Descriptions of new Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) reared from native fruit in Kenya Author Razowski, Józef Author Brown, John W. text Zootaxa 2012 3222 1 27 journal article 45308 10.5281/zenodo.280255 9d264785-6035-49e2-b6cf-29e3022a6e80 1175-5326 280255 Cydia connara , sp. n. Figs. 11 , 25 Diagnosis. Cydia connara is similar to C. anthracotis ( Meyrick, 1913 ) , new combination , from South Africa (see Razowski and Krüger 2007 : figs. 136, 255), but C. anthracotis lacks the complex orange scaling of the distal 0.33 of the forewing (present in C . connara ), and its male genitalia have a rounded excavation along the venter of the valva immediately basad of the cucullus (absent in C . connara ). Cydia connara is most similar to the Neotropical Eriosocia guttifera ( Meyrick, 1913 ) (see Razowski and Brown 2008 : figs. 1–4) in facies (i.e., complex orange scaling in the distal 0.33 of the forewing and a deep notch near mid-termen) and in the shape of the phallus (i.e., a strongly curved, narrow distal part; a bulbous, dilated median part; and a broad, curved basal part). However, C. connara lacks the unusual socius that characterize Eriosocia Razowski and Brown, 2008 . Description. Male. Head : Vertex and frons olive brown; labial palpus upcurved, white, length ca. 1.1 times horizontal diameter of compound eye. Thorax : Notum olive brown; legs unmodified. Forewing length 5.0– 6.8 mm (mean = 5.9; n = 2); costal fold absent; forewing slightly expanding distally with basal 0.8 of costa straight, apical 0.2 weakly convex, termen weakly oblique to costa; a conspicuous notch near mid-termen; ground color olive brown in postmedian 0.5 of wing, orange scaling in form of spots and indistinct interfascia; speculum concolorous with inner spots but without lines; costal strigulae white, followed by shades of orange; divisions of strigulae dark brown; fringe paler than ground color. Hindwing brown; cubital pecten well developed, with linear patch of fine hairlike scales along 3A; fringe cream. Abdomen : Male genitalia ( Fig. 25 ) with tegumen subrectangular, slightly broadened dorsally, no trace of uncus or socius; valva broad, expanded apically, cucullus oval, with long and short spines around perimeter; basal cavity short; phallus with bulbous median part and slender, strongly curved distal part; vesica lacking cornuti. Female. Unknown. Holotype (3): Kenya , Coast Province, Shimba Hills, 407 m , 4°17.62’S , 39°21.19’E , 8 Feb 2003 , A&M Coll. #2494, r.f. Connarus longistipitatus [ Connaraceae ]; GS USNM 124,425. Paratypes (23). Same data as holotype . Etymology. The species name refers to the generic name of the food plant. Remarks. One of the paratypes is much larger than the other paratype and holotype ( 6.8 mm vs. 5.0 mm), but is lacking its abdomen. However, based on the extremely similar forewing maculation and the fact that all three are from the same rearing lot, their conspecificity is almost certain. The size of the large paratype suggests that this species may typically be considerably larger than the holotype (i.e., lab rearing may have resulted in a smaller individual).