A newly discovered biodiversity hotspot of many-plumed moths in the Mount Cameroon area: first report on species diversity, with description of nine new species (Lepidoptera, Alucitidae) Author Ustjuzhanin, Peter Author Kovtunovich, Vasily Author Safian, Szabolcs Author Maicher, Vincent Author Tropek, Robert text ZooKeys 2018 777 119 139 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.777.24729 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.777.24729 1313-2970--119 B3FA0CD572134EA08A85FA17DDBC3032 * Alucita spicifera (Meyrick, 1911) Orneodes spicifera Meyrick, 1911: 221. Type locality: Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. Holotype: male, TMSA, examined by the authors. Material examined. PlanteCam, 1 male, (NECJU), 11-18.XII.2014, 4 males, (CUK, NECJU), 09-14.IV.2015; Elephant Camp, 7 males, (CUK, NECJU), 19-24.XI.2014, V. Maicher, Sz. Safian , S . Janecek , R. Tropek. Diagnosis. In the male genitalia, the species is close to the Palaearctic species of Alucita . In particular, in its crown-shaped uncus, narrow membranous valves and long anellus arms, the species is similar to A. cinnerethella (Amsel, 1935), known from Iran, Turkey and Israel. However, it is distinctive in the shorter phallus, in the widened, almost round apex of the gnathos, and also in the wing colour. Distribution. Republic of South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, Cameroon.