Parasenegalia and Pseudosenegalia (Fabaceae): New Genera of the Mimosoideae
Seigler, David S.
Ebinger, John E.
Riggins, Chance W.
Terra, Vanessa
Miller, Joseph T.
journal article
Parasenegalia vogeliana (Steud.) Seigler & Ebinger
comb. nov.
Acacia vogeliana
Steud., Nomencl. Bot.
, ed. 2, 1: 9. 1 84 1, replacement name for
Vogel, Linnaea 1 0: 60 0–6 0 1. 1 83 6, nom. illeg., non
Hoffmanns., Verz. Pfl.-Kult.
Nachtr. 3: 1 5. 1 8 2 6.
Senegalia vogeliana
(Steud.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl.
2 3(2): 1 1 6. 1 9 2 8.
Urb., Ark. Bot. 2 2A: 2 8. 1 9 2 9, nom. illeg.
Lysiloma vogeliana
(Steud.) Stehlé, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.
, sér. 2, 1 8: 1 9 3. 1 9 4 6. TYPE: Haiti. Santo Domingo, ‘‘Plaine prés de Port-au- Prince,’’ 18 3 9,
C. A. Ehrenberg 2 7 4
(lectotype, designated by Seigler et al. 2 0 0 6: 7 9, HAL! [barcode] HAL0 0 4 0 79 8, HAL photo at K; isolectotypes, B, NY! [bc] NY0 0 0 0 15 3 3, B photo at K, B fragm. at US! [bc] US0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 4).
Figure 9
Large climbing shrub or tree to 10 m tall; bark gray to dark brown, smooth; twigs light reddish brown to light gray, not flexuous, terete, glabrous to puberulent; short shoots absent; prickles absent. Leaves alternate, 60–145 mm long; stipules light to dark brown, linear, symmetrical, flattened, straight, herbaceous, 2–6 mm long, 0.3–0.7 mm wide near the base, usually glabrous, tardily deciduous; petiole shallowly adaxially grooved, 18–42 mm long, lightly puberulent to glabrous; petiolar gland solitary, usually located just below the lowermost pinna pair, sessile, globose, 0.8–1.8 mm across, apex depressed, glabrous; rachis adaxially grooved, 30–90 mm long, usually puberulent, a globose gland 0.6–1.2 mm across between the uppermost 1 to 2 pinna pairs, apex depressed, glabrous; pinnae 3 to 6 (7) pairs/leaf, 45–95 mm long, 9–20 mm between pinna pairs; paraphyllidia 0.3–1.1 mm long; petiolule 3.5–7 mm long; leaflets 8 to 20 pairs/pinna, opposite, 4–8 mm between leaflet pairs, oblong, 8–18
3.1–8.1 mm, appressed pubescent beneath and sometimes above, lateral veins obvious, 3 to 5 veins from the base, base oblique and obtuse, margins not ciliate, apex obtuse to acute, midvein subcentral to submarginal. Inflorescence a densely 20- to 50-flowered globose head 9–14 mm across, in axillary and terminal pseudopaniculate clusters, the main axis to 350 mm long; peduncles 3–14
0.4–0.6 mm, densely pubescent; receptacle not enlarged, not elongated; involucre a single small bract on the peduncle, early deciduous; floral bracts spatulate, 0.4–0.9 mm long, puberulent, early deciduous. Flowers sessile, white; calyx 5- lobed, 1.2–1.8 mm long, puberulent; corolla 5-lobed, 2.1–3.1 mm long, puberulent, lobes nearly 1/2 the length of the corolla; stamens 40 to 80; stamen filaments 4.5–6.3 mm long, distinct; anther glands present; ovary glabrous, stipe to 1.6 mm long. Legumes straight, flattened, not constricted between the seeds, oblong, 60–170
25–32 mm, chartaceous, transversely striate, glabrous, eglandular, dehiscent along both sutures; stipe 10–30 mm long; apex obtuse, usually not beaked; seeds uniseriate, no pulp, light to dark brown, nearly oval, strongly flattened, 6.5–8.4
6–7.5 mm, smooth; pleurogram U-shaped, 2–3 mm across.
Figure 9.
Parasenegalia vogeliana
(Steud.) Seigler & Ebinger.
—A. Leaflet, abaxial surface. —B. Portion of pseudopaniculate cluster. —C. Leaf, adaxial surface. —D. Petiolar nectary. —E. Fruit. —F. Seed. —G. Modified coiled branch. —H. Flower. A, C, D from
García, Jiménez, Caminero & Hoener
(MO); B, H from
Ekman 6620
(NY); E–G from
Acevedo Rodríguez & Siaca 3794
Habitat and distribution
Parasenegalia vogeliana
is known from dry deciduous tropical forests, dry scrub, disturbed second-growth forest, and thickets from sea level to 500 m in the Caribbean.
from June through September.
Local names
. Local names include cha cha venenosa, macata bourse bastard, mata puerco, taquito, and tchia-tchia marrón (
Rico Arce, 2007
IUCN Red List category
Parasenegalia vogeliana
is assessed as Data Deficient (DD) at this time (IUCN, 2 0 0 1). This species is relatively common in Hispaniola but is uncommon in Puerto Rico. It has been collected in the Virgin Islands and Lesser Antilles. Because of restricted habitat the species is probably Vulnerable (VU) other than in Hispaniola.
