A review of neococcid scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccomorpha) based on the morphology of the adult males
Hodgson, Chris
journal article
Aclerda arundinariae
Fig. 78
Aclerda arundinariae
McConnell 1943
, 108. Type data:
South Carolina
Arundinaria tecta
, female. Type depository: USNM.
Material examined
, nr. Narrows Marina Seashore, St. Park, Princess Anne Co.,
sp. (
, D.R. Miller and J.A. Davidson #1881 (
): 2/4ad
(in good condition).
Note: measurements in brackets taken from
et al
. 1976
Mounted material
: total body length 1.45–1.52 (1.33–1.63) mm; width across triangular plates
0.28–29 mm
; slen- der.
: approximately diamond-shaped in dorsal view; approximate length 164–168 μm; width across genae 214–217 μm. Median crest (mc) not reticulated; with 1 hs dorsal head setae (dhs) on each side anteriorly and an- other pair posteriorly. Dorsal mid-cranial ridge (dmcr) absent; ventral mid-cranial ridge (vmcr) represented by a very short ridge between scapes only; vmcr with a narrow, slightly reticulated border and a broader area of slight sclerotisation immediately posterior to each scape, which extends posteriorly to ocular sclerite; with 2 hs ventral mid-cranial ridge setae (vmcrs). Genae: genal setae (gs) 1 hs posterior to each dorsal eye. Eyes: two pairs of round simple eyes, subequal in size (each 25–27 μm wide). Ocelli (o) present laterally. Ocular sclerite (ocs): each polygonally reticulated, each reticulation with 1 or 2 small, sinuous, inner microridges. Postocular ridge (pocr) short, only extending about half-way to ocelli and not heavily sclerotised. Dorsal ocular setae (docs) absent. Ventral head setae (vhs): 0 or 1 hs just posterior to each scape. Cranial apophysis (ca) 87–93 μm long anterior to tentorial bridge; possibly trifurcated.
: total length 955–1023 (960–1120) μm long (ratio of total body length to antennal length 1:0.68). Scape (scp): 38–47 (32–64) μm long, 47 (48–54) μm wide; with 1 hs on ventral surface and 1 or 2 hs on anterodorsal surface. Pedicel (pdc): length 35–40 (32–64) μm, width 31–38 (28–48) μm; reticulated; with 2 or 3 hs (no sensilla placodeum detected). Segments III–X all 12–19 (16) μm wide: fs each about 25 (24) μm long; lengths of segments (μm): III 116–124 (112–128); IV 139–144 (112–160); V 136–145 (112–160); VI 116–121 (128–160); VII 117–127 (96–144); VIII 91–114 (80–112) and IX 77–106 (96–102); setae rather few, approximate number per segment: III 1 fs + 2 hs + 1–3 sensilla basiconica; IV 17–21 fs + 0 or 1 hs; V 20–25 fs + 0 hs; VI 13 fs + 0 hs; VII 10–12 fs + 0 hs; VIII 10–16 fs + 0 hs; IX 10–13 fs + 0 hs. Segment X 80–82 (78–89) μm long, with 11 or 12 fs + 3 capitate setae; antennal bristles not differentiated.
: pronotal ridge (prnr) well-developed, each arm broadening medially on dorsum and probably fusing medially; pronotal sclerite (prn), if present, small; without lateral pronotal setae (lpns) or convex pores (cp). Medial pronotal setae, post-tergites and post-tergital setae apparently absent. Sternum (stn
) sclerotised, but without either a median or a transverse ridge; without reticulations. Anteprosternal (astn
s) and antemesospiracular setae (am
s) absent.
: prescutum (prsc) 164–167 (144–168) μm wide, 89–93 (90–114) μm long; prescutal ridges (pscr) and prescutal suture (pscs) well developed; prescutal setae absent. Scutum (sct): median membranous area 130 (120) μm wide, 37 (30–42) μm long, with 0 or 1 hs scutal setae (scuts) on each side; membranous area bounded laterally by a strongly sclerotised margin; reticulations weak or absent laterad to scutellum. Scutellum (scl) 155–174 (144–156) μm wide, 31–33 (36–42) μm long; with a small foramen; with 1 pair of small hs scutellar setae. Basis- ternum (stn
) 186–196 (180–210) μm wide, 127–146 (144–156) μm long; with median ridge (mdr) incomplete or absent; bounded anteriorly by a weak marginal ridge (mr) and posteriorly by a strong precoxal ridge (pcr
); without basisternal setae (stn
s); lateropleurite (lpl) broad, without an extension along anterior margin; furca (f) well developed, broad basally, arms more or less parallel and quite short. Area bounded anteriorly by scutellum and laterally and posteriorly by mesopostnotum lightly sclerotised with a narrow membranous area along anterior and lateral margins. Mesepisternum (eps
) and subepisternal ridge (ser) well developed. Postalare (pa) not reticulated anteriorly; without postalare setae (pas). Postmesospiracular setae (pm
s) absent. Mesothoracic spiracle (sp
): peritreme 26 μm wide, each with 2–4 disc-pores. Tegula (teg) with about 5 hs tegular setae (tegs).
: with 1 pair of metatergal setae (mts). Dorsospiracular setae (dss) absent. Dorsal part of metapleural ridge (plr
) absent; ventral part of metapleural ridge short; episternum (eps
) unsclerotised, with 4–8 hs postmetaspiracular setae (eps
s) on each side. Metepimeron (epm
) sclerotised but without setae. Antemetaspiracular setae (am
s) absent. Metathoracic spiracle (sp
) positioned posterior to mesocoxae, width of peritreme 26–27 μm, with 2–4 disc-pores. Postnotal apophysis (pna) represented by a narrow, reticulated slit between meso- (pn
) and metapostnotum (pn
). Metasternum (stn
) lightly sclerotised. Anterior metasternal setae (amss) and posterior metasternal setae (pmss) absent.
: very narrow, 1.22–1.37 (1.2–1.6) mm long and 372–405 (320–688) μm wide (ratio of length to width 1:0.30; ratio of total body length to wing length 1:0.83); without alar lobe and alar setae. Hamulohalteres absent.
: prothoracic legs slightly longer than other legs; with rather pronounced concentric ridges on tibia and tarsus. Coxae (cx): I 86–93 (51–90); II 80–90 (60–72); III 80–82 (42–72) μm long; coxa III with 1 fs + 4–6 hs (2 long, each 54–62 μm long). Trochanter (tr) + femur (fm): I 210–236; II 192–217; III 182–198 μm long; trochanter III with 0–2 hs; long trochanter seta: 93–117 μm, flagellate; femur III with 18–29 hs. Tibia (ti): I 238–276 (216–264); II 207–251 (210–240); III 198–223 (210–240) μm long; tibia III with a total of about 26 setae, mostly spur-like, particularly on distal third of leg; tibio-tarsal articulation with a small sclerotised area, but without a fully-developed articulatory sclerosis; apical spur (tibs): length (III) 15–19 μm. Tarsi (ta): I 117 (108–126); II 102 (96–120); III 84– 90 (90–108) μm long (ratio of length of tibia III to tarsus III 1:0.41); tarsus III with 23–33 setae, mostly spur-like; tarsal spurs (tabs) absent or barely differentiated. Claws (c) rather elongate and narrow; without a denticle; length (III) 20 (12–18) μm; claw digitules a little longer than claw.
: tergites (at) and sternites (as) sclerotised on all segments; pleurites (ap) sclerotised only on segments IV–VII but not extending laterally to include ventral pleural setae. Dorsal abdominal setae (ads) (totals): segments I–VI each with 2 hs; VII 0 or 1 hs. Pleural setae: (on each side): dorsopleural setae (dps): II & III each with 1 hs; IV–VII each with 4 or 5 hs; ventropleural setae (vps) II 0 hs; III–VII each with 1 hs. Ventral abdominal setae (avs): II 0–2 hs; III & IV each with 1 or 2; V–VII each with 4 hs. Caudal extensions on segment VII absent.
Segment VIII strongly sclerotised and extending anteriorly under segment VII, with strong lateral ridges; with 3 or 4 hs long pleural setae, one of them 110+ (about 120) μm long. Caudal extensions absent. Small convex pores (cp) absent. Glandular pouches absent.
Genital segments
: penial sheath (ps) articulating anteriorly with sternite of segment VIII; total length 212 μm long including sclerotised part of segment VIII; 64–68 μm wide at anterior end of segment VIII (ratio of total body length to penial sheath length 1:0.14). Anus (an) surrounded by a sclerotised ring. Basal rod (bra) short, 32–34 μm long. Style with parallel sides anteriorly and then narrowing to a blunt apex. Aedeagus (aed) short and broad, 49–53 μm long (ratio of aedeagus length to basal rod length 1:0.65) and approximately parallel-sided, broader than apex of style. Membranous ‘endophallus’ present.
Aclerda arundinariae
McConnell. Macropterous
male. (
). Where A=cranial apophysis, P=loculate pore and R=dermal reticulations on ocular sclerite.
A. arundinariae
has been described previously (
et al
. 1976
) from material collected in
. The figures and description in that paper differ somewhat from that given above. In particular, their description indicates (data for current description in brackets): (i) that there were 4 capitate setae on the Xth antennal setae (only three here); (ii) no reticulation around the ventral eye (present); (iii) postocular ridge missing (present but poorly developed and short); (iv) no lateropleurite is shown (despite it being exceptionally large); (v) the tegular setae are illustrated as being on the mesepisternum (rather than on the membranous area between the mesepisternum and the scutum); (vi) a postnotal apophysis is illustrated as being present (absent here); (vii) they neither illustrate nor mention pleurites on the abdomen (distinct in above material); (viii) no mention is made of the sclerotised plate medially on the mesopostnotum (very obvious on available material); (ix) they illustrate the presence of an mesepisternum and a mesepimeron (both absent on above material), and (x) they show a glandular pouch (absent here – only otherwise known on
A. distorta
, described below).
However, the measurements of
et al
. (1976)
are in close agreement with those found on our specimens. The one possible exception is in the length of the mesocoxa and metacoxa which were significantly larger in our material.