Taxonomic review of the mantidfly genus Nolima Navas (Neuroptera, Mantispidae, Calomantispinae) Author Reynoso-Velasco, Daniel Author Contreras-Ramos, Atilano text ZooKeys 2019 853 131 158 journal article 1313-2970-853-131 6EF212ACB6B44033A60B362497B6333E Nolima victor Navas , 1914 Figs 3B, 5, 7, 10 Nolima victor Navas , 1914: 101 (original description); Rehn 1939 : 256-257 (systematics); Penny 1977 : 36 (species list); Penny 1982 : 213 (systematics); Oswald et al. 2002 : 580 (species list, distribution); Ohl 2004 : 158 (species list); Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2008 : 704-708 (species list, distribution, illustrations, as Nolima sp. 1); Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2009 : 710-711 (species list, distribution); Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2010 : 270-272 (species list, distribution); Cancino-Lopez et al. 2015 : 203, 205, 208 (species list, distribution, systematics). Nolima praeliator Navas , 1914: 101-102 (original description); Rehn 1939 : 256-257, 260-261 (systematics); Penny 1977 : 36 (species list); Oswald et al. 2002 : 580 (species list, distribution); Ohl 2004 : 158 (species list); Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2008 : 708 (species list) Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2010 : 270 (distribution) (new synonym). Nolima pugnax ( Navas ), 1914: 103 (original description); Henry et al. 1992 : 449 (species list); Ohl 2004 : 158 (species list) (new synonym). Diagnosis. It differs from other Nolima species as follows: a) male terga I-VIII with polygonal structures (Fig. 10D, E), b) male ectoprocts with membrane between apexes sclerotized, c) male ectoprocts with dorsal margin straight (Fig. 10E, F), d) male ectoprocts with scattered setae (Fig. 10 E-G ), e) gonarcus narrowly rounded (Fig. 10H), and f) pseudopenis not slender apically (Fig. 10I). Notes. The original description of Nolima victor apparently was based on at least two specimens because in that work, Navas (1914) provided measurement ranges of the body and wings. However, during the first author's visit to the NHMUK he only found one specimen, which is herein designated as the lectotype. In the same work, Navas (1914) described N. praeliator but reported only one measurement for the length of body and wings, suggesting the description was based on a single specimen, although Navas reported two specimens, one from Omiltemi and the other from Xucumanatlan . The latter was also reported as the type locality of N. victor . During the first author's visit to the NHMUK he found only the specimen of N. praeliator collected in Omiltemi, which was clearly identified as the type. The specimen from Xucumanatlan cited in the original description of N. praeliator may have been the specimen used to describe N. victor . It is possible that Navas examined the two specimens from Xucumanatlan for the description of N. victor and erroneously cited one of them in the description of N. praeliator . The three type specimens mentioned in this section are females and as we have previously mentioned, the female genital structures are conserved and do not provide sufficient information for species identification. After examination and mainly based on characteristics of the forelegs (e.g., position of chalazae, pigmentation), we concluded the specimens were conspecific. Thus, we propose N. praeliator and N. pugnax as junior synonyms of N. victor . Even when the three species were described in the same work, the author clearly stated ( Navas 1914 , p. 21) that N. victor was the type species of the genus. Thus, this name has precedence and is the valid name for the species. Description. Male. Head. Vertex with M-shaped mark bifurcated behind antennal sockets, one branch extending posteriorly