Parasenegalia and Pseudosenegalia (Fabaceae): New Genera of the Mimosoideae Author Seigler, David S. Author Ebinger, John E. Author Riggins, Chance W. Author Terra, Vanessa Author Miller, Joseph T. text Novon 2017 2017-04-13 25 180 205 journal article 10.3417/2015050 0d4b2345-a98b-4d14-a844-6182551f9332 2561467 2. Pseudosenegalia riograndensis (Atahuachi & L. Rico) Seigler & Ebinger , comb nov. Basionym: Acacia riograndensis Atahuachi & L. Rico, Kew Bull. 62: 605. 2007. TYPE: Bolivia . Cochabamba : Prov. Campero , Pasorapa, en la bajada de Buenavista hacia el Rıo Grande , 1447 m , 27 Dec. 2004 , J. R. I. Wood , M. Atahuachi & M. Mercado 21251 ( holotype , BOLV ; isotypes, K ! [barcode] K 00503018, K ! [bc] K 005033019, LPB [bc] LPB0 0 0 0 6 7 6, MEXU [bc] MEXU0128851 ). Figure 11 . Figure 11. Pseudosenegalia riograndensis (Atahuachi & L. Rico) Seigler & Ebinger. —A. Twig with inflorescences and leaves. —B. Fruit. —C. Leaflet, adaxial surface. —D. Flower. —E. Petiolar gland. A–E from Antezana 1325 (NY). Tree to 12 m tall; bark nearly white, smooth to shallowly fissured; twigs orange to reddish brown, not flexuous, terete, glabrous; short shoots present at some nodes, 0.4–1 mm long, with a few leaves attached; prickles absent. Leaves alternate, also clustered at short shoots, 15–55 mm long; stipules light brown, linear, symmetrical, flattened, straight, herbaceous, 1–2.5 X 0.1–0.2 mm, glabrous, usually persistent; petiole adaxially grooved, 4–13 mm long, glabrous; petiolar gland solitary, located just below to nearly between the lowermost pinna pair, sessile; orbicular to oval, 0.4–1.1 mm across, apex depressed, glabrous, sometimes absent; rachis adaxially grooved, 5–40 mm long, glabrous, an orbicular gland 0.3–0.7 mm across between the uppermost 1 to 2 pinna pair, apex depressed, glabrous; pinnae 3 to 7 pairs/leaf, 9– 2 0 mm long, 3–1 2 mm between pinna pairs; paraphyllidia absent; petiolule 0.9–2.1 mm long; leaflets 12 to 26 pairs/pinna, opposite, 0.8–1.7 mm between leaflet pairs, linear, 1.2–2.9 X 0.5–0.9 mm, glabrous, lateral veins not obvious, 1 vein from the base, base oblique, truncate on one side, margins lightly ciliate, apex obtuse, midvein subcentral. Inflorescence a loosely 40- to 90-flowered cylindrical spike, 28–60 X 12–18 mm, solitary from the leaf axils; peduncles 5–16 X 0.3–0.8 mm, glabrous; receptacle not enlarged; involucre absent; floral bracts spatulate, 0.7–1.1 mm long, ciliate, persistent. Flowers sessile, white; calyx 5-lobed, 1.5–2.2 mm long, lightly puberulent; corolla 5-lobed, 3.5–6 mm long, glabrous to puberulent, lobes 1/5 the length of the corolla; stamens 100 to 140; stamen filaments 7.5–9.5 mm long, distinct; anther glands absent; ovary glabrous, stipe to 2.1 mm long. Legumes straight, flattened, not constricted between the seeds, oblong, 95–130 X 10–15 mm, coriaceous, transversely striated, glabrous, eglandular, dehiscent along both sutures; stipe 6–11 mm long; apex acute, short beaked; seeds uniseriate, with no pulp, light brown, ellipsoid, strongly flattened, 9–11 X 6–7 mm, smooth; pleurogram U-shaped, 3–5 mm across. Habitat and distribution . Pseudosenegalia riograndensis is known locally in seasonally dry tropical forest at about 1300 m in the Rio Grande valley below Pasorapa, Provence Campero, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Phenology . Pseudosenegalia riograndensis flowers from November through December. IUCN Red List category . Pseudosenegalia riograndensis is assessed as Data Deficient (DD) at this time ( IUCN, 2001 ). This species is apparently rare and is only known from two collections, the type and one other from a restricted region in Bolivia suggesting that the species may at least be Vulnerable (VU), perhaps Endangered (EN). Specimen examined . BOLIVIA: Cochabamba : Campero, Bosque Termotropical inferior de Neocardenasia herzogiana y Schinopsis haenkeana , 1300 m, 24 Nov. 1999, C. Antezana 1325 (NY).