New Hyaenodonts (Ferae, Mammalia) From The Early Miocene Of Napak (Uganda), Koru (Kenya) And Grillental (Namibia) Author Morales, Jorge Author Pickford, Martin text Fossil Imprint 2017 2017-12-31 73 3 - 4 332 359 journal article 10.2478/if-2017-0019 2533-4069 5385228 Exiguodon pilgrimi ( SAVAGE , 1965) Pls 5, 6 1965 Hyaenodon ( Isohyaenodon ) pilgrimi ; Savage, p. 284 1998 Isohyaenodon pilgrimi Savage ; Morales et al., p. 636. 2007 Isohyaenodon pilgrimi Savage ; Morales et al., p. 72. 2010 Isohyaenodon pilgrimi Savage ; Lewis and Morlo, p. 548. H o l o t y p e. Mandible with both rami and part of the neurocranium attached to the seven cervical vertebrae (NHMUK M 19100a-c; Pl. 5). T y p e l o c a l i t y. Site R 114, (Whitworth’s Pothole), Rusinga Island, Kenya . A g e. Early Miocene. D i a g n o s i s. The same as for the genus. O t h e r l o c a l i t i e s. Songhor and Koru, Kenya and Napak IV, Uganda . D e s c r i p t i o n o f K o r u f o s s i l s.KO 38’04 (Pl. 6, Fig. 1) is a right mandible with m3 (L = 4.7 mm , W = 2.3 mm ) and m2 (L = 4.4 mm , W = 2 mm ). In the m3 the paraconid and protoconid are robust, sub-equal in size and morphology. The paraconid is located in quite a lingual position, such that the molar appears to be inclined with respect to the antero-posterior axis of the dental series. There is no sign of a metaconid, and the talonid is reduced to a small tubercle at the base of the crown in a posterior-lingual position. The notch that separates the paraconid from the protoconid is deep. In the paraconid a basal vertical tubercle develops on the antero-buccal surface that serves to lodge the talonid of the m2. The buccal surface shows a vertical wear facet, while lingually a deep valley is developed at the base of the paraconid-protoconid. The m2 is somewhat worn anteriorly, and is smaller than the m3, although its morphology is similar. The talonid is quite well-developed and possesses a small sharp hypoconid. Table 4. Summary of the systematics of the Miocene African hyaenodont species proposed in this paper. Taxa described in present Morales et al. ( Savage (1965 Morales et al. (
Original determination Locality Holotype Other specimens References
Metasinopa napaki Napak I Mandible m3 Maxilla P4 – P3 Savage (1965
Africanictis hyaenoides Arrisdrift m2 Morales et al. (
Metapterodon kaiseri Karungu Maxilla P3 – M2 Savage (1965
Pterodon africanus Napak I Maxilla P4 – M2 Savage (1965) , Ginsburg
Pterodon nyanzae Ombo P4 Savage (1965
Hyainailouros fourtaui Wadi Moghara P4 Koenigswald (
Megistotherium osteothlastes Gebel Zelten Skull Savage (1971
Hyainailouros sp. Mestwa Bridge m2 Rasmussen and
Metapterodon schlosseri Fayum Mandible p2 – m3 Maxilla P2, P4 – M2 Holroyd (
Metapterodon zadoki Rusinga Maxilla M1 – M2 Savage (1965) , Morales
Isohyaenodon matthewi Songhor Mandible m3 Savage (1965) , Morales
Metapterodon markgrafi Fayum Maxilla P4 – M2 Holroyd () 2003) ) (1980) ) 1947) ) Gutiérrez (2009) KO 466’04 (Pl. 6, Fig. 3) is a left P4 (L = 4.6 mm , W = 3.2 mm ). The protocone and the postero-buccal border are lightly worn. It is quite sectorial with a reduced protocone located in front of the main cusp, which is conical.The posterior cusplet is strongly developed and approaches the morphology of the metastyle of the upper molars. There is a clearly visible notch between the protocone and the posterior cusp. 1999) et al. (1988) et al. (1988) 1999) 2007) ) D i s c u s s i o n. The upper dentition attributed to E. pilgrimi differs completely from the rest of the known morphotypes in species of hyaenodonts from the Miocene of Africa, which prompts us to erect a new genus. Exiguodon pilgrimi possesses a highly original upper dentition, as shown in the diagnosis above, which is based mainly on the maxilla from Napak NAP IV-64 (Pl. 6, Fig. 2), described and figured by Morales et al. (2007 : figs. 1-3 and 3-1), and which, combined with the much smaller dimensions of the molars, can be summarised as a combination of primitive features such as the presence of a strong buccal cingulum and a broad buccal shelf, with more derived ones such as the extreme reduction of the protocone, the broadening of the metastyle and the compression of the paracone. 2007)
Isohyaenodon zadoki Napak I Mandible m3 – m2
Isohyaenodon pilgrimi Rusinga Mandible p2 – m3 M1 (Songhor)
Isohyaenodon pilgrimi Napak IV Maxilla M2 – M3