A revision and one new species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae, Cucurbitales) in Northeast India Author Camfield, Rebecca Author Hughes, Mark text European Journal of Taxonomy 2018 2018-01-19 396 1 116 journal article 22365 10.5852/ejt.2018.396 2b95a851-e1bf-4bdd-9cce-441ddc4135d2 3787049 Begonia longifolia Blume [sect. Sphenanthera ] Fig. 37 Catalogus : 102 ( Blume 1823 ) . – Diploclinium longifolium (Blume) Miq., Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 1 (1): 687 ( Miquel 1856 ). – Type : Indonesia , Sumatra , Salak, Blume 740 (lecto-: B100238313, here designated). Casparya trisulcata A.DC., Annales des Sciences Naturelles; Botanique , Sér . 4, 11: 119 (de Candolle 1859 ) . – Begonia trisulcata (A.DC.) Warb., Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien 3 (abt. 6a): 142 ( Warburg 1894 ) . – Type : Indonesia , Java , Mt. Jojing, 1 May 1845 , Zollinger 2850 (lecto-: G-DC, here designated; isolecto-: B, BM, P01900669). Begonia inflata C.B.Clarke, Flora of British India 2: 636 ( Clarke 1879 ) . – Type : Myanmar ‘Birma’, Griffith 2587 (lecto-: K000761388; isolecto-: B, GH00091698, K000761387, P05587760). Begonia sarcocarpa Ridl. , Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 8 (4): 38 ( Ridley 1917a ) . – Type : Indonesia , West Sumatra , Korinchi, Barong Baru, 5 Jun. 1914 , Robinson & Kloss 61 (lecto-: BM000017330, here designated). Begonia turbinata Ridl. , Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 8 (4): 37 ( Ridley 1917a ) . – Type : Indonesia , West Sumatra , Korinchi, Siolak Dras, 15 Mar. 1914 , Robinson & Kloss s.n. (lecto-: BM000017335; isolecto-: BM, K000761216) . Begonia tricornis Ridl. , Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 75: 35 ( Ridley 1917b ) . – Type : Malaysia , Pahang , Telom, Nov. 1900 , Ridley 14123 (lecto-: SING0055970, here designated; isolecto-: K000501077). Begonia crassirostris Irmsch., Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg 10: 513 ( Irmscher 1939 ) . – Type : China , Hainan , Lam Ko District, Lin Fa Shan, 2 Aug. 1927 , Tsang Wai Tak 278 (lecto-: E00051639; isolecto-:, G n.v., K000761123, MO n.v., UC n.v.). Fig. 37. Map showing the location of B. longifolia Blume specimens. Begonia roxburghii auct . non (Miq.) A.DC.: Ridley in Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 4: 20 ( Ridley 1909 ). Begonia roxburghii auct . non (Miq.) A.DC.: Ridley in Flora of the Malay Peninsula 1: 854 ( Ridley 1922 ). Citations in other publications As B. longifolia : Blume (1827: 97) , de Candolle (1864: 398) , Koorders (1912: 650) , Tebbitt (2003a: 25) , Tebbitt (2005: 168) , Kiew (2005: 107) , Gu et al. (2007: 184) , Hughes (2008: 72) , Peng & Ku (2009: 241) , Morris (2010c: 6) , Hughes & Girmansyah (2011: 29) ; as Casparya trisulcata : de Candolle (1864: 277) , Warburg (1894: 142) ; as B. inflata : Clarke (1881: 115) , Burkill (1924: 412) , Craib (1931: 774) , Grierson (1991: 242) , Tebbitt (2003a: 25) , Uddin (2007: 594) , Dash (2010: 34) ; as B. sarcocarpa : Tebbitt (2003a: 27) ; as B. turbinata : Tebbitt (2003a: 28) ; as B. tricornis : Tebbitt (2003a: 25) ; as B. crassirostris : Tebbitt (2003a: 25) . Other material INDIA : Arunachal-Pradesh : Babuk, Nov. 1911Mar. 1912 , Burkill 37656 (n.v.); Igar Valley, Nov. 1911Mar. 1912 , Burkill 37523 (n.v.); Kalek, Nov. 1911Mar. 1912 , Burkill 37564 (n.v.); Mouth of