Description of five new spiders from Canada (Araneae: Linyphiidae) Author Dupérré, Nadine Author Paquin, Pierre text Zootaxa 2007 1632 1 20 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179433 588b73cc-c94f-4f39-a203-be5f532102ee 1175-5326 179433 Tapinotorquis new genus Type species. Tapinotorquis yamaskensis new species . Diagnosis. The genus Tapinotorquis is distinguished from closely related genera of the Tapinocyba group ( sensu Millidge 1977 :15) by the combination of following characters: small spiders (0.98–1.09); tibia I–III with two dorsal macrosetae, tibia IV with one dorsal macroseta; metatarsus I with dorsal trichobothrium (Tm I 0.31–0.33); male cephalothorax unmodified; paracymbium flat, with large apical part, proximal part inconspicuous, bearing setae; sperm duct (SD) making a coil in the tegulum ( Fig. 38 ), and running through the upper portion of the distal part of the tegulum ( Fig. 42 ). Females are characterized by the copulatory openings situated on the upright slit of the ventral plate ( Fig. 43 ). Distribution. Northeastern North America . Etymology. Masculine genus. The stem: Tapino- refers to the close affinity of this genus to the Tapinocyba group defined by Millidge (1977) and the ending - torquis : a ring, refers to the form of the sperm duct in the tegulum of the male palp.