Seven new species of phytoseiid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Tripura, northeastern India Author Kar, Anamika 0000-0001-5318-8308 Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur- 741252, Nadia, West Bengal, India. anamika _ kar 7 @ rediffmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5318 - 8308 Author Karmakar, Krishna 0000-0002-5582-3560 Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur- 741252, Nadia, West Bengal, India. kkbckv 64 @ gmail. com; karmakar. krishna @ bckv. edu. in; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5582 - 3560 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-25 5120 2 213 241 journal article 20074 10.11646/zootaxa.5120.2.3 f115f945-e91b-4224-b7ce-8d2ad143e25c 1175-5326 6389172 70CCC92E-2BFE-47A1-8CAD-0C3FA637F974 Phytoseius khowaiensis sp. nov. ( Figs 21–25 , 56–59 ) Diagnosis . The dorsum of the new species is strongly reticulated, most of the dorsal setae serrated except setae j4 , j5 , j6 , J5 , z2 and z4 which are smooth. The inner margin of setae s4 , s6 , Z4 and Z5 with distinct longitudinal slit. Ventrianal shield sole-shaped with three pairs of pre-anal setae; fixed digit of chelicerae with two teeth and pilus dentilis and movable digit with two teeth; spermatheca cup shaped with bifurcated atrium; major duct wide and distinct; minor duct visible; leg IV with three macrosetae with spatulated tips. Description Female (n= 8) Dorsum ( Fig. 21 ). Dorsal shield 278 (275–284) long and 143 (140–146) wide, strongly reticulated, prodorsum wide, with six pairs of solenostomes ( gd1 , gd2 , gd4 , gd5 , gd8 and gd9 ); 15 pairs of setae on the dorsal shield: j1 20 (19–22), j3 25 (23–26), j4 8 (7–9), j5 8 (7–9), j6 8 (7–9), J5 6 (5–8), z2 14 (13–16), z3 27 (25–28), z4 11 (10–12), z5 8 (7–9), Z4 46 (45–48), Z5 59 (58–62), s4 68 (67–69), s6 69 (67–71), r3 33 (32–34). Peritreme ( Fig. 21 ). Extending up to the base of j1 . Venter ( Fig. 22 ). All shields are smooth. The sternal shield square shaped, posterior margin indistinct, 50 (48–53) long and 61 (59–63) wide at level of setae st1–st3 and st3–st3 respectively, with three pairs of setae and two pairs of poriods; one pair of setae ( st4 ) 10 (10–12) long on metasternal platelet with distinctly visible poroids. Distances between st2–st2 51 (50–54), st5–st5 63 (60–65). The base of the genital shield straight. One pair of metapodal platelets present 26 (25–28) long and 3 (2–4) wide. Genital shield smooth, broad at the level of st5 and narrow at genital opening with irregular circular flap. Ventrianal shield sole-shaped 108 (105–108) long, 40 (39–41) wide at level of ZV2 and 52 (51–54) wide at anus level with three pairs of pre-anal setae, JV1 16 (16–18), JV2 16 (16–18), ZV2 16 (16–18) and one pair of pores gv3 12 (12–15) apart below JV2 . Membrane surrounding ventrianal shield with three pairs of setae ZV1 16 (15–18), ZV3 6 (5–9) and JV5 43 (43–46); the later one is long and serrated. Chelicera ( Fig. 23 ). Fixed digit 24 (22–25) long with two teeth and distinct pilus dentilis, movable digit 24 (22–25) long with two teeth. Spermatheca ( Fig. 24 ). The proximal part of the calyx short tubular and the distal arms of calyx forms a funnel shaped appearance 18 (15–19) long, atrium bifurcated, major duct distinct broad, minor duct visible. Legs ( Fig. 25 ). The genu, tibia and tarsus of leg IV with macrosetae with spatulated tips and of following lengths – genu 15 (14–17), tibia 36 (33–37) and tarsus 22 (18–23). Chaetotactic formula of genu II: 1 2/1 2/0 1 and genu III 1 2/1 2/01. Length of leg I 242 (240–245), leg II 218 (217–225), leg III 236 (235–242) and leg IV 389 (387–394). Type specimens . Holotype : female (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8598 /2021) deposited in the NZC, Zoological Survey of India , Kolkata , collected from star fruit tree, ( Averrhoa carambola ) at Khowai : 24°2'24"N , 91°35'56"E , 34m above AMSL , Khowai , Tripura , on 28th August , 2019; 10 paratype females (Acarol.lab/ BCKV/8598–8600 /2021) collected from same host with same collection data as holotype on 4 th February, 2021 and deposited in the Acarology laboratory of BCKV , Mohanpur. FIGURES 21–25. Phytoseius khowaiensis (female). 21. Dorsal view of idiosoma; 22. Ventral view of idiosoma; 23. Chelicera; 24. Spermatheca; 25. Genu, tibia and basitarsus of leg IV. Etymology . The specific name khowaiensis refers to the type locality “Khowai” of Tripura state from where the species was collected. Remarks . The new species Phytoseius khowaiensis sp. nov. belongs to horridus species group with setae J2 and R1 absent and ventral setal pattern JV-3,4: ZV. Following the keys of Kar & Karmakar, 2021b , the new species is found different from all the Phytoseius species described and recorded from India but is very close to P . aonlae Kar & Karmakar, 2021b , where setae s4 , Z4 and Z5 , StiIV are shorter in new species than P . aonlae species. However, the new species is close to P . crinitus Swirski & Shechter, 1961 , P . neoferox Ehara & Bhandhufalck, 1977 , P . litoralis Silva et al ., 2013 and P . aonlae Kar & Karmakar, 2021b by having similar dorsal setal pattern, setal slit along the longitudinal line of setae s4 , s6 , Z4 and Z5 and macrosetae of leg IV. But the new species differs from these close species by the dorsal setal length; denticles in fixed and movable digit of chelicerae; shape of ventrianal shield; length of macrosetae in leg IV; and shape form of spermatheca. All the differences between the new species and its close species are described in Table 5 .