the Sirsug River, 30 Dec. 1911 , Burkill 37586 ( K ); Tidding Valley, Theronhaing, 9 Mar. 1927 , Ward 7936 ( K ). Meghalaya : Shillong, Pangu-Minguing, 16 May 1958 , Rao 17711 ( CAL n.v.). Mizoram : Hmuifang, Dec. 1927 , Parry 430 ( K ). Description Caulescent, erect, monoecious herb, 50–200 cm high. Stem: stout, ca 10 mm wide, glabrous, internodes 3–8 cm long. Stipules: lanceolate to linear, 7–15 × 2–5 mm , glabrous, deciduous. Leaves: petiole 2–7(–14) cm long, glabrous or very sparsely puberulous; lamina lanceolate-oblong, basifixed, base shallowly cordate to subcordate, 4.5–22 × 1.5–10 cm , strongly asymmetric, upper surface dark green, glabrous, underside pale green, glabrous or sparsely puberulous on veins mostly, venation palmatepinnate, midrib 4.5–15 cm long; margin broadly dentate to denticulate; margin with sparse hairs to glabrous; apex acuminate. Inflorescence: cymose, axillary, numerous; peduncle glabrous, branching 1–2 times, primary and secondary 2–10 mm long, with 1– 2 female and 1– 3 male flowers; bracts lanceolate, 2–12 × 1–5 mm , entire, caduceus. Male flower: pedicel 5–13 mm long, glabrous; tepals 4; outer tepals orbicular to obovate, ca 10 × 9 mm , white to pink, glabrous; inner tepals spathulate, 4–8 × 2–7 mm , white to pink, glabrous; androecium with 30–60 stamens, symmetric; filaments 1–1.5 mm long, free; anthers oblong elliptic, 1–3 mm long, dehiscing through slits about half the length of the anther, not hooded, connective extended. Female flower: pedicel ca 14 mm long, glabrous; bracteoles absent; tepals 4–6, equal, elliptic, 5–16 × 2–6 mm , white to pale pink, glabrous, inner tepals similar yet smaller; ovary 3-locular, placentae bifid; capsule globose, 3–10 × 3–7 mm , glabrous, without wings; styles 3, deeply forked once and twisted twice, deciduous. Fruit: on stout pedicel, globose; capsule spherical, fleshy, glabrous, 6–12 × 8–15 mm . Distribution and phenology Arunachal-Pradesh and Meghalaya; also in China , Myanmar , Thailand , Malaysia Peninsular, Vietnam , Sumatra , Java , Lesser Sunda Islands , Sulawesi and the Moluccas ; 200–1550 m . Flowering: May to November; fruiting: June to December. Conservation status Least Concern ( Hughes 2008 ). Begonia longifolia is a very widespread and ecologically tolerant species found throughout Southeast Asia, with no significant change in recent years to warrant a change in its status. Remarks Begonia longifolia is most similar to B. acetosella in vegetative appearance; when fertile it can be easily distinguished as it is monoecious and has 3- (not 4-)locular fruit. The leaves of B. longifolia can approach those of B. sect. Monopteron ( B. griffithiana and B. nepalensis ), but B. longifolia has an upright habit rather than the pendulous habit of those species. Begonia longifolia forms a natural hybrid with B. palmata where the two are growing together, Begonia × chungii C.I Peng & S.-M.Ku ( Peng & Ku 2009 ) which has been reported from the study area ( Morris 2011a ). This hybrid has baccate fruit with wings, intermediate in form between the parents. Begonia longifolia is lectotypified here as others ( Tebbitt 2003a ; Kiew 2005 ; Gu et al. 2007 ; Hughes & Girmansyah 2011 ) have listed a holotype in error as there is no herbarium mentioned in the protologue ( McNeill 2014 ). This is also true of Casparaya trisulcata , B. sarcocarpa and B. tricornis .