. The name
Acacia vogeliana
(1 8 4 1) was a replacement for the illegitimate
A. ambigua
Vogel (1 8 3 6). Vogel’s protologue (1 83 6: 6 0 1) mentioned branches sent by Ehrenberg, ‘‘[r]amuli partem cl. Ehrenberg misit tantum summam....’’ The collection was incorporated from the Herbarium of Carl Daniel Friedrich Meisner at NY. There are a B fragment and photo of a specimen of
Ehrenberg s.n
. (s.d.) with ‘‘Com.... Schlechtendahl 1 8 2 9’’ on the label on a US specimen, and both most probably represent type materials. Based on information on specimens, the original collection appears to be from Haiti, Santo Domingo. A HAL specimen (
C. A. Ehrenberg 2 7 4
) is fruiting and in excellent condition, and is thus chosen for the lectotype.
Parasenegalia vogeliana
is the only Caribbean member of the genus with globose inflorescences, the other species (
P. muricata
P. skleroxyla
) being spicate. Using vegetative material,
P. vogeliana
P. muricata
are somewhat similar, particularly the size of the leaves and leaflets.
has tough, leathery leaflets that have slightly revolute margins, the leaflets of
P. vogeliana
in contrast, being thinner and lacking revolute margins. In addition to the counties and islands listed above, Rico Arce (2 0 0 7) listed this species for Guadeloupe. We have seen no specimens from that location.
Specimens examined
Las Salinas, 5 0 0 m, July 1 9 1 1,
M. Fuertes 9 8 5
(NY); La Hoya, Mata Yaya, rd. from Las Matas to Banica, 4 0 0 m, 1 0 Sep. 1 9 6 8,
A. H. Liogier 1 2 6 4 6
(NY); 7 km de Cabral a Polo, 1 3 Oct. 1 9 8 1,
M. Mejía & J. Pimentel 1 7 1 8 3
La Romana:
half-way betw. Presa Chavón & Bayahibe on Las Romana–Bayahibe rd., 4 0–6 0 m, 1 0 Nov. 1 9 8 0,
M. Mejía & T. Zanoni 9 0 8 2
(MO, NY); Altos de Chavón, ENE of La Romana, 7 5–1 0 0 ft., 1 3 June 1 9 8 1,
T. Zanoni, M. Mejıá & C. Ramírez 1 4 8 3 6
5 km al W de Oviedo, 5 0 m, 2 0 June 1 9 7 7,
Bro. Alain & P. Liogier 2 6 7 1 6
(NY); en la región de Banano, 5 0 0 m, 25 June 1 9 7 7,
Bro. Alain & P. Liogier 2 6 9 6 2
(NY); Sierra de Bahoruco, 1 9 km al NO del poblado Higüero, 4 5 0 m, 8 June 1 9 9 5,
García, F. Jiménez, G. Caminero & D. Hoener
4 8 3 4
(MO); 3 km al W de Manuel Goya, 3 0 Sep. 1 9 9 5,
García, M. Mejía, E. Jiménez, S. Rodríguez & A. Veloz
59 2 1
(F, MO); Las Mercedes, 4 0 0 m, 2 2 Feb. 1 9 6 9,
A. H. Liogier 1 4 1 1 7
(NY); betw. Cabo Rojo & Las Mercedes, 1 0 0 m, 3–8 July 1 9 7 1,
A. H. Liogier 1 81 2 0
(NY); 3 km N of Pedernales, 1 June 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins, F. Axelrod & T. Clase 1 4 5 2 4
(ILL); 6 km N of Pedernales, 1 June 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins, F. Axelrod & T. Clase 1 4 5 2 5
(ILL); 1 2 km N of Pedernales, 1 June 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins, F. Axelrod & T. Clase 1 4 5 2 6
(ILL); 5 km NW of Oviedo on rte. 4 4, 2 9 May 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins, F. Axelrod & T. Clase 1 4 5 1 0
1 4 5 1 0A
(ILL); Llanuras Costeras, 8– 1 0 m, 2 5 July 1 9 8 2,
T. Zanoni & G. R.
2 2 0 2 7
Gonaives to La Brande, 5 0 0 ft., 1 4 Aug. 1 9 0 5,
G. V. Nash & N. Taylor 1 6 1 9
Port-au-Prince, 2 6 Sep. 1 9 2 4,
E. L. Ekman 2 0 2 4
(MO); 3 0 0 m,
E. L. Ekman 4 6 4 2
(IJ); Port-au-Prince, 1 0 0 m, 1 1 Aug. 1 9 2 6,
E. L. Ekman 6 6 2 0
Macata house, 1 2 0 m, 4 Feb. 1 9 4 0,
M. Stehlé & H. Stehlé 4 8 3 7
(US). PUERTO RICO. N of Parguera on rte. 3 0 4, 2 7 May 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins & D. Kolterman 1 4 4 9 3
(EIU, ILL); 2.3 mi. N of La Parguera on rte. 3 0 4, 2 7 May 2 0 0 6,
D. S. Seigler, J. T. Miller, C. Riggins & D. Kolterman 1 4 5 0 1
St. John:
Reef Bay Quarter, along Bordeaux Rd., 6 Jan. 1 9 9 1,
P. Acevedo Rodríguez & A. Siaca 3 7 9 4
(F, MO, NY).