Taxonomy of the Brazilian species previously placed in Mantispa Illiger, 1798 (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), with the description of three new species Author MACHADO, RENATO JOSÉ PIRES Author RAFAEL, JOSÉ ALBERTINO text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-13 2454 1 1 61 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2454.1.1 1175­5334 10093813 Dicromantispa debilis (Gerstaecker, 1888) (Figs. 5–6) Mantispa debilis Gerstaecker, 1888: 114 ; Penny 1977:35 (list.); Type locality: Brazil , Pará. Holotype (sex not indicated) (EMAU) not studied. Mantispilla debilis var. nuda Stitz 1913: 19 Type locality: Suriname . Holotype female (ZMB). Dicromantispa debilis ; Hoffman 2002: 259 , Figs. 574, 580; Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Mantispa ( Mantispilla ) lineaticollis Enderlein, 1910: 348 . Type locality: Brazil , Pará, Faro. Holotype male (MZPW) images studied. (new synonym) Redescription, male. Vertex predominantly brown except yellow lateral stripes that border the eyes, posterior end and central “Y” shaped spot. Near base of the “Y” spot brown area enlarged; almost touching eyes (Fig. 5c). Head in frontal view almost completely yellow, except for central longitudinal dark brown stripe beginning between antennae and ending at labrum. Frons stripe generally exhibits widen variation along its length. Labrum yellow area slightly darker than other head sclerites (Fig. 5a). Mandible and palpi apices dark brown, other mouthparts reddish-brown. Antenna with scape yellow ventrally and light brown dorsally, some specimens with basal half of dorsal surface yellow and apical half light brown. Pedicel light brown, flagellum dark brown (Fig. 5a). Pronotum: nearly straight in lateral view, with few setae in proximal and distal regions arising directly from it surface. Length-width-ratio at maculae: 6.0–8.8. Light brown except for two dark brown lateral spots at anterior end and two dark brown small central stripes, one anterior and other posterior. Central stripes generally short, anterior one does not exceed maculae region and posterior one does not reach pronotum midlength, but in some specimens they are long and fused. Pteronotum: with three longitudinal dark brown stripes, one central and two lateral, with yellow stripes between them (Fig. 5c) and usually with a rounded yellow spot next to wing base (Fig. 5c). Mesoscutellum dark brown except for yellow lateral border (Fig. 5c). Metascutellum dark brown. Both scutella with 4–10 pores each one. Pleural sclerites yellow with dark brown spots (Fig. 5b). Foreleg: reddish brown except for coxa pale yellow and anterior surface of femur dark reddish-brown (Fig. 5d). Some specimens yellow spotted along femur posterior surface next to spine row (Fig. 5e) and yellow. Pterostigma reddish-brown with base yellowish. Veins brown, except AP2, AA, AP1 and CuA yellow. Veins C, Sc and RA brown at base and same color as pterostigma at apex (Fig. 5f). Hindwing: 7 costal crossveins and 11 to 16 veins extended posteriorly from RP. Hyaline, except basal extremity light brown. Pterostigma reddish-brown. Veins color similar to forewing, except for CuA, brown (Fig. 5f). FIGURE 6. Dicromantispa debilis : male: a , abdominal tergites; b , terminalia, dorsal view; c , sternite IX, ventral view; d , gonarcus, posterior view; e , genitalia, ventral view; f , genitalia, lateral view; female: g , fertilization canal; h , sternite VIII, ventral view; i , spermatheca; j , terminalia, lateral view. Capsule (cap), fertilization canal duct (fcd), gonarcal membrane (gm), hypomere (hp), pore (po), pseudopenal membrane (ppm), scar (sc), ventromedial lobe (vml). Scales = 0.1 mm, except for a . Abdomen mainly yellow with a central longitudinal dark brown stripe dorsally and ventrally except last two sternites. Stripe wider on sternites and posteriorly on tergites. Tergites IV-VI with 2 groups of 6–14 pores in two transverse parallel rows anterolaterally; each group with one or two large pores or a scar between them ( Fig. 6a ). Terminalia: ectoproct posterior border rounded. Ventromedial lobe completely sclerotized, curved, with wide internal bend ( Fig. 14b ) with 5–12 stout setae and narrow external bend with 4–8 stout setae ( Fig. 6b ). Sternite IX posterior border rounded in