Revision of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) Author Lee, Sangmi Author Brown, Richard L. text Zootaxa 2008 1818 1 55 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.182949 834831a3-c0b8-44fa-b357-c14c05822909 1175-5326 182949 Arcutelphusa gen. nov. Type species: Arcutelphusa talladega sp. nov. Description. Imago. Antenna longer than half forewing length. Clypeus with ventral margin rounded. Labial palpus with third segment shorter than second. Ocellus present. Posterior area of sitophore with four campaniform sensilla in asymmetrical trapezoid, posterior pair closer together than anterior pair; anterior area with four campaniform sensilla. Forewing (length/width ratio 4.3) with tufts of raised scales, median and postmedian fasciae confluent, transverse, R4 and R5 stalked, R4+5 and M1 separate, M2 and M3 connate, CuA1 and CuA2 present ( Fig. 14 ). Hindwing (length/width ratio 3.7) with R5 and M1 stalked, M2, M3, and CuA1 separate, CuA2 present ( Fig. 18 ). Male abdominal tergum VIII subrectangular, sternum with slightly emarginate posterior mesial margin ( Fig. 21 ). Male genitalia ( Fig. 49 ): uncus rounded apically; gnathos horn shaped without basal articulation, subequal in length with uncus; valva divided into saccular and costal parts, costal part sickle shaped, strongly bent at middle, with internal tube and bulbous base, saccular part digitate, one-half length of costal part; tegumen basal width/length 0.9; phallus without cornuti, phallic fulcrum not developed, cornuti absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 50 ): apophyses anteriores about one-half length of apophyses posteriores; apophyses anteriores about 1.5 x length of abdominal segment VIII; ostium bursae surrounded by horseshoe-shaped sclerite; ductus bursae membranous; colliculum in ductus bursae absent; signum a rhomboid plate with finely serrate margins. Diagnosis . Imagos are superficially similar to Pseudotelphusa in wing pattern and color but differ by having the costal part of the valva sickle shaped and bent near the middle. Diversity and distribution. Arcutelphusa is respresented only by the type species that occurs in midsouthern United States . Etymology. The generic name is derived from a combination of the Latin noun “ arcus ” (bend, Latin), referring to the bending of the valval costa, and Telphusa , a basal genus of Teleiodini.