Composition of the genus Connexochiton Kaas, 1979 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora Ischnochitonidae) Author Sirenko, Boris text Zootaxa 2021 2021-03-29 4950 1 83 102 journal article 7502 10.11646/zootaxa.4950.1.4 110740d9-aa2f-4def-8642-41a399107286 1175-5326 4643422 5277A7B7-8AFC-4BC0-976D-B63C74963FC8 Connexochiton crassus ( Kaas, 1985 ) (Fig. 16H) Ischnochiton ( Ischnochiton ) crassus Kaas, 1985: 328 , figs. 13–26; Kaas & Van Belle 1990: 136 , fig. 59, map 14; not Ischnochoton crassus ; Sirenko 2008: 42 , figs. 1–23, 86. Connexochiton crassus ; Sirenko 2020: 10 . Not Ischnochiton crassus ; Sirenko 2008: 42 , figs. 1–23, 86 (= Connexochiton kaasi Saito, 1997 ). Type material. Holotype (MNHN-IM-2000-6220). Type locality. Indian Ocean, N Mozambique Channel , W of Glorieuses Islands , 11°29.2’S 47°18.2’E , 250 m . Material examined. Holotype (MNHN-IM-2000-6220). FIGURE 14. Connexochiton solomonicus n. sp. Solomon Islands 7°54.8’S 156°52.6’E, 537–590 m, holotype (MNHN-IM- 2007-17458) BL 3.5 mm: A. Dorsal scales; B, D. Radula; C. Ventral scales. Remarks. Kaas (1985) and Kaas & Van Belle (1990) gave a detailed description of Connexochiton crassus , which is somewhat complemented here.A re-study of the type material indicated that the jugal plates are very feebly marked in valves III–VIII, but clearly marked in valve II, which was previously not mentioned. This observation and the remaining specific features i.e., the shape of the valves, structure of tegmentum, armature of the girdle and radular teeth, justify a placement within the genus Connexochiton