A review of the genus Hoplistomerus Macquart, 1838 (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae) Author Londt, Jason G. H. text African Invertebrates 2007 2007-12-31 48 2 167 198 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7667859 2305-2562 7667859 Hoplistomerus garambensis Oldroyd, 1970 Figs 14–17 Hoplistomerus garambensis : Oldroyd 1970: 246–247 (fig. 27 ơ genitalia); 1980: 350 (catalogue). Diagnosis: Size: Moderate (wing length from humeral cross-vein to tip 8–11 mm ). Head : Eye wider than face (in anterior view measured at level of greatest head width). Relative proportions of antennal segments (scape, pedicel and postpedicel) 1.0:0.9:? (i.e. scape and pedicel approximately equal; postpedicel missing). Thorax : Presutural macroseta(e) absent. Anepisternal macroseta absent. Prosternal ventromedial setation short to absent. Male metatibial spur small. Scutellum with a transverse groove at midlength. Wing cell m 3 with microtrichia limited to a narrow posterior strip. Prothoracic coxa and prosternum both dark red-brown. Prothoracic femur orange ventrally, dark red-brown dorsally. Abdomen : T3 setulae white laterally, golden medially. ơ genitalia as in Figs 14–17 . Type specimens studied: DR CONGO : 1ơ holotype , ‘Holotype’ [orange, printed], ‘ Congo Belge, P. N.G. [= Garamba National Park, 04°10'N : 29°30'E ] / Miss. H. De Saeger / Ppk. 14/g/2, 4-iv-1952 / H. De Saeger. 3282 [savane arborescente]’ [white, printed], ‘ Hoplistomerus / garambensis Oldr / det. H. Oldroyd, 1965 / Holotype’ [white, mostly handwritten] (MRAC). 1^paratype , ‘Paratype’, ‘ Congo Belge, P. N.G. / Miss. H. De Saeger / Ppk.14/g/7 [not I/a/i], 4-iv-1952 / H. De Saeger.3298 [not 483]’, ‘ Hoplistomerus / garambensis Oldr / det. H. Oldroyd, 1965 / Paratype’ (MRAC). 1^paratype , ‘Paratypus’, ‘ Congo belge, P.N.G. / Miss. H. De Saeger / Akam [= Aka, 03°50'N : 28°57'E ], 19-v-1950 / Réc, H. De Saeger. 529’ (MRAC). Notes: Oldroyd lists the holotype and three female paratypes stating that they are in IPNC ( Institut des Parcs Nationaux (du Congo ), Bruxelles ). Oldroyd’s first listed paratype does not have ‘ Same data as holotype’—instead of 3282 it is numbered 3298. His second paratype ‘483. 1/a/1. 1^5.v.1950 ’ was not sent to me for study. Full label data for Oldroyd’s third paratype , gender not stated, are provided above. This is also a female. Types seen by me are all in MRAC, not IPNC . Oldroyd (1970: 248, fig. 26) compared the genitalia to erythropus , but see discussion above. Distribution and biology: Known only from the type series from the Democratic Republic of Congo , collected in November, April and May.