Phylogenetic systematics of the genera of Thryptocerina Jeannel, 1949 and new species from New Caledonia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Oodini) Author Will, Kipling University of California Berkeley, Essig Museum of Entomology. Berkeley, California, USA Author Gueorguiev, Borislav National Museum of Natural History, 1 Blvd. Tsar Osvoboditel, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria text ZooKeys 2021 2021-06-16 1044 375 425 journal article 1313-2970-1044-375 D50CC77C2E6941FDA9BD395B025C43AE EBD9E81E5EC55AA491952682787793A4 Coptocarpus magnus sp. nov. Figs 13 , 26 , 36 , 40 , 51 , 52 Material examined. Holotype : New Caledonia ; " NEW CALEDONIA Aoupinie , 20 km NE Poya , 650m 18-19 May1984 G. Monteith & D. Cook "// "Hoplolenus cyllodinus Fvl det. B.P. Moore '84" Holotype pinned, with genitalia in a separate microvial. Source collection QM, deposited MNHN. Type locality as given on label. Paratype : New Caledonia ; " NEW CALEDONIA 11159 21°22'Sx 165°20'E , Me Maoya Camp, 1150 m . Burwell, Monteith & Wright" [QM] . Diagnosis. Only C. magnus , C. lescheni , and C. erwini have completely impressed elytral stria. Of these three species only C. magnus has the apicolateral setae of the clypeus. Description. Habitus . Medium sized, BL: 9.60 mm and BW: 4.25 mm (paratype, BL: 8.80 mm and BW: 4.20 mm), ovate, slightly convex body. Color and luster . Head; pronotum, elytra and ventral surface of body dark reddish black; legs deep reddish brown or black, tarsomeres and femur dorsally paler brown or black. Antennae and palpi brown. Integument moderately dull, elytra slightly glossier than head and pronotum, without spectral iridescence except for irregularly on abdominal ventrites. Microsculpture and punctation . Dorsal surface of head, pronotum, and elytra with prominent isodiametric meshes; ventral surface with evident sculpticells evident except on proepisterna and laterally on abdominal ventrites, on prosternum, medially on all ventrites and throughout ventrite 6 sculpticells isodiametric or somewhat transversely stretched. Head lacking macropunctation or wrinkles on vertex; head, pronotum and elytra with scattered micropunctation, only on elytra do micropunctures and sculpticells form some irregular rosettes (sensu Spence 1983 ); abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 coarsely punctate, all ventrites very shallowly wrinkled laterally and 3-6 medially smooth. Chaetotaxy . Labrum with six setae of nearly equal length each in its own socket, lateral setae slightly larger than medial four. Clypeal setae present near apicolateral corners. Single supraorbital seta present over each eye. Elytron without discal setiferous punctures. Abdominal ventrites 1-5 without ambulatory setae. Head . Approximately 1/3 as wide as pronotum (Suppl. material 2: Table S1). Eye size moderate, eye somewhat protruded, EyW/HW: 1.32 (paratype, 1.33). Labrum anterior margin straight. Frontoclypeal sutures not evident. Antenna short, with last segment not reaching pronotal base and pubescence starting from antennomere 4. Last labial palpomere swollen, blunt at apex, longer than penultimate one. Mentum tooth without paramedial border. Thorax . Pronotum ~ 1 2/3 wider than long (PW/PL: 1.60 (paratype, 1.71)); width at apex slightly more than twice width at widest point (PW/PA: 2.13 (paratype, 2.22)). Disc with middle line fine, well impressed, and ended well before apical and basal margins, without apical transverse impression; anterior angles produced, rounded triangular, anterior margin shallowly concave, submarginal sulcus present near angles, lacking in middle 1/3. Prosternal process narrowly rounded, throughout bordered. Mesosternum anteriorly with two low, slightly transverse tubercles separated by a space equal to diameter of one of them. Metepisternum width twice its length, with lateral margin slightly sinuate, coadunation with epipleuron along entire length. Elytra . Slightly longer than wide (EL/EW: 1.20 (paratype, 1.14)). Basal margin forming small, sharp tooth at shoulder, ended medially at level of stria 3, joined stria 3 and parascutellar puncture fovea with a short, shallow striole or this striole lacking. Humeral submarginal carina present. Apical sinuation clearly evident. All elytral striae impressed, clearly impressed in apical 1/2 and 4-7 clearly impressed throughout; striae 1-3 very shallow in basal 1/2, there marked by minute punctures and impressions; parascutellar striole absent. Elytral intervals flat; granulation in marginal furrow discontinuous, interrupted very broadly at midlength. Legs . Mesotibia slightly, gradually dilated apically. Basomesotarsus and basometatarsus glabrous dorsally; basomesotarsus cylindrical, and with scattered setae, especially laterally. Female genitalia . Gonocoxite 2 elongate. Spermatheca long, relatively narrow, nearly straight in basal 1/3, coiled in distal 2/3, differentiated to seminal canal and receptaculum; spermathecal gland connected near basal 1/6 of seminal canal. Male genitalia . Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view long, notably bent ventrally, with thin, ventrally curved apex (Fig. 36 ), edge of ostium with produced tooth (Fig. 40 ); lobe in dorsal view, with apical lamella bent to right, with right side concave and left side straight (Fig. 26 ); basal bulb forming edge dorsally with evident crest; sclerotized portion of endophallus visible in repose with three sclerites. Etymology. The specific epithet Coptocarpus magnus is Latin for large and this refers to the large size of these beetles, larger than all other New Caledonian species in the group. It is treated as an adjective in the nominative singular. Figures 49-51. Head in left lateral view of 49 Coptocarpus microps sp. nov. 50 C. cyllodinus (Fauvel) 51 C. magnus sp. nov. Arrow indicates location of notch beneath the eye.