The South American genus Lagideus Konow (Hymenoptera: Pergidae: Syzygoniinae), a Supplement Author Smith, David R. text Zootaxa 2012 3413 1 18 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.281904 8cc68a0c-ce2b-48dd-8a3b-6f8f39de9250 1175-5326 281904 Lagideus tapanti Smith , new species ( Figs. 13, 14 , 22 , 30 , 34) Female. Length, 7.5 mm. Antenna black; outer surface of scape white. Head black; labrum white. Thorax and abdomen black, sheath brown. Legs black with outer surface of fore femur, foretibia except apex, basal 3 foretarsomeres, basal half of midtibia, midtarsus, basal two-thirds of hind femur, and extreme base of hind tibia white. Wings slightly uniformly infuscate; veins and stigma black. Head: Vertex and frons shiny, without punctures; covered with fine white hairs. Antennal length about 1.6 × head width; antennomeres 3–7 serrate, each broader at apex than at base; antennomeres 5–7 about 2 × longer than broad; antennomere 3 slightly longer than 4. Malar space distinct, about 0.75 diameter of front ocellus. Thorax: Hind basitarsomere slightly longer than length of remaining tarsal segments combined. Inner hind tibial spur about 0.60 length of hind basitarsomere. Abdomen: Sheath in lateral view straight above, rounded below, in dorsal view broad at base and tapering to acute apex (similar to Smith 1990 : fig. 293). Lancet ( Fig. 22 ) with about 16 serrulae, serrulae rounded, with fine anterior and posterior subbasal teeth, decreasing in depth toward apex; annuli 2–13 with spines, spines of uniform width on dorsal and ventral halves, and about half width of segments. Male. Length, 5.5 mm. Similar to female except hind tibia black and base of antennomeres 2 and 3 white. Antennomeres 3–8 bifurcate, inner ramus of antennomere 3 very short (as in Fig. 25 ). Genitalia as in Figs. 30, 34 ; parameres rounded apically, central indentation about two-thirds length of parameres; penis valve with valviceps rounded at apex, straight and almost rectangular, without distinct dorso-apical lobe. Type material. Holotype female “ Costa Rica , Quebrada Segunda Ref., Nac. Fauna Silv. Tapanti, 1250 m , Prov. Cartago, R. Vargas, abr 1992 , L-N 194000 560000, Costa Rica INBIO CRI 000 459525” ( INBio ). Paratype : Costa Rica , Quebrada Segunda, P.N. Tapanti, 1200 m , Prov. Cartago, Set. 1991 , G. Mora, L-N-194000, 560000, Costa Rica INBIO , CRI 001 302047 (1 3, INBio ) Etymology. The name is from the type locality, Tapanti National Park, a noun in apposition. Remarks. The nearly entirely black color and lancet ( Fig. 22 ) with the spines on the annuli of uniform length for the width of the lancet on annuli 2–13 will distinguish the female of this species. It will key to couplet 14, L. oranus , in my 1990 key. In L. oranus , the antennae are filiform, without apical projections, the sheath is more truncated at its apex in lateral view, and the lancet has about 23 serrulae with the spines on annuli 4 and extending to nearly the apex of the lancet. In the male, the short inner ramus of antennomere 3 is similar to L. longicus , but there are slight differences in the shapes of the parameres and penis valves ( Figs. 29–34 ), and the hind femur is two-thirds white and hind tibia white at its base. It will not key in my 1990 key because I had no males with this type of antenna ( Fig. 25 ) at that time. The male antenna is similar to that of L. longicus , but the basal antennomeres are white. The preceding revised portions of my 1990 key will help distinguish both sexes of this species from similar species.