parallel to anterior ocular margin, additional branch not extending anteriorly (Fig. 10A); vertex irregular marks that originate posteromedially not converging with upper part of M-shaped mark (Fig. 10A). Frons with a pair of circular marks (Fig. 10A). Antennae 32 to 42-segmented; scape and pedicel without pigmentation on posterior surface. Thorax. Prothorax with pigmentation on pronotum, except narrow pale yellow longitudinal stripe along midline and anterolateral pale yellow oval mark on each side of midline (Fig. 10B). Forecoxa with bristle-bearing chalazae on ventral, lateral, and dorsal surfaces; chalazae bases colored (Fig. 10C). Forefemur with four marks on lateral surface (Fig. 10C), mesal surface with circular mark; dorsal surface with dark brown circular marks at setal bases (Fig. 10C). Foretibia with basal, medial, and apical dorsolateral marks (Fig. 10C). Meso- and metapleuron with pigmentation on anepimeron, anepisternum, katepimeron, katepisternum, and meron. Middle and hind leg with dark setae. Abdomen. Terga I-VIII with polygonal structures, in close contact to each other (Fig. 10D), inconspicuous microsetae along margin of polygonal structures. Sternum IX with setae on entire surface, apex narrowly rounded in lateral view (Fig. 10E). Ectoprocts with dorsal margin straight in lateral view; setae scattered (Fig. 10F, G); membrane between apexes of ectoprocts sclerotized, posteriorly produced (Fig. 10F), broadly rounded in dorsal view (Fig. 10G); basal apodeme of ectoprocts broad, strongly sclerotized (Fig. 10G). Callus cerci obsolete. Gonarcus robust, narrowly rounded (Fig. 10H). Gonocoxite IX with base almost straight (Fig. 10I). Pseudopenis not slender apically (Fig. 10I). Female. Pigmentation and setation generally same as for male. Figure 10. Structures of the male of Nolima victor . A head, frontal B prothorax, lateral C left foreleg, lateral D abdominal terga V-VIII , dorsal E external terminalia, lateral F left ectoproct, lateral G ectoprocts, dorsal H gonarcus, dorsal I internal terminalia, lateral. Variation. Both sexes may exhibit a circular mark on clypeus and one on labrum. The pronotum may be yellowish, with pigmentation only on the chalazae. In females, the bifurcated M-shaped mark on the vertex may present the branch that extends anteriorly, on the frontogenal and epistomal furrows. The irregular marks that originate posteromedially on vertex may be fused to bifurcation of M-shaped mark that extends posteriorly. Also, the antennal scape may exhibit a small mark on the mesal surface and the pedicel may be pigmented on the posterior surface. Sometimes with small circular marks on entire surface of forefemur. Biology and natural history. Based on collecting data from material examined, adults of this species are active from February through October. Etymology. Navas did not specify the etymology of the species name. However, the specific epithet victor is a Latin adjective meaning victorious. According to this, the name could be read as "Molina victorious," a phrase acclaimed by Father Molina's adherents when in 1607 Pope Paul V decided not to condemn the ideas of Molinism. Repository. The lectotype is housed at the NHMUK. Type locality. Mexico : Guerrero: Mpio. Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Xocomanatlan . Distribution. This species is distributed in Mexico (Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro ) and Guatemala (Baja Verapaz) (Fig. 7). Elevation records of this species are the highest known for the genus, ranging from 2,134 to 2,775 meters. This species was previously reported from the Mexican state of Guerrero as N. praeliator . In addition, it was reported as N. pugnax from San Jeronimo , in the Guatemalan department of Baja Verapaz. Herein, the species is reported for the first time from the state of Puebla in central Mexico. Published records. Guatemala: Baja Verapaz; Mexico : Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Queretaro ( Navas 1914 , Penny 1977 , Henry et al. 1992 , Oswald et al. 2002 , Ohl 2004 , Reynoso-Velasco and Contreras-Ramos 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , Cancino-Lopez et al. 2015 ). Type material examined. LECTOTYPE ♀ (by present designation): MEXICO: Guerrero: [Mpio Chilpancingo de los Bravo], Xucumanatlan [ Xocomanatlan ], 7000 ft, July [no year], H.H. Smith [1st label, with antennal flagellum glued], Godman-Salvin Collection 1913-214 [2nd label], Typus [3rd label], Nolima victor ♀ Nav. Navas S.J. det. [4th label], Genitalia prep. in vial on other pin made 20-V-1969, R.G. Beard # 1008 [5th label], Type H.T. [6th label]. Microvial with last abdominal segments of the holotype in glycerine, pinned next to specimen: HOLOTYPE ♀ Nolima victor Navas 1909, ♀ Genitalia in glycerine [1st label], R.G. Beard # 1008 Genitalia prep. of Nolima victor Navas 1909 ♀ Holotype in glycerine [2nd label] (NHMUK). Type material of synonyms examined. [MEXICO]: Guerrero: [Mpio Chilpancingo de los Bravo], Omilteme [Omiltemi], 8000 ft, Aug., H.H. Smith [1st label], Godman-Salvin Collection 1913-214 [2nd label], Nolima praeliator Nav. Navas S.J. det. [3rd label], Typus [4th label], Nolima victor Navas ♀ D. Reynoso-Velasco det. 2008 [5th label], NHMUK 012502477 [6th label] (NHMUK) [SYNTYPE ♀ of N. victor ]. GUATEMALA: [Baja Verapaz]: San Geronimo [ Jeronimo ]. Champion [1st label], Godman-Salvin Collection 1913-214 [2nd label], Bellarminus pugnax Nav. Navas S.J. det. [3rd label], Typus [4th label], Bellarminus pugnax Nav., ♀ type, H.T. genital prep. made by Ragnar Hall 10.XI.1982 [5th label], Nolima victor Navas ♀ D. Reynoso-Velasco det. 2008 [6th label], NHMUK 012502476 [7th label]. Additional material examined. MEXICO : Chiapas: Hwy 199, 11 km NE San Cristobal , 8000 ft, 25-V-1987, D.A. Rider et al. (1♀ TAMU); Mpio. Huixtlan [ Huixtan ], 2.4 km NE Chilil, camino a F[ray] Bartolome , 23-V-1995, M. Giron (1♀ ECOSUR); 10 mi SE Teopisca, 20-VI-1965, Burke et al. (1♀ TAMU); Hidalgo: [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 2300 m, 21- V- 3-VI-2003, Contreras-Ramos & Menchaca-Armenta, Malaise 2 (1♂ CNIN); same but 3- VI- 19-VI-2003 (1♂ CNIN); [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 17- VI- 3-VII-2003, Contreras-Ramos & Melendez-Ordonez , Malaise 1 (1♀ CNIN); [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 16- VII- 19-VIII-2003, Contreras-Ramos, Malaise 1 (1♀ CNIN); [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 20°07'53.4"N , 98°31'38.5"W , 19- VIII- 19-IX-2003, Contreras-Ramos & Menchaca-Armenta, Malaise 1 (1♀ CNIN); [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 20°07'53.4"N , 98°31'38.5"W , 2300 m, 5- IX- 3-X-2005, Melendez-Ordonez & Reynoso-Velasco, Malaise 1 (2♀ CNIN); [Mpio.] Huasca [de Ocampo], R[an]cho Santa Elena, Manantial de Las Vigas, 20°07'52.2"N , 98°31'39"W , 2480 m, 3-31-X-2005, Contreras-Ramos et al., Malaise (1♂ CNIN); same but 23- II- 23-III-2006 (1♀ CNIN); [Mpio. Mineral del Chico], P[arque] N[acional] El Chico, 20°11'18.7"N , 98°44'33.3"W , 2775 m, pine forest, 1- X- 12-X-2002, J. Asiain & J. Marquez , pitfall trap (squid) (1♀ CNIN); Jalisco: Mpio. Degollado, La Sanguijuela, 14-VII-1995, R. Ayala (1♀ EBCH); Morelos: 8 km N Cuernavaca, Hwy 95, 5-IX-1982, C. O'Briend et al. (1 adult without abdomen CAS); Oaxaca: 8 mi SE Nochixtlan , 7500 ft, 13-VIII-1974, W. O'Brien et al. (2♀ CAS); Puebla: [Mpio. Nicolas Bravo], 4 miles east of Azumbilla, 22-VII-1984, Carroll et al. (1♀ TAMU); Queretaro : 4.5 km Carr[etera] La Lagunita-Tilaco, N 21 12 75, O 99 14 18, 27-II-1998, E. Barrera & G. Ortega (1♀ CNIN).