iss276.1 1536-9307 6506313 83FC944B-4594-4198-8BB6-1E390E888FE1 Compsobuthus kaftani Kovařík, 2003 ( Fig. 51 ) Compsobuthus kaftani Kovařík, 2003: 95 ; Kovařík in Kovařík & Ojanguren Affilastro, 2013: 152 , figs. 882–885, 940 (complete references list until 2013). TYPE LOCALITY AND TYPE REPOSITORY . Iran , Esfahan Province , Jafar abad SEE of Kashan , 33°55'N 51°53'E ; FKCP . TEHRAN PROVINCE MATERIAL EXAMINED . Iran , Tehran Province, Mahdasht , Asad Abad Booghin Village , 35° 35'02"N 50°37'54"E , 1262 m a.s.l. ( Locality No. Teh-100) , V .2012 , 2♀ ( FKCP ) 2♂ 2♀ ( RRLS ) , leg. Rabiei, Barzegar and Fallahpour. DISTRIBUTION. Iran ( Esfahan , Kerman and Yazd Provinces) (see Kovařík & Ojanguren Affilastro, 2013: 152 ). There is a new record for Tehran Province .