A revision of the Varta­Stymphalus generic complex of the leafhopper tribe Scaphytopiini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from the Old World Author Viraktamath, C. A. text Zootaxa 2004 713 1 47 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.169479 eb368cbb-826c-45d4-8fee-d3ed78cceee6 1175­5326 169479 945AE84F-EA0B-4C19-95D1-039B96E53F93 Vartalapa malayana sp. nov. Figs 40 , 99–108 . Coloration and structure similar to Vartalapa robusta . Male genitalia : Pygophore narrowed and directed caudo­ventrally into a sclerotized process, with a mesal rounded lobe on caudal margin and an elongated ribbonlike process on dorsal margin. Subgenital plates separate with evenly curved lateral margins. Style similar to that in V. robusta but apophysis stouter and subapical lobe less produced. Fused aedeagus and connective not as curved as in V. robusta , shaft separated throughout its length from ventral processes which are serrated in distal region along dorsal margin and are more slender and elongated. Aedeagal shaft apically flared. Measurements : Male 6.8 mm long, 1.4 mm wide across hind margin of head and 1.5– 1.6 mm wide across hind margin of pronotum. Material examined : MALAYSIA : holotype ɗ, MALAYA : Kuala Lumpur, at light, 21.xi.1924 , Ex.F.M.S. Museum, B.M. 1955­354 ( BMNH ). Paratype : SARAWAK : 1 ɗ, vi–ix.1958 , T.C. Maa Collector, Bishop ( BPBM ). Remarks : V. m a l a y a n a differs from V. ro b u s t a in having less anteriorly produced connective and style beyond anterior margin of pygophore, slender, elongate ventral processes of aedeagus which are distally serrated. Aedeagus is separated from ventral process and apically flared. Anal segments are more slender and elongate in malayana compared to those in robusta .