Lower Tithonian mono- and dicyrtid Nassellaria (Radiolaria) from the Solnhofen area (southern Germany) Author Dumitrica, Paulian Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, BFSH 2, UNIL, CH- 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) Paulian. Dumitrica @ igp. unil. ch umitrica@igp.unil.ch Author Zügel, Peter Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Senckenberganlage 32 - 34, D- 60054 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) zuegel @ em. uni-frankfurt. de. text Geodiversitas 2003 25 1 5 72 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5372196 1638-9395 5372196 8BF4D0FF-F247-4B92-B327-0D647B01C386 Saitulpus spinipes n. sp. ( Fig. 17F, G ) HOLOTYPE . — Photo No. 58454, 58455; stub Mue 22/21; Musée de Géologie , Lausanne, No. 74391 ( Fig. 17F, G ). ETYMOLOGY. — From the Latin spina : spine; and pes : foot. MATERIAL EXAMINED. — One specimen from the type horizon (sample Mue 22). DIMENSIONS ( IN µM). — Length of cephalis 40, of feet 65, of apical horn 50, width of cephalis 60. DESCRIPTION Cephalis hemispheric with wide, rounded polygonal (triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal) pores. Arches Al well marked forming constrictions along cephalis. Apical horn about as long as cephalis, three-bladed, with a verticil of three spines toward the distal end. Distal end of horn beyond the verticil short, three-bladed, pointed. Ventral and secondary lateral spines not prolonged outside wall. Feet long, three-bladed; lateral blades with two pairs of spines, inner blade without spines. REMARKS Although the description of the species is only based on holotype , because of its rarity, the species is very well individualised. It differs from S . neojurassicus n. gen., n. sp. and S . retrospina n. gen., n. sp. especially by having feet with two pairs of spines.