A revision of the genus Andesipolis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Mesostoinae) and redefinition of the subfamily Mesostoinae Author Mitio, Shimbori Eduardo Author Souza, Souza-Gessner Carolina Da Silva Author Maria, Penteado-Dias Angelica Author Richard, Shaw Scott text Zootaxa 2017 4216 2 101 152 journal article 37365 10.5281/zenodo.230717 46b2f9e5-25e0-4b56-8b37-49cdb3fa6f52 1175-5326 230717 0FDBC050-43F2-49D2-B53E-B0C72C5C21DA Andesipolis brevisulcus Shimbori & Penteado-Dias sp. n. ( Figs 12 , 80–84 ) Female. Body length 1.9 mm ; fore wing length 2.1 mm Head . Smooth and polished, with scattered setae; about 1.3x wider than mesoscutum. Face 2.0x broader than long, smooth and polished. Clypeus 2.6x broader than long. Malar space about 0.45x eye height in frontal view. In lateral view, eyes 1.3x longer than temple. Maximum width of lateral ocellus about 0.4x ocell-ocular distance. Antenna about as long as fore wing, 23 segmented; first flagellomere 4.8x longer than wide. Mesosoma . 1.65x longer than high. Mesonotum 1.2x longer than width of mesoscutum. Pronotum dorsally with weakly crenulate to smooth sulcus and distinct mid-longitudinal carina anteriorly, posteriorly smooth with arched and virtually smooth sulcus; about 0.8x longer than vertex, the posterior region less than 2x the length of anterior region; anterior region in distinct lower level as compared with posterior region; laterally smooth with pronotal groove crenulate anteriorly, few scattered setae along posterior margin and ventrally. Mesonotum smooth and polished; mesoscutum with scattered setae medially and anteriorly, scutellar sulcus bare, scutellum mostly bare, with scattered setae at posterior apex; notauli very weak to virtually absent dorsally, shallow and smooth; mid pit short and narrow, 0.33x the length of mesoscutum; scutellum 1.4x longer than wide, smooth and polished; scutellar sulcus 0.33x longer than wide, with one median carina; mesoscutellar trough costate proximally, smooth distally. Metanotum without median carina; laterally smooth with scattered setae. Mesopleuron smooth and polished, mostly bare, with few scattered setae concentrated on anterior corner and ventrally; sternaulus short and virtually smooth. Epicnemial carina present ventrally, incomplete. Metapleuron mostly smooth, rugose just posteriorly near hind coxa, with long and scattered setae. Propodeum smooth and polished with distinct roughly pentagonal areola, some rugosity inside areola anteriorly; with short median carina and two pairs of transverse lateral carinae. Hind coxa 1.66x longer than wide, 0.8x as long as metasomal TI. Hind basitarsus about 0.37x as long as hind tibia. Hind tarsal claws without basal lobe. Wings. Fore wing. Stigma about 3x longer than broad; vein r arising from middle of stigma. Vein r 0.30x longer than vein 3 RSa . Vein 2RS straight, 0.66x longer than 3RSa. Vein 3 RSa 0.61 x 3 RSb and 2.1x as long as vein r-m. Vein 1 Cub about 2.0x vein 1CUa. Vein (RS+M)b distinct, not pigmented. Vein 1-1AC 0.28x longer than vein 2-1 A. Hind wing. Vein M +CU 1.5x longer than 1M. Vein cu-a 0.4x as long as 1M. Vein r-m 0.5x as long as 1M. FIGURES 80–84. Andesipolis brevisulcus sp. n. : 80, habitus; 81, face; 82, head and mesonotum, dorsal; 83, propodeum and metasoma, dorsal, 84, wings. Metasoma . TI 1.6x as long as apical width; rugose to areolate-rugose apically, laterally smooth; dorsal carinae extending over less than half length of tergum and not meeting, but basally connected by weak transverse carina; dorsope deep and large. Metasoma beyond petiole weakly sclerotized; TII about 2x longer than TIII. Ovipositor short and straight, 0.47x as long as hind tibia; ovipositor sheaths about as long as ovipositor. Color . Dark brown. Scapus and pedicel honey yellow. Mandibles yellowish with brown teeth. Palpi pale yellow. Pronotum honey yellow dorsally and ventrally, and brown posteriorly. Propleuron and mesopleuron honey yellow. Legs honey yellow, apical 1/3 of hind tibia and all tarsi brown. Male . Similar to female. Body length 2.2–2.3 mm ; antenna 2.6 mm and with 26 segments; fore wing length 2.4–2.5 mm . Biology. Unknown Comments. This species closely resembles A. cacildis sp. n. The face is about 2x broader than long in A. brevisulcus sp. n. as compared to about 1.5x broader than long in A. cacildis sp. n. The propodeum in A. brevisulcus sp. n. is smooth and polished with complete and roughly pentagonal areola. In A. cacildis sp. n. propodeum has a mat surface due to irregularly strigate microsculpturing and frequently incomplete and roughly triangular areola. These two species also differ in the short basal mid-longitudinal ridge on T1, present in A cacildis sp. n. but absent in A. brevisulcus sp. n. , and the mesopleuron dark brown in A. cacildis sp. n. , as compared with honey yellow in A. brevisulcus sp. n. Distribution. Known only from type locality at Itatiaia National Park, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil , at 2,255 m of elevation (montane grasslands). Etymology. The species name means “short furrow” and refers to its short midpit on mesoscutum. Material examined. Holotype , female ( DCBU 210442 ): “ Itatiaia , RJ, Brasil / PARNA de Itatiaia / S 22°23’38.9” W 44°39’59,7” / Pensa-Rio Malaise 0 7 / 27.ii.2014 2255 m / R.F. Monteiro col.” Paratypes (2♂) (DCBU 210443210444 ). Same as holotype, different dates: 1♂, 25.IV.2014 ; 1♂, 30.V.2012 .