The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi revisited (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Author Cakenberghe, Victor Van 9A0E1AF5-C248-4648-9D64-443112890346 University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Functional Morphology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein, 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium. & AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 9 A 0 E 1 AF 5 - C 248 - 4648 - 9 D 64 - 443112890346 & Corresponding author: Victor. VanCakenberghe @ uantwerpen. be Author Tungaluna, Guy-Crispin Gembu 2AE2F96F-A138-419B-B650-6DB44D535D14&4C40421C-1D84-4BD1-A444-360300ECBEEC Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. & Email: gembuguycrispin @ gmail. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 2 AE 2 F 96 F-A 138 - 419 B-B 650 - 6 DB 44 D 535 D 14 & Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo. & Email: prescottmusaba @ yahoo. fr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 4 C 40421 C- 1 D 84 - 4 BD 1 - A 444 - 360300 ECBEEC Author Akawa, Prescott Musaba Author Seamark, Ernest B60CA9A1-D288-468E-AEEB-D0F136E96F5B AfricanBats NPC, 357 Botha Ave, Kloofsig, 0157, Republic of South Africa. & Centre for Wildlife Management, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X 20 Hatfield, Pretoria 0028, Republic of South Africa. & Email: ernest. seamark @ africanbats. org & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 60 CA 9 A 1 - D 288 - 468 E-AEEB-D 0 F 136 E 96 F 5 B Author Verheyen, Erik 86B40463-E3D9-4147-9ED3-D7302E0D64B6 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - OD Taxonomy and Phylogeny, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. & University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, Evolutionary Ecology, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, B- 2610 Antwerpen (Wilrijk), Belgium. & Email: erik. verheyen @ naturalsciences. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 86 B 40463 - E 3 D 9 - 4147 - 9 ED 3 - D 7302 E 0 D 64 B 6 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-12-18 382 1 327 journal article 21810 10.5852/ejt.2017.382 ea406606-dfbd-4121-9d8c-108041a032b4 2118-9773 3860077 FA508A12-9BDB-4A2B-9B0C-98FDD161443C Mops (Xiphonycteris) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : 3 ?? [3 AL], unknown locality , unknown date, leg. Anthony N. Start, unknown date, leg. unknown collector, between 1 Jan. 1976 and 31 Dec. 1977 , leg. M. Lejeune ( RMCA : 77.029-M-0003 to 77.029-M-0005); 1 ♀ [SS], Aba , 17 Dec. 1911 , leg. Herbert Lang, James Paul Chapin and The American Museum Congo Expedition ( AMNH : 48874); 1? [AL], Albertville [= Kalemie] , prior to 18 Nov. 1959 , leg. H. Bomans ( RMCA : 29304); 4 ♀♀ , 6 ♂♂ , 4 ?? [6 SA, 8 AL], Beno , unknown date, leg. the Royal Museum for Central Africa ( RMCA ), between 1 Jan. 1949 and 31 Dec. 1949 , leg. P. Bayet ( BMNH : 1954.840 to 1954.843, RMCA : 19838 to 19847); 3 ?? [3 UN], Ihunga-Semliki confluence , unknown date, leg. unknown collector ( INPBC : V794.1 to V794.3); 2 ♀♀ [2 UN], Isai River , unknown date, between 18 Nov. 1974 and 19 Nov. 1974 , leg. Michael D. Gallagher ( HZM : 7.7818 , 8.7819 ); 1? [AL], Kasai , prior to 11 Jul. 1905 , leg. La Compagnie du Kassai ( RMCA : 740a); 6 ad ♀♀ [6 UN], Kikwit , 3 Aug. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( MSB : 274898 to 274900, 274902, 274903, 274907); 3 ad ♀♀ , 4 ad ♂♂ [5 SA, 1 AL, 1 SK], Kikwit ITPK [= Kikwit] , 3 Aug. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( RMCA : 97.021-M-0817 to 97.021-M-0822, 97.021-M-0850); 1 juv [SA], Kinzambi Mission , 24 Jul. 1995 , leg. Herwig Leirs et al. ( RMCA : 97.021-M-0816); 1 juv [AL], Leverville [= Lusanga] , between 1 Feb. 1929 and 28 Feb. 1929 , leg. Tinant ( RMCA : 9988b); 1? [AL], Lulimbi , between 1 Jan. 1976 and 31 Dec. 1977 , leg. M. Lejeune ( RMCA : 77.029- M-0002); 6 ad ♀♀ , 2 ad ♂♂ , 1 ad? , 1 sad , 1 juv , 2 ♀♀ , 1? [10 SS, 1 SA, 3 AL], Luluabourg [= Kananga] , unknown date, prior to 8 Jul. 1913 , leg. Richard Callewaert, prior to 17 Apr. 1913 , leg. Cambier ( BMNH : 1926.11.1.37 to 1926.11.1.43, 1927.12.21.19, 1927.5.9.1, 1927.5.9.2, RMCA : 1548, 1954a to 1954c); 1 ♀ , 1? [1 SS, 1 SA], N’gombe [= Ngombe] , unknown date, between 1 Jan. 1921 and 31 Dec. 1921 , leg. Henri Schouteden ( RMCA : 16451, 16608); 2 ad ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ [6 SS], Niangara , 12 Dec. 1910 , leg. Herbert Lang, James Paul Chapin and The American Museum Congo Expedition ( AMNH : 48861 [ topotype Mops (Allomops) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 ], 48862 [ topotype Mops (Allomops) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 ], 48863 [ topotype Mops (Allomops) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 ], 48864 [ holotype Mops (Allomops) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 ], 48865 [ topotype Mops (Allomops) nanulus J.A. Allen, 1917 ], FMNH : 43868); 4 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , 2 ?? [7 SS], Panga , between 1 Sep. 1925 and 30 Sep. 1925 , leg. Henri Schouteden ( RMCA : 9132 to 9135, 9141 to 9143); 4 ♀♀ [4 SS], Tandala , 12 Jul. 1979 , 16 Jul. 1979 , 21 Jul. 1979 , leg. C. Brian Robbins ( USNM : 537758 to 537761); 2 ♀♀ [2 SS], Yalosemba , 27 Jun. 1979 , 28 Jun. 1979 , leg. C. Brian Robbins ( USNM : 537754, 537756).