ventral view ( Fig. 6c ) but in some specimens with small lobe at apex. Gonarcus without median lobe but with two small lateral lobes, easily seen in posterior view ( Fig. 6d ), and basal extremity narrow in lateral view ( Fig. 6f ). Gonocoxite with constant width with base bent laterally in ventral view ( Fig. 6e ); apex wider than base in lateral view ( Fig. 6f ). Basal third of mediuncus wider in lateral view and apex bifurcate in ventral view ( Fig. 6e, f ). Gonarcal membrane with medial group of spinules longer than wide, extended beyond medincus midlength ( Fig. 6e ). Pseudopenal membrane with small scales on dorsal surface and generally as long as pseudopenis ( Fig. 6e ). Hypomere apex rounded with small granules ( Fig. 6e ). Female. Similar to male except forewing length: 11–13.5 mm , 12–14 veins extended posteriorly from RP, hindwing with 6–8 costal crossveins and 13–14 veins extended posteriorly from RP. Terminalia: Ectoproct slightly larger than gonocoxite ( Fig. 6j ). Sternite VIII large and easily seen in lateral view; in ventral view with posterior border straight ( Fig. 6h ). Spermathecal duct with few bends and wide distally ( Fig. 6i ). Fertilization canal narrow. Capsule covered by minuscule setae ( Fig. 6g ). Geographical data. Neotropical, with records from Costa Rica to Brazil ( Hoffman 2002 ). Largely distributed in Brazil , with records for Amazonia, northeast and southern regions. Bionomy. There is little information about Brazilian specimens because the species was not recorded by Penny & Costa (1983) . Labels suggest that this species may be collected at any time of year; September is the only month not recorded. Nothing is known about its biology. Discussion. Dr. Michael Ohl (ZMB) sent us high resolution images of the type specimen of M. lineaticolis and from these images we establish it as a new synonym of D. debilis . All recent specimens treated as M. lineaticollis (Penny 1982; Penny & Costa 1983 ; Carvalho & Corseuil 1995 ) actually are D. synapsis . In contrast to the illustrations and descriptions here presented, the Hoffman (2002) illustration shows only the smaller branches of the “Y” spot on vertex. However, this variation is very common, easily found in other species of the genus, such as D. gracilis , for example. Material examined: Brazil : Amazonas : Manaus , Bosque da Ciência , INPA, vi.2006 , Manual ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Bairro Aleixo , iv.2004 , rede entomológica, ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Reserva Ducke, iv.90, ( 1 ♂ –CZMA); iii.1958 ( 1 ♂MNRJ ) ; Coari , 03°51’29’’S62°35’31’’W , xii.2005 , luz ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Fonte Boa , Estrada Mamopina , 02°32’27’’S66°04’08’’W , x.2005 , luz ( 5 ♂ , 4 ♀INPA ) ; Rio Abacaxis , 05º15’09’’S58º41’52’’W , v.2008 , luz sobre o barco ( 2 ♂ , 2 ♀INPA ) ; Pará : São João de Pirabas , Japerica , Ilha Conceição , xii.1992 , luz ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀MPEG ) ; xii.1992 , armadilha (malaise) suspensa ( 1 ♂MPEG ) ; PrimaveraB. Vista , Ilha Arapiranga , xi.1992 , luz ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀MPEG ) ; Primavera , Quatipuru , Faz [enda] Feitoria , xi.1992 ( 1 ♂MPEG ) ; Maranhão : Caxias : Olho d’Άgua, 04°39’32’’S –43°03’61’’W, v.2007 , luz, ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Res. Ecol. Inhamum: Povoado Coités, luz, i.2007 ( 1 ♂ –CZMA); x.2005 , luz, 04°53’27’’S43°24’54’’W ( 1 ♀ –CZMA); Malaise, xii.2005 ( 1 ♀ –CZMA); luminosa, vi. viii.2005 ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 1?–CZMA); ii.2007 ( 1 ♂ –CZMA) ; 04°54’39’’S43°25’16’’W , v.2007 , luz, ( 4 ♂ , 3 ♀INPA ) ; Araguanã: Alto Rio Turiaçu : Res[erva]. Indígena Awaguajá, luminosa, iii.2002 ( 1 ♀ –CZMA) ; Mirador: Zona Rural: Sítio Melância, luminosa, xii.2006 ( 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ –CZMA); Parque Est. Mirador: Base Geraldina, xii.2006 ( 2 ♂ –CZMA); Bahia : Senhor do Bonfim : Serra de Santana , UTM: 367691/8850126, x.2005 ( 2 ♂ –MZUEFS) ; 10°23’23”S40°11’59”W , v.2007 , luz ( 2 ♂ , 3 ♀INPA ) ; Lençóis, light trap , x.1999 ( 1 ♀ –MZUEFS); Serra de Orobó , vii.2004 ( 1 ♀ –MZUEFS); Cachoeira Faz. Vila Rial , 14°36’23’’S38°53’47’’W , v.2007 , luz ( 2 ♀INPA ) ; Santa Catarina : Itapema , i.1976 , ( 1 ♀DZUP ) .