A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea)
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
journal article
new genus
Lamponega arcoona
new species
ETYMOLOGY: The generic name is an arbitrary combination of letters, considered feminine in gender.
DIAGNOSIS: Specimens of this genus can easily be separated from all other lamponines by their greatly elevated sternum, with steeply sloping sides (figs. 338, 341), and by the lack of a modified promarginal cheliceral seta.
DESCRIPTION: Small spiders, total length 3.6–6.2. Carapace dark red, tuberculate, coat ed with long setae originating from bases of tubercles, tubercles protruding from lateral margin; thoracic groove short, almost obsolete. Eight eyes in two rows, eyes large, subequal in size; anterior medians circular, dark, other eyes light, laterals oval, posterior medians irregularly oval, flattened; from above, anterior eye row slightly recurved, posterior row slightly procurved, from front, both rows strongly procurved; anterior medians separated by less than their diameter, almost touching anterior laterals; posterior medians almost touching, separated by less than their radius from posterior laterals; anterior and posterior laterals separated by less than their radius; median ocular quadrangle slightly wider in front than in back, slightly longer than wide. Chelicerae, sternum, and mouthparts dark red; chilum absent, apparently fused to carapace, which is prolonged at midline; second, short, posterior chilum (extremely narrow sclerite separating bases of chelicerae posteriorly) present; chelicerae with distinct lateral boss, promargin with series of short setae originating in line along base of fang, without long, thick, modified seta originating closest to fang; promargin with teeth obsolete, represented by fused ridge, retromargin without teeth; cheliceral gland openings not scanned. Labium truncate anteriorly and posteriorly, distinctly depressed medially; anterior surface not scanned. Endites obliquely depressed, with sharply demarcated, deep groove along margin near labium; serrula long, with single row of teeth; anterior surface not scanned. Sternum greatly elevated, with steeply sloping, pinchedin sides, fused to epimeric sclerites so that coxae originate from foramina completely enclosed by sclerotized cuticle; surface smooth, with circular punctations. Epimeric sclerites not fused with carapace. Pedicel elongated, composed of two small, flat dorsal sclerites and rounded sclerite covering venter and sides, rounded sclerite without median longitudinal keel or anterior protrusion extending toward sternum.
Figs. 330–333.
Lamponusa gleneagle
new species
Left male palp, ventral view.
Same, retrolateral view.
Epigynum, ventral view.
Same, dorsal view.
Anterior edge of abdomen in males with oval dorsal scutum extending to about onethird of abdominal length; dorsal scutum well separated from epigastric scutum; females without dorsal scutum; cuticle with long dark setae; epigastric scutum accompanied posterolaterally by pair of oval, deeply invaginated sclerites bearing clearly elevated anterior rim; anterior edge of oval sclerites fitting under epigastric scutum; colulus represented by setae; tiny transverse sclerite present, well removed from spinnerets, presumably marking position of small posterior spiracle. Anterior lateral spinnerets tubular, separated by roughly their diameter, cuticle representing distal, second spinneret segment restricted to semicircle surrounding major ampullate gland spigots (piriform gland spigots surrounded only by soft cuticle); posterior median spinnerets small, tubular, without anteriorly expanded tips; posterior lateral spinnerets twosegmented, spigots unscanned.
Legs spineless; most surfaces with long, dark setae; anterior coxae with protuberant posterolateral corners; males with coxae tuberculate; trochanters unnotched; anterior metatarsi and tarsi without distinct, divided scopulae; posterior metatarsi with thick, dark, distal preening brushes; posterior tarsi with weak, entire scopulae; tarsi with two dentate claws, claw tufts composed of lateral pads of closely appressed setae; trichobothria present on tibiae, metatarsi, and tarsi, in 2–3 irregular rows, bases unscanned; tarsal organ unscanned. Female palpal tarsus with few long, thin spines and dentate claw
Male palp without retrolateral tibial apophysis, position of apophysis marked by distinct excavation, cymbial surface without retrobasal excavation; tegulum not expanded, not extending beyond posterior rim of tarsus; embolus laterally situated, inset into membranous conductor; median apophysis absent. Epigynum with long, narrow, median ridge extending posteriorly from anterior rim; spermathecae bipartite.
1. Females (only those of
L. arcoona
known); epigynal midpiece extremely long, narrow (fig. 336).................
L. arcoona
– Males............................ 2
2. Sternum greatly elevated (fig. 338)...... 3
– Sternum less elevated (fig. 341)..
L. arcoona
3. Embolar base directed distally (fig. 342)............................
L. serpentine
– Embolar base directed more to side (fig. 339)..........................
L. forceps