Review of the genus Dermestocyphon (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) Author Ruta, Rafał Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 63 / 77, 51 - 148 Wrocław, Poland Author Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki Ehime University Museum, Bunkyo 3, Matsuyama, 790 - 8577 Japan Author Klausnitzer, Bernhard Member of Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Lannerstrasse 5, D- 01219 Dresden, Germany text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-07-15 53 1 253 285 journal article 2399 10.5281/zenodo.5740395 fd679bda-efad-45c9-b8fa-3182b65ea679 0374-1036 5740395 Dermestocyphon ( Dermestocyphon ) suturalis sp. nov. ( Figs 5–6 , 30–31 , 42–43 , 50–51 , 56–58 , 68–73 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : 1 ♂ ( NMB ), “ LAOS , Phongsaly prov. , PHONGSALY env., 6.–17.v.2004 , ~ 1500m , 21°41’N 102°06–8’E , V. Kubáň leg.”. PARATYPES : 2 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ ( NMB ), “ LAOS , 10.–16.v.1999 , Louangphrabang pr., 20°33–4’N 102°14’E , Ban Song Cha ( 5 km W ), 1200m , Vit Kubáň leg.”; 1 ♀ ( CKD ), “ LAOS , Louangnamtha pr., 21°09 N 101°19’E , Namtha Muang Sing, 5.–31.v.1997 , 900– 1200m , Vit Kubáň leg.”; 1 ♀ ( NMPC ), “ LAOS – NE; HUA PHAN prov. ; / 25 km SE Vieng Xai (by road); BAN KANGPABONG env.; 20°19’N 104°25’E ; J. Bezdĕk leg.; 14.–18.v.2001 ; 1 ♂ ( NMW ), “ MYANMAR : Sagaing Division Chatthin WS, ca. 200m 1km W San Myaung Camp 23°32.263’N 95°38.167’E 15.– 20. 6. 2002 ( MBS 87 )”, genitalia on slide no. HY 866 ; 1 ♂ ( EUM ), “ Mt. Doi Suthep Chiang Mai N. THAILAND 28. V. 1983 S. Ohmomo leg.” ; 1 ♀ ( NMW ), “NW THAI 7–14. V. DOI SUTHEP PUI 1300–1500m 1992 leg. Pacholatko ; 1 ♂ ( NMB ) “NW Thailand , 8.–17.V.1992 , MAE HONG SON , Ban Huei Po , 1600m , S. Bily leg.”; 2♂♂ ( NMB , CKD ) “ THAI-N , 1.–15.v.1998 , Chiang Mai prov. , 19°19’ N 98°50’ E , SAN PAKIA, 1400m , Vit Kubáň leg.”; 1 ♂ ( NMB ) “ THAILAND , bor. occ., 19.– 23.4.1991 , Doi Suthep , Jan Farkač leg”. Diagnosis. Similar to D. apiciconcavus sp. nov. and D. drianti . Differs from D. apiciconcavus sp. nov. in the following characters: 1) coloration of legs evenly yellowish-orange (dark brown in D. apiciconcavus sp. nov. ), 2) a pair of diagonal concavities present at proximal 1/ 6 in humeral parts of female elytra (at humeral angles of female elytra in apiciconcavus sp. nov. ), 3) apical excitator on female elytra absent. It can be distinguished from D. drianti on the basis of the following characters: 1) humeral portion (♂) or adsutural portion of elytra ( ) usually yellow to orange (uniformly brown to black in D. drianti ); 2) parameroids slightly longer than trigonium (distinctly longer in D. drianti ); 3) a pair of deep concavities present at proximal 1/6 of outer margins of female elytra (concavities shallow in D. drianti ). Description. Male. Body oblong, slightly convex dorsally, strongly shining, closely covered with easily removable short setae throughout. Coloration of head, mouthparts, pronotum, scutellum, antennal segments I–III, humeral portions of elytra and legs yellowish-orange; antennal segments IV–IX (remaining missing in studied specimens), elytra, ventral surface of meso- and metathorax and abdomen black. Head moderate in size, finely punctate, slightly convex dorsally; distance between eyes about 1.7 times as long as maximum diameter of eye. Eyes moderate in size, strongly prominent. Pronotum transverse, weakly depressed in lateral portions, closely covered with fine punctures; anterior margin almost straight; anterolateral angles about 100°, not projecting anteriorly; lateral margins gently arcuate; posterolateral angles obtuse, about 120°; posterior margin gently bisinuate; PW/PL 1.88–2.08 (1.97). Scutellum small, equilateral-triangular, punctate as pronotum. Elytra oblong, subparallel-sided between humeri and apical 1/4, closely punctate; humeral portions slightly elevated; EL/EW 1.70–1.79 (1.73); EL/PL 4.77–5.38 (5.01); EW/PW 1.44–1.49 (1.47); TL/EW 1.97–2.10 (2.02). Legs relatively long. Figs 52–58. Dermestocyphon ( Dermestocyphon ) spp., female genitalia: ovipositor (52, 54, 56), bursella (53, 55, 57), and distal bursellar sclerite (58): 52–53 – D. apiciconcavus sp. nov. ; 54–55 – D. drianti ( Pic, 1918 ) ; 56–58 – D. suturalis sp. nov. Figs 59–62. Dermestocyphon ( Dermestocyphon ) apiciconcavus sp. nov. , holotype, male genitalia: 59 – sternite IX; 60 – tergite VIII; 61 – tegmen with lateral projections; 62 – penis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Figs 63–67. Dermestocyphon ( Dermestocyphon ) drianti ( Pic, 1918 ) , male genitalia: 63 – sternite IX; 64 – tergite VIII; 65 – tergite IX; 66 – tegmen with lateral projections; 67 – penis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Figs 68–73. Dermestocyphon ( Dermestocyphon ) suturalis sp. nov. , male genitalia; specimen from Laos (68–72) and from Myanmar (73): 68 – sternite IX; 69 – tergite VIII; 70 – tergite IX; 71 – tegmen with lateral projections; 72–73 – penis. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Tergite VII with a pair of short apodemes. Caudal margin of sternite VII gently arcuate. Sternite IX (L 0.25 mm , W 0.35 mm) slightly sclerotized, semicircular, bearing long setae; tergite VIII (L 0.50 mm , W 0.43 mm) moderately sclerotized, transversely trapezoidal, bearing short spines and setae at apical margin, sparsely covered with minute setae and punctures, with a pair of long apodemes; tergite IX (L 0.45 mm , W 0.33 mm) slightly sclerotized, with a pair of long apodemes. Tegmen (L 0.35 mm , W 0.24 mm) short, slightly sclerotized; parameres obtuse; lateral projections long (L 0.61 mm ), pointed at apices. Penis (L 0.55 mm , W 0.21 mm) moderately sclerotized, widest at basal 1/3; pala oval, deeply concave at basal margin; parameroids relatively short, slender, closely punctate; trigonium short, triangular, concave at apex. Female. Sexual dimorphism distinct: elytra evenly black in humeral portions, with a pair of shallow concavities at basal 1/6 of lateral margins; PW/PL 1.85–1.92 (1.88); EL/EW 1.95–2.09 (2.02); EL/PL 5.31–5.69 (5.50); EW/PW 1.38–1.52 (1.45); TL/EW 2.24–2.44 (2.34). Caudal margin of sternite VII relatively pointed. Tergite VIII moderately sclerotized, elongate trapezoidal, bearing short spines at apical margin, punctate in lateral parts, with a pair of long and slender apodemes; sternite VIII slightly sclerotized, oblong, deeply excised at apical margin, bearing short spines on apical portions. Ovipositor long (L 2.00 mm); stylus ovate, bearing two pairs of apical spines; coxites closely punctate; proctiger well sclerotized, composed of a pair of thumb-like projections, bearing long setae. Proximal bursellar sclerite (L 0.10 mm , W 0.14 mm) tricornate; distal bursellar sclerites in a form of transverse plates with serrate margins (L 0.10 mm ). Measurements. Male (n = 3): TL 3.40–4.10 mm ( 3.72 mm ); PW 1.23–1.35 mm ( 1.25 mm ); PL 0.60–0.65 mm ( 0.63 mm ); EW 1.73–1.95 mm ( 1.83 mm ); EL 2.93–3.50 mm ( 3.18 mm ). Female (n = 2): TL 4.03 mm & 4.25 mm ; PW 1.20 mm & 1.25 mm ; PL 0.65 mm ; EW 1.64 mm & 1.89 mm ; EL 3.45 mm & 3.70 mm . Variation. One male from northern Thailand has evenly black elytra. Etymology. The species name refers to the yellowish sutural stripe present in females. Distribution. Indochina: Laos , Myanmar , Thailand .