Trichopeltariidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura), A New Family And Superfamily Of Eubrachyuran Crabs With Description Of One New Genus And Five New Species Author Tavares, One New Genus And Five New Species Marcos .. Museu. de. Zoologia,. Universidade. de. São. Paulo,. Caixa. Postal. 42.494,. 04218 - 970,. São. Paulo,. SP,. Brasil .. E-mail:. mdst @ usp. br. Author Cleva, Régis .. Muséum. national. d’Histoire. naturelle,. Direction. des. Collections,. Crustacés,. case. postale. 53,. 61. rue. Buffon,. 75231. Paris. Cedex. 05,. France .. E-mail:. cleva @ mnhn. fr. Author Contents, Table Of text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2010 São Paulo 2010-12-31 50 9 97 157 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492010000900001 1807-0205 Trichopeltarion parvum sp. nov. ( Figures 27 A-F; 28A-B) Material examined: . Solomon. Islands ,. SALOMON. 2,. Alis , . stn CP 2228,. 06°34.7’S- 156°10.5’E ,. 609-625 m ,. Bouchet. et al. . coll.. Nov 2004 :. holotype . . 11.5 x 10.5 mm . ( MNHN-B31972 );. Solomon. Islands ,. SALOMONBOA. 3,. stn CP 2825,. 10°25’S- 162°02’E ,. 532-883 m ,. Richer. de. Forges. &. Boisselier. coll.,. 20 Sep 2007 ,. 1 ♀ . 21.5 x 19.9 mm . ( MNHN-B32398 ) . Type locality: . Solomon.Islands ,. 06°34.7’S- 156°10.5’E ,. 609-625 m . Description of the holotype : .Small. Trichopeltarion . .Carapace.pentagonal,.distinctly.longer.than.wide,.slightly. arched.transversally,.moderately.arched.longitudinally,.entirely.covered.with.serrate.setae..Front.cut.into. three. prominent,. forward. directed,. slightly. curved. downward. teeth.. Frontal. teeth. bordered. with. setae,. devoid. of. barbs;. central. tooth. spatuliform. in. dorsal. view,.tip.rounded,.longer.than.laterals;.lateral.rostral. teeth. acute,. reaching. to. little. more. than. two-thirds. of. central. tooth.length..Orbits. small,. directed. laterally;.ocular.peduncles.short,.freely.movable,.not.fully. retractable.into.orbital.cavity;.cornea.small,.nearly.unpigmented..Orbital.teeth.weak,.lobe-like,.barbs.lacking..Innerorbital.low,,,.U-shaped. gap;,;.second.supraorbital.shortest,,.;.exorbital., acute. tubercle,. with. distinct. dorsal. bump.. Hepatic,. first,.and.second.epibranchial,.and.first.metabranchial. teeth. distinct,. progressively. decreasing. in. size. from.,.barbs.lacking..Hepatic.tooth.strongest,. curved. forward,. ending. in. small,. rounded. tubercle;. first.epibranchial.tooth.directed.outwards, two,. small,. rounded. tubercles;. second. epibranchial. tooth. showing. as. large. boss. crested. with. one. small,. rounded. tubercle;. first. metabranchial. showing. as. smooth,. small. boss.. Posterior. margin. only. slightly. concave. axially,. smooth. except. for. row. of. minute. granules,.more.developed.laterally..Carapace.grooves. shallow,.little.distinct..Hepatic,.gastric,.and.epibranchial.regions.swollen,.smooth. FIGURE 24: . Trichopeltarion paradextrum . sp. nov.. A-B, Holotype. male. 29.2 x 25.0 mm. (ZRC.2002-0635).. A, General. dorsal. view.. B, FIGURE 25: . Trichopeltarion paradextrum .sp. nov.,.paratype.male.22.0 x 18.8 mm.(ZRC.2001-0501). Thoracic .sternum.smooth,. sparsely.pilose.. Pair. of. tubercles. of. abdominal. locking. system. distinct,. placed.near.sternal.suture.5/6. Chelipeds. equal. in. size. and. shape,. densely. pilose.. Dactylus. delicate,. regularly. and. gently. curved. downward;.densely.setose.dorsally,.smooth,.except.for. few,.sparse.tubercles;.sulcated.along.lateral.and.mesial. sides,.sulci.densely.setose;.cutting.edge.with.low.teeth.. Fixed.finger.almost.straight,.curved.upwards.distally;. sulcated. along. lateral. and. mesial. sides,.sulci.densely. setose.. Carpus. smooth. dorsally,. lateral. surface. with. sparse.tubercles;.inner.anterolateral.angle.with.acute. tooth.. P2-5. densely. setose;. dactili. markedly. longer. than.propodi; second.epibranchial.tooth. Female. abdomen. of. six. free. segments. and. telson;. telson. and. segments. sparsely. setose,. smooth.. Complementary. parts. of. abdominal. locking. system. present,.functional. Etymology:,. neuteur.adjective. parvum , .meaning.small. Remarks: Trichopeltarion parvum .sp. nov.. is.most.different. from.the. remaining. species. in. the. genus.. It. is. characters.which.include.carapace.pentagonal,.almost. completely.smooth;.carapace.grooves.shallow,.little.distinct;.hepatic,.gastric,. and.epibranchial. regions.swollen;.orbital.teeth.weak,.lobe-like;.innerorbital.low,,.U-shaped. gap;.innerorbital.and. second.supraorbital.,;.second.supraorbital.shortest, exorbital.tooth;.hepatic,.first,.and.second.epibranchial,. and.first.metabranchial.teeth.distinct,,.barbs.lacking. Distribution: .Known.only.from.the.Solomon.Islands,. between.532.and.883.meters